Tonights umpiring thread !

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any saints supporters who actually agree the umpiring was disgraceful but are still happy with their win? Occasionally, I'll see a bad decision thats in our favour but am still willing to admit it was wrong, but all this defence of the umpires by saints fans just reeks of arrogance. hope geelong smash them in the GF (which the will) and riewoldt breaks both his legs taking a fake fall.
any saints supporters who actually agree the umpiring was disgraceful but are still happy with their win? Occasionally, I'll see a bad decision thats in our favour but am still willing to admit it was wrong, but all this defence of the umpires by saints fans just reeks of arrogance. hope geelong smash them in the GF (which the will) and riewoldt breaks both his legs taking a fake fall.

I see, so it is OK for you to bag our team but not for us to defend them? It has nothing to do with arrogance. You are upset because you lost. I have no inclination to rub in the fact that we won and are in the Grand Final. Could you same the same if the situation was reversed?

Make no mistake, those decisions by the umpires regardless of whether they were right or wrong did not lose you the game. Your failure to convert and seize your opportunities in the first half were your down fall. You were the better team in the first half, make no mistake. The Dogs absolutely played out of their skins and they were magnificent. Our team did not click and our defense was the only thing that stopped us from losing that game, especially in that first half. The result could have gone either way, but I am curious as to whether there would have been a 7-8 page thread on the umpiring had you won by a point?
Re: ARSE wipe umpire !

I reckon there was a clear on the shoulder free to Bulldogs in the ruck contest just prior to the kick in the Saints forward line where Reiwoldt sealed the game. That would meant one last attack forward you guys.

Bad luck Bullies. I reckon you got screwed by the umps all night. Pitty you missed a few easy shots then it wouldn't have mattered.
The free to Hudson was one of the most obvious ruck infringements for the season and it was let go! In the context of the game the Bulldogs would have been going forward and a chance to score. Instead it was let go and the ball goes to the Saints end and Reiwoldt goals (even though it was a point and the umpire could not judge that it was touched.)
Sorry Bulldogs but umpires do influence games, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
As for the Reiwoldt one I would be happy if they were paid at all times but they never are. There were plenty worse before the first bounce as players try to intimidate others. By all means pay a free to stop this but do it at the start of the game so players know where they stand.
I feel for Lake as similar actions were going on all night before he was penalised.

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I see, so it is OK for you to bag our team but not for us to defend them? It has nothing to do with arrogance. You are upset because you lost. I have no inclination to rub in the fact that we won and are in the Grand Final. Could you same the same if the situation was reversed?

Make no mistake, those decisions by the umpires regardless of whether they were right or wrong did not lose you the game. Your failure to convert and seize your opportunities in the first half were your down fall. You were the better team in the first half, make no mistake. The Dogs absolutely played out of their skins and they were magnificent. Our team did not click and our defense was the only thing that stopped us from losing that game, especially in that first half. The result could have gone either way, but I am curious as to whether there would have been a 7-8 page thread on the umpiring had you won by a point?

Mate i saw the same thing being done in the dogs F50 when the riewoldt free kick was paid! He hadnt kicked a goal in the first half & was probably the thing that got him going in the 2nd half!

Those particular umpiring decisions cost us goals last night - without those goals I reckon we would have got over the line! My opinion and of course you're entilted to yours but you had only kicked three in the first half & were gift wrapped one before the bounced in the 3rd term!

Hopefully the cats/pies give your boys a touch up next week!
Please also note that Lake was warned after the first half that if he continued with the treatment, he would have a free paid against him. Maybe you might also like to take that up with him.

Have a quick read of this article from the beginning of August:,23739,25883372-10389,00.html

You've come on here and made your points and made them reasonably. Thank you. Can you please however show me the footage or the reports that confirm Lake was warned about this earlier during this game....or are you simply a lip reader?

We are well aware of the edict issued by the AFL on this earlier in the season. Can you therefore explain why this was the only occasion this was enforced last night despite the fact there were numerous examples. Is the key factor whether the opponent takes a dive...and did again just five minutes later?
I see, so it is OK for you to bag our team but not for us to defend them?

