Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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90% of women don't like men in pink shirts. But that's ok because 90% of men in pink shirts don't like women.
Well I look good in a grey suit with a pink shirt, and I'm like catnip to the ladeez. If only I could rock a folded pocket handkerchief and flower in my buttonhole I'd be swooning the glams with the best of them.

ben nodding.gif
I remember bonfires in the back yard in the early to mid 80s

Dad used to throw petrol on it if it was smoking too much from damp leaves
I remember 'bonfire night' growing up in Sydney where the community would gather and just throw any old shit on a massive fire. This was in the 80s.

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In my heyday i wore the gaudiest boots i could find. Rocker a pair of bright gold hummels with purple laces one season (and this is 15 years ago).

Thankfully i was tough and nails and a ****ing gun.

Id be black boots if i made a comeback now for sure.

Watch out we got a badarse over here!

Chuck Liddell used to paint his nails pink back in the day, i mean when you're that tough you can do what the **** you want I guess (you'd know about this!)
Pissed off my ex with a dumb comment. Probably going to get silent treatment for a while. That's not necessarily a bad thing but I'm not great with having people angry at me.
Spotted the mistake within a few words, who talks to their ex to begin with?
Continuation of the eBay purchase that never arrived. Seller contacted me again recently and noted my "delivery method". I get most of my internet purchases sent directly to my local post office itself. Then an email alert telling me to come and collect it.

The seller now wants me to go to the post office and get my item.

The thing is I've already done this twice after the last delivery date was missed. The item (4k movie) isn't there at all!!

I lost hope ages ago
I'm contemplating reordering the same item elsewhere.

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Thank you! It's so stressful - I was only gone a week and I think it's made it worse, because they've just left things for me to fix.
We were discussing recently at work what is the optimum length of leave at landed on 3 weeks.

1 week - never stop thinking about work and no-one covers you as "it's only a week"
2 weeks - first week still getting into holiday mode; second week thinking about returning. Also still come back to a shitload of work piled up.
3 weeks - at least a solid week where you're not thinking about work and long enough for someone else to have to do your work while you're away.
4+ weeks - thoughts of retirement start creeping in and it's a mental mountain to climb when you go back to work.
We were discussing recently at work what is the optimum length of leave at landed on 3 weeks.

1 week - never stop thinking about work and no-one covers you as "it's only a week"
2 weeks - first week still getting into holiday mode; second week thinking about returning. Also still come back to a shitload of work piled up.
3 weeks - at least a solid week where you're not thinking about work and long enough for someone else to have to do your work while you're away.
4+ weeks - thoughts of retirement start creeping in and it's a mental mountain to climb when you go back to work.

my wife has been told she has to take holidays, i think she has to take 4 months off, come back for a few weeks andf then take another 3 months off, i think she can negotiate, the last 3 months as 1 day a week as they keep postponing the first lot of holidays, she is dreading going back to work as they only have people doing her role in between their own work
my wife has been told she has to take holidays, i think she has to take 4 months off, come back for a few weeks andf then take another 3 months off, i think she can negotiate, the last 3 months as 1 day a week as they keep postponing the first lot of holidays, she is dreading going back to work as they only have people doing her role in between their own work
I was once told I couldnā€™t take the leave Iā€™d arranged months before unless I - I - could find someone (on the staff) to do my job while I was away. All that was required was someone to field telephone enquiries, not anything else. No one would do it. I went on holiday anyway šŸ˜‰
my wife has been told she has to take holidays, i think she has to take 4 months off, come back for a few weeks andf then take another 3 months off, i think she can negotiate, the last 3 months as 1 day a week as they keep postponing the first lot of holidays, she is dreading going back to work as they only have people doing her role in between their own work
Wow, it's poor management to allow someone to accumulate that much leave. I assume there is some long service leave in there?
I'm using up my long service in October to go to Europe with mates for 3 weeks. I had to use 6 weeks of it for long covid so that sucked. But it looks like I'll be heading back to Melbourne at the end of the year so it doesn't really matter in the long run.
Thank you! It's so stressful - I was only gone a week and I think it's made it worse, because they've just left things for me to fix.
thats the worst, especially if there are others that should be covering stuff

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Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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