Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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na she's been judged at fault already, she pulled out in front of me to turn into a side street, had nowhere to go
That's good, our car got written off (kinda good), and we got a new car and a pretty healthy payout of circa 22k, on a car we only payed 32k for 2 years ago.

RACV were great to deal with for us.

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Earphones are provided with every phone aren’t they?
They've stopped including headphones and wall chargers now in most phones

No headphone jack port sucks

I hate it, makes me full old man yelling at clouds
I've resigned myself to the age of the $15 pint when I go out.
I was unprepared today to greet the age of the $15 schooner. Whoa
I've resigned myself to the age of the $15 pint when I go out.
I was unprepared today to greet the age of the $15 schooner. Whoa
The first $14 glass of wine shocked me. Now there’s 3 inches of wine (firmly marked on the glass) for $14 and 2 inches for $9 😟.

It’s like a number of years ago when I went to the supermarket to buy a packet of laundry detergent and was surprised to find it had all been removed from the shelves. WTF?

The next time I went, it was back. But. The packaging was a bit different but the price was now 3 or 4 times what it had been before!
Yeah cheeky bastards are doing everything under the sun to push pints to $20.

$15 for schooner is robbery. What does that make a pot? 9.50 Pot. Insane

Don't blame the pubs. Blame the government tax on alcohol and landlords charging an arm and a leg for rent.
I think a pub should introduce escalating prices. First middy dunno $4-$5. Second $7. Third $9. Or something like that. Get some foot traffic and for people who buy say 4-5 it would be the same cost anyway but maybe a few would come in for a couple and then buy some bar snacks or even a full meal.
Dunno. Just spitballing here.

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I've resigned myself to the age of the $15 pint when I go out.
I was unprepared today to greet the age of the $15 schooner. Whoa
You know inflation has really hit hard when the Wharfie and Hooker pub is selling $15 schooners
I think a pub should introduce escalating prices. First middy dunno $4-$5. Second $7. Third $9. Or something like that. Get some foot traffic and for people who buy say 4-5 it would be the same cost anyway but maybe a few would come in for a couple and then buy some bar snacks or even a full meal.
Dunno. Just spitballing here.
Yeh I can see that making the bar peoples lives real easy

“ Waddya talking about ? This is only my second drink !”

You know inflation has really hit hard when the Wharfie and Hooker pub is selling $15 schooners
In fairness, this was an airport beer and holiday money isn't real money but still.
And the cocktails young people are fond of are way more than that! 😳
I hate paying $5 for a coke at the pub. I used to do the bar work at the local footy club and I can’t believe how much people spend on grog on a night out.
Lol 15 dollars is cheap. Ive often paid 50 dollars plus for cocktails and glasses of wine overseas in aud terms.
Everything is relative.

I paid 9 Euro for a bottle of Vodka in Paris in 2012. It's hardly relevant.

$15 for a pint of beer is very steep.

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