Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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It's when your mother sends a condolences card signing off with "LOL".

No it doesn't mean "Lots of love".
For the vasectomy?
Or was that just mine?
In the past I had received the odd text from my mum that included 'FU'

Where she worked that abbreviation meant, follow-up - I had to explain to her that's definitely not what it meant in the real world, so be careful to not use is and that because texts no longer have character limits it's ok to spell full words

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OMFG I've been trying to listen to the "presidential" "debate" and gave up after half an hour.

The world's ****ed. If Trump wins, the death throes may be a little longer. That's all.
Would not surprise me if in 5 years all that is going to be remembered is this meme-worthy answer

Got my arse ripped out in a work meeting today. Boss wanted status updates on a massive project we're working on but it was smoothed over when I said i had concepts of a plan.
Next time the wife asks how long ill be up the pub and how i'm getting home ill hit her with "Ive got concepts of a plan" and she'll be amazed at my foresight
"You going to mow the lawn today?"
"I have concepts of mowing the lawn"

Are you asking pistol personal information?

Ill Allow It Spanish GIF
"Safety Features" on newer cars.

New work vehicle is a BT-50 with all the latest "safety features".

Adaptive cruise control, lane correction, emergency brakes, something or other suppress acceleration, sleeping alarms, etc.

Every single one of them are dangerous and force bad driving habits to 'disengage' them as they are either automatically turned on, or in some cases cannot be turned off at all.

1. Emergency Brakes/Accident avoidance. Approaching a large, dual lane roundabout - speed limit 80. Lanes are wide enough that you can 'sweep' through the corner easily at 75, barely touching the wheel and no brakes required. Not in the BT50. It recognises an obstacle ahead (the inside of the roundabout), so if you cruise in at 75 - it thinks you aren't braking OR turning, so it slams on the emergency brakes and veers you hard left. The first time it happened, it actually wrenched the wheel out of my hands and I barely avoided a crash. To fix, you approach the roundabout way too fast (90+), brake hard into the corner and turn far sharper than needed, then there's no issue. No wonder Tradies all drive like this.

2. Entering an intersection or roundabout in suburbia between flowing traffic. With other cars travelling at a constant speed and great visibility, small gaps in traffic are sufficient to safely enter, transit and leave an intersection. Not in the BT50. If you accelerate while there is a still a car in front of the vehicle, the car 'dampens' power (like starting a manual in 3rd with low revs). Now, you are a slow moving obstacle and no amount of throttle pressure will accelerate. Instead, you need to lift completely (or touch the brake) to disengage and allow throttle response. How does that look to the car on my right? Instead of smoothly clearing the path before they arrive, I'm now dawdling around in their direct path - with brake lights on - forcing them to take evasive action. The solution is to wait until in front of you is clear - apply heavy throttle and race into the intersection, probably blocking the next oncoming car.

3. Lane correction. Driving on a highway, with lots of old lane markings, or even some newer ones (like zipper lines at end of overtake). In a normal car, you simply cruise over, smoothly crossing the line when convenient to do so. Not in the BT50. The car will rip the wheel out of your hand to avoid crossing a merging lane - sometimes violently sending you careening off the road. It will not let you merge, or cross basically any marking on the road unless the indicator is running (the direction doesn't matter I found by chance - hello BMW drivers!).

4. Sleep alarms. Driving on the highway, any straight stretch of 30+ seconds. Hand resting on the wheel, but no steering input is required. Not in the BT-50. Without warning, alarms start beeping, internal lights flash, cruise control turns off and manual drive is re-engaged. At least this one isn't as dangerous, but it's incredibly frustrating. The car wants you to change speed, weave all over the road, speed up in overtaking lanes and slow down on exit - otherwise are you even alive?

5. Adaptive Speed Cruise Control. Not only can you set your max speed, it will hold distance to cars ahead. Sounds great in theory. Not in the BT-50. Preparing to overtake, so you close up on the car in front before changing lanes? BT-50 will reduce power (or in extreme case hit the brakes) just as you start to pull out. Stuck in multi-lane traffic without room to overtake? The BT-50 will back off just enough that cars in other lanes can push in - which of course makes the car slow down more (to build a safe gap again), so the next driver slides in and so on. I'm pretty sure with enough traffic it would put the damn car in reverse. At least this "feature" has to be turned on.

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"Safety Features" on newer cars.

New work vehicle is a BT-50 with all the latest "safety features".

Adaptive cruise control, lane correction, emergency brakes, something or other suppress acceleration, sleeping alarms, etc.

Every single one of them are dangerous and force bad driving habits to 'disengage' them as they are either automatically turned on, or in some cases cannot be turned off at all.

1. Emergency Brakes/Accident avoidance. Approaching a large, dual lane roundabout - speed limit 80. Lanes are wide enough that you can 'sweep' through the corner easily at 75, barely touching the wheel and no brakes required. Not in the BT50. It recognises an obstacle ahead (the inside of the roundabout), so if you cruise in at 75 - it thinks you aren't braking OR turning, so it slams on the emergency brakes and veers you hard left. The first time it happened, it actually wrenched the wheel out of my hands and I barely avoided a crash. To fix, you approach the roundabout way too fast (90+), brake hard into the corner and turn far sharper than needed, then there's no issue. No wonder Tradies all drive like this.

