Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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i understand the point you are trying to make and there can be no doubt being a parent is hard, but it is not an excuse to disrupt the lives of others.

if you plan ahead enough to bring 2 iPads to a proper restaurant, the least you can do is bring 2 sets of headphones.

if you and your wife got a babysitter and went out for much needed date to relax, would you be happy sitting next to a table of 4 with 2 kids playing games on an iPad on high volume through the shitty tinny speakers?
I was more coming from the perspective of children may not want to wear headphones.

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It also shits me they come in hard cardboard which makes it hard to rip up for recycling

I need a band saw to make it smaller
Whenever I have a cardboard box I need to dispose of I always rip it up, put it in my garden and put mulch over the top. Great for preventing weeds.
Talking about loudspeaker
There's a person at the gym listening to a podcast or audio book on speaker

Clearly not that interested because they wander off without their phone out of range frequently
On my return trip from QLD I had to put up with screaming kids behind me (different circumstances, well aware they'd be throwing tantrums from due to ears popping etc) but the parents were oblivious and laughing along.

My tv box is stored along the wall in my garage. Would have be a nightmare without it when I moved.

One old TV box is used to cover an "outside" TV that's mostly used during summer.

Current thing that annoys me (self inflicted), I haven't been taking all of my entitled breaks during the day. Thus when I've had my main break I've over eaten. Now I'm returning back to my old routine but I get hungry at the wrong times now lol.
yeah getting rid of the pacakaging can take a while

we moved house a couple of years ago and as part of that we got some new furniture and appliances including a new TV

took a good year to get rid of all of the packaging, not just the cardboard but the foam and other stuff as well
You need a worm farm and compost bin for that cardboard

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Nah yeah nah you can overload the worm farm with cardboard, I rip up thin corrugated cardboard and soak it for a couple of minutes and stick it under a layer of food.
I only use the cardboard as damp top cover, but it disappears quite quickly in the warmer months. Most of my cardboard goes into compost
People that pump fuel by coming in the wrong way.

We've got a servo near us that's always cheaper, hence it's always busy. Rather than be patient, people drive around to the front of the servo and then pull up facing the rear. This then makes it a logistical nightmare to get out because they're now facing the people that are queueing patiently.
The corollary to this is the line of cars blocking the entrance because all the left-side pumps are occupied.

It seems to have left the collective consciousness that if your petrol cap is on the left, you can pull up to a pump on the right and the hose will reach across...
The corollary to this is the line of cars blocking the entrance because all the left-side pumps are occupied.

It seems to have left the collective consciousness that if your petrol cap is on the left, you can pull up to a pump on the right and the hose will reach across...
I always reach it over. I don't have time to waste

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Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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