Given the board you're currently posting on, absolutely.

The bigger question is why do St.Kilda supporters feel the need to venture to the Doggies board today and, knowing full well the pain they're going through, insist on arguing the toss, telling them they're wrong and just generally patronising them?

It's their board, so give them some space so they can vent.
Re: ARSE wipe umpire !

Hargrave penalised whenhe kicked it, on three occasions,

Was this the one when he was running out of defence? That was mind boggling that one. Time after time you watch St Kilda players drop the ball when tackled - No penalty, yet this bloke gets a fair kick on the ball and he's pinged in his defensive half.

Umpiring was disgracefully one sided last night.

Hopefully Geelong smash the favoured scumbags next week
I see, so it is OK for you to bag our team but not for us to defend them? It has nothing to do with arrogance. You are upset because you lost. I have no inclination to rub in the fact that we won and are in the Grand Final. Could you same the same if the situation was reversed?

Make no mistake, those decisions by the umpires regardless of whether they were right or wrong did not lose you the game. Your failure to convert and seize your opportunities in the first half were your down fall. You were the better team in the first half, make no mistake. The Dogs absolutely played out of their skins and they were magnificent. Our team did not click and our defense was the only thing that stopped us from losing that game, especially in that first half. The result could have gone either way, but I am curious as to whether there would have been a 7-8 page thread on the umpiring had you won by a point?

OK Saints09, you've made your points. Show some class yourself now and retire to your own board. Things are still more than a little raw around here right now and you are starting to come across as a troll.
Agree with you 100% percent. I was in tears last night not only because we wasted changes but the stupid ****ing umipes gifted them the match!
But FFS get Barry Hall!!!!![/quote]

Can you imagine Big Bad Bazza being given a free kick for what happened to start the 3rd quarter? i think not.
Mate i saw the same thing being done in the dogs F50 when the riewoldt free kick was paid! He hadnt kicked a goal in the first half & was probably the thing that got him going in the 2nd half!

Sorry, don't agree with that. Did you have a look at our stats for inside 50's in the first half. He has to get the ball first before he can kick a goal. Roo didn't need a 'kick start', he just needed to get his hands on the ball.

Those particular umpiring decisions cost us goals last night - without those goals I reckon we would have got over the line! My opinion and of course you're entilted to yours but you had only kicked three in the first half & were gift wrapped one before the bounced in the 3rd term!

Hopefully the cats/pies give your boys a touch up next week!

That's the great thing about our game. We all have opinions and we voice them quite vocally when we feel that we have been robbed. I too have been quite vocal about umpiring for the better half of 4-5 years. Especially during the Grant Thomas reign. At least our current coach has the wisdom to keep his mouth shut, no matter how much I agreed with Grant Thomas and some of the things he had to say. Unfortunately, it cost us dearly.

Once again, I am thrilled that we won, but unfortunately it was at the expense of the Dogs. I took no pleasure in beating your team. Would much rather have come up against you guys in the Grand Final.

We have had our doubters all year and fellow supporters wanting other teams to smash us. Doesn't seem to have affected the players too much. Just hope they turn up switched on next week, especially if it is against Geelong. Don't have any real preference as to who we play so I will probably get behind Geelong tonight when watching the game.
I see, so it is OK for you to bag our team but not for us to defend them? It has nothing to do with arrogance. You are upset because you lost. I have no inclination to rub in the fact that we won and are in the Grand Final. Could you same the same if the situation was reversed?

Make no mistake, those decisions by the umpires regardless of whether they were right or wrong did not lose you the game. Your failure to convert and seize your opportunities in the first half were your down fall. You were the better team in the first half, make no mistake. The Dogs absolutely played out of their skins and they were magnificent. Our team did not click and our defense was the only thing that stopped us from losing that game, especially in that first half. The result could have gone either way, but I am curious as to whether there would have been a 7-8 page thread on the umpiring had you won by a point?

stfu you arrogant pig. You did not deserve to win, a series of bullshit umpiring decisions heavily influened the game and handed it on a platter to the 'mighty' saints

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In news just in (seriously), AFL spokesman Patrick Keane says the decision against Lake was correct, as a memo saying that contact like that would be penalised was sent to all clubs just before the finals.
What a shock.:cool:
Shame we could all go and find 20 more similar examples during the finals that weren't penalised.
I guess they see what they want to see.
OK Saints09, you've made your points. Show some class yourself now and retire to your own board. Things are still more than a little raw around here right now and you are starting to come across as a troll.

