Things that sh*t me the fifteenth part

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Thread has been rolled over to Part 16 here


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Maniac if he is going to try and get a brown!

Nah. He's just going to see if he can tell what it is. If it's a brown we'll call a snake catcher.
I have mates who catch deadly snakes for fun. Just pick them up, make it look so easy and effortless.

They go driving around at night and find them in alleys and lanes, pick them up, take a picture, put them in a bag and drop them outside of town.

Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using Tapatalk

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My email . It’s going wierd for some reason, refuses to show my new emails. My son fixed it, now the same thing is happening. I really need my email for a zoom meeting tomorrow.
My email . It’s going wierd for some reason, refuses to show my new emails. My son fixed it, now the same thing is happening. I really need my email for a zoom meeting tomorrow.

the missus email always shits itself - does my ****ing head in. Shit its self in that she wont get new emails for a few days at a time for some reason. Always seems to happen when she urgently needs to get an email (custody battle, holiday plans, school stuff, family matters etc).

Ive told her to get a new email address everytime but no, she knows better....ill bite my tongue until the next time it shits itself when she really needs to receive an email (it may also help if she read half of her emails and deleted them/and unsubscribed from shit she obliviously isnt interested in)
My email . It’s going wierd for some reason, refuses to show my new emails. My son fixed it, now the same thing is happening. I really need my email for a zoom meeting tomorrow.
Is it a work email? Our server has lost its shit with us returning to the office this week. Like it can’t figure out why after working from home for so long we’re now all in the office again
I work in customer service for a company whose main form of business is an app, we also have a website that customers that can use.
So when there are tech issues with that app, what infuriates me about that this is the number of customers that:
1. Don't know how to delete the app and reinstall the app.
2. Don't know whether they have an iPhone or Samsung
3. Don't know how to access the app whilst staying on the phone
4. Don't know the difference between wifi and mobile data
5. Don't know how to use the "Forgot Username" feature on the website
6. Don't know how to access the website, and google for that matter
7. Don't know what Safari is on their phone

I work in customer service for a company whose main form of business is an app, we also have a website that customers that can use.
So when there are tech issues with that app, what infuriates me about that this is the number of customers that:
1. Don't know how to delete the app and reinstall the app.
2. Don't know whether they have an iPhone or Samsung
3. Don't know how to access the app whilst staying on the phone
4. Don't know the difference between wifi and mobile data
5. Don't know how to use the "Forgot Username" feature on the website
6. Don't know how to access the website, and google for that matter
7. Don't know what Safari is on their phone


Support: "Oh I see, do you still have the box and all the packaging the phone came in..?"
Customer: "Oh yes, I think so"
Support: "Good, can you go and locate it, I'll wait on the line"
Customer: "Oh Ok, give me a few minutes"
Customer: "Hello, right I've got the box and the packaging etc., now what?"
Support: "OK good, right, turn off your phone, carefully pack you phone, charger, accessories back in the box
Customer: "OK, rightio done that, now what?"
Support: "Great, now find a garbage bin and throw it in there - you don't deserve to own a modern device, you f***ing moron..!"
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I work in customer service for a company whose main form of business is an app, we also have a website that customers that can use.
So when there are tech issues with that app, what infuriates me about that this is the number of customers that:
1. Don't know how to delete the app and reinstall the app.
2. Don't know whether they have an iPhone or Samsung
3. Don't know how to access the app whilst staying on the phone
4. Don't know the difference between wifi and mobile data
5. Don't know how to use the "Forgot Username" feature on the website
6. Don't know how to access the website, and google for that matter
7. Don't know what Safari is on their phone


I started a new job last year with a direct customer service role, and part of my role last year was helping people with their questions about the company app - that included helping people download it. We tried to encourage folks to download it themselves but we could help if needed, rather than us just doing it for them

Some were great to deal with, and even if they were a bit slower to do certain this, it wasn't hard to sit down & chat with them while we sorted it out. Others absolutely did my head in... The iPhone vs Samsung/Android was a common issue, I use Apple but learnt to use Samsung through their owners inability to do so

The two most infuriating -
  • A woman who was with her teenage son, she wanted to download the app & she essentially shoved her phone in my face. I took a step back & started to try giving some basic instructions
  • I could see she had an Apple, so started with "Open the App store"...'What's that'; that should have been the warning this wasn't going anywhere
  • We get the App store open, search for the App and I have to tell her to download by double clicking (as per the phones instructions)
  • The next step is enter password and she just gave me this blank look; I say she's going to need to enter her password & she asked me what her password is...
Needless to say we didn't get the app installed as it got too difficult

  • The next one was a couple with a Samsung phone. We get the app download & then trying to register, so it goes like
  • "Type your email address, press enter and then return to your home screen without pressing the back button on the app"
  • They pressed the back button on the app; need to get to emails without resetting the email screen as a code is sent to your email & pressing back resets the code as you need to re-enter your email address to get to the next screen
  • We to through this 5 or 6 times because they can't work out how to go to the home screen without going backwards within the app; after that I took the phone off them and just did it all
  • First time I've used a Samsung smart phone, so I was pretty happy with myself 😂
I started a new job last year with a direct customer service role, and part of my role last year was helping people with their questions about the company app - that included helping people download it. We tried to encourage folks to download it themselves but we could help if needed, rather than us just doing it for them

Some were great to deal with, and even if they were a bit slower to do certain this, it wasn't hard to sit down & chat with them while we sorted it out. Others absolutely did my head in... The iPhone vs Samsung/Android was a common issue, I use Apple but learnt to use Samsung through their owners inability to do so

The two most infuriating -
  • A woman who was with her teenage son, she wanted to download the app & she essentially shoved her phone in my face. I took a step back & started to try giving some basic instructions
  • I could see she had an Apple, so started with "Open the App store"...'What's that'; that should have been the warning this wasn't going anywhere
  • We get the App store open, search for the App and I have to tell her to download by double clicking (as per the phones instructions)
  • The next step is enter password and she just gave me this blank look; I say she's going to need to enter her password & she asked me what her password is...
Needless to say we didn't get the app installed as it got too difficult

  • The next one was a couple with a Samsung phone. We get the app download & then trying to register, so it goes like
  • "Type your email address, press enter and then return to your home screen without pressing the back button on the app"
  • They pressed the back button on the app; need to get to emails without resetting the email screen as a code is sent to your email & pressing back resets the code as you need to re-enter your email address to get to the next screen
  • We to through this 5 or 6 times because they can't work out how to go to the home screen without going backwards within the app; after that I took the phone off them and just did it all
  • First time I've used a Samsung smart phone, so I was pretty happy with myself 😂
I think this type of job would be easier if we were just handed the phones and then we just dealt with the issue for them. But I feel like when I'm 60-70, I'm going to struggle using whatever new technology there is in the future. Though I do have customer in their 20s that don't even know how to use a mobile.

It's hard being on the other end of the phone where I can't see what they are doing, because when you try to describe to them what to do, they get flustered with the situation and just want to give up.

I can relate to the second example that you have there. I feel like there should be a strike out rule with dealing with this. 3 stupid questions and we cancel their account.
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