2. Entering an intersection or roundabout in suburbia between flowing traffic. With other cars travelling at a constant speed and great visibility, small gaps in traffic are sufficient to safely enter, transit and leave an intersection. Not in the BT50. If you accelerate while there is a still a car in front of the vehicle, the car 'dampens' power (like starting a manual in 3rd with low revs). Now, you are a slow moving obstacle and no amount of throttle pressure will accelerate. Instead, you need to lift completely (or touch the brake) to disengage and allow throttle response. How does that look to the car on my right? Instead of smoothly clearing the path before they arrive, I'm now dawdling around in their direct path - with brake lights on - forcing them to take evasive action. The solution is to wait until in front of you is clear - apply heavy throttle and race into the intersection, probably blocking the next oncoming car.

3. Lane correction. Driving on a highway, with lots of old lane markings, or even some newer ones (like zipper lines at end of overtake). In a normal car, you simply cruise over, smoothly crossing the line when convenient to do so. Not in the BT50. The car will rip the wheel out of your hand to avoid crossing a merging lane - sometimes violently sending you careening off the road. It will not let you merge, or cross basically any marking on the road unless the indicator is running (the direction doesn't matter I found by chance - hello BMW drivers!).

4. Sleep alarms. Driving on the highway, any straight stretch of 30+ seconds. Hand resting on the wheel, but no steering input is required. Not in the BT-50. Without warning, alarms start beeping, internal lights flash, cruise control turns off and manual drive is re-engaged. At least this one isn't as dangerous, but it's incredibly frustrating. The car wants you to change speed, weave all over the road, speed up in overtaking lanes and slow down on exit - otherwise are you even alive?

5. Adaptive Speed Cruise Control. Not only can you set your max speed, it will hold distance to cars ahead. Sounds great in theory. Not in the BT-50. Preparing to overtake, so you close up on the car in front before changing lanes? BT-50 will reduce power (or in extreme case hit the brakes) just as you start to pull out. Stuck in multi-lane traffic without room to overtake? The BT-50 will back off just enough that cars in other lanes can push in - which of course makes the car slow down more (to build a safe gap again), so the next driver slides in and so on. I'm pretty sure with enough traffic it would put the damn car in reverse. At least this "feature" has to be turned on.
I’ve got adaptive cruise in one car and not in the otter and you’re right about bad habits. Rear ending waiting to happen if you’re not on the ball
I’ve got adaptive cruise in one car and not in the otter and you’re right about bad habits. Rear ending waiting to happen if you’re not on the ball

Can you set the following distance?

I was able to select three different gaps in my 2010 Prius.
Yeah you can but in the other one its just normal cruise so just holds as constant speed. Not really a problem if you're paying attention but im sure someone has ended up in the boot of the car in front of them
It's easy to speed .

I use cruze a lot....sets a good soild speed .
Is amazing how many cars you pass e.g. if you set your speed to 101 k's..
It's easy to speed .

I use cruze a lot....sets a good soild speed .
Is amazing how many cars you pass e.g. if you set your speed to 101 k's..
That's the other thing that shits me. Inaccurate speedo. Had a Berlina that was dead on, the current Mazda reads 103 when you're doing 100, and the Camry reads 97-98 when you're doing 100. Set the cruise to 100 in the Camry and the GPS on the satnav and phone says you're doing 103 - Victorian ticket territory. I'm sure it can be calibrated but at what cost?
That's the other thing that shits me. Inaccurate speedo. Had a Berlina that was dead on, the current Mazda reads 103 when you're doing 100, and the Camry reads 97-98 when you're doing 100. Set the cruise to 100 in the Camry and the GPS on the satnav and phone says you're doing 103 - Victorian ticket territory. I'm sure it can be calibrated but at what cost?
This was one of the issues with changing the allowance for speeding
Cars legally can be outside the allowance cops give you
This was one of the issues with changing the allowance for speeding
Cars legally can be outside the allowance cops give you
Up until July 2006 the ADRs said your speedo could be +-10%, e.g. at 100km/h your speedo could read anywhere from 90km/h to 110km/h. From then on, it is 0% under to 10%+4km/h over, e.g. 100km/h to 114km/h. Most manufacturers set them to 3%-5% over.

My Camry is March 2006 so it just falls outside the "hey Toyota fix this shit" deadline.
Up until July 2006 the ADRs said your speedo could be +-10%, e.g. at 100km/h your speedo could read anywhere from 90km/h to 110km/h. From then on, it is 0% under to 10%+4km/h over, e.g. 100km/h to 114km/h. Most manufacturers set them to 3%-5% over.

My Camry is March 2006 so it just falls outside the "hey Toyota fix this shit" deadline.
Yeah but the pre 2006 cars are still legal

Not that they care
Real heroes throwing shit and projectiles at the police horses.
Then bloody run away once pepper sprayed. Absolute ****ing pissants. Another guy kicked a bloke (a suit) in the nuts from behind when he wasn't looking.

Absolute cowards.

I admire what they are rallying for, but absolutely shithouse way to go about it. Cowards. Absolute cowards.
Then bloody run away once pepper sprayed. Absolute ****ing pissants. Another guy kicked a bloke (a suit) in the nuts from behind when he wasn't looking.

Absolute cowards.

I admire what they are rallying for, but absolutely shithouse way to go about it. Cowards. Absolute cowards.
Apparently there are estimated to be 5000 professional protestors in Victoria. Anti war this week, anti climate next week, anti Israel in between, the same people turn up to them all. Anarchists.

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Things that sh*t me the seventeenth

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