Fair enough. My apologies as that was not my intent.
Two things cost the Dogs the match, inaccurate kicking and the umpires.

To gift Riewoldt (and let's not pretend he doesn't get a sensational run anyway) such a pathetically soft goal in a game that is won by a side kicking 8 or 9 goals is just unforgivable and shows how much impact umpires can and do have on important fixtures. St Kilda were getting enough of a good ride already so to hand them a cheap goal added insult to injury. I was very disappointed watching last night's game and don't even go for the Dogs.
I can agree the umpiring was against the dogs as well. But think about this. How does the AFL fix this problem? Umpiring is consistently bad for at least a few teams every week. In the USA Grid Iron match umpires apparently use video replay before calling lineball decisions. Would the same sort of process work here I wonder. Could it be feasible to have a separate umpire watching the game through the TV camera who could electronically give his decision to the field umpire via a simple team1, ballup/boundry/goal, team2 indicator? I also feel that umpires should be the highest paid participants on the field - BUT they should be held accountable for bad decisions. That way we might end up with better quality umpires. Unfortunately this does not change your result. I hear people say that umpires dont influence the game that much - I personally believe that they do, but at present there is not much that the AFL is prepared to do about it.

I think that a video umpire will have to come in to play sooner or later.

I was also thinking (semi-seriously) as I was walking away from the ground last night, that there should be some sort of relegation system for the umpires that is decided by the clubs. All clubs vote by secret ballot for the 3 umpires that they think are the worst - 3 votes the worst, 1 vote for third worst, all votes are tallied, umpire with the most votes gets demoted to the VFL / SANFL / WAFL for at least one year. Clubs in the VFL / SANFL / WAFL vote for their 3 BEST umpires, most votes gets promoted to the big time. The clubs would need to be deciding, rather than any umpiring body. Would be the last we'd see of Ray Chamberlain you'd think. Supporters I know from many different teams are all united in their loathing for him.
I can't remember the last time I blamed the umpires for a loss, I think it's an ignorant cop out. Thats why I'm absolutely gutted! I've waited a while to post because I wanted to reflect, talk to neutrals and I can honestly say without any doubt, umpiring decisions cost us a place in the 2009 GF. I've now watched 6 prelim final losses and this was our best chance to win because for once we were MUCH BETTER than the opposition. I don't believe in conspiracy theories, just total incompetence and AFL's willingness to accept it. I am so angry, I really don't know what think, say or do. This is the worst I've ever been after a sporting event, even 97.
Jesus f***ing wept!
St Kilda supporters can say what they want about the Riewoldt decision and it technically being there. Perhaps its true but it hasn't been paid all year and you'd think that going on those rules there should have been about 50 free kicks played in the little push and shove before the opening bounce.
In order...(time-wise, not of importance...) [Had a quick read through, and some of these key ones have missed...]

1) St. Kilda's first goal direct result of the Hargraves (phantom) holding the ball.
2) St. Kilda's second goal, direct result of a Tim Callan turnover...but why was the ball in our defensive 50? Because we got paid a free kick 25m behind the ball! Horrible decision. Wrong decision. We all know that free kicks must be given at the most advantageous spot. (Pretty sure there was a throw in on the wing at the time.)
3) The Riewoldt present has been covered plenty...(doesn't make it any easier to swallow! :mad: )
4) The Milne goal 6 seconds before 3/4 time came as a result of Murphy being called to play on, when all he did was run up to the mark and stop. Didn't deviate. Didn't cross the mark (someone was on it afterall!). Bad decision. Wrong decision. Forced him to quickly kick backwards, not 15...bomb into forward line which we were trying to avoid all night...
5) Someone picked it up early in the thread...the "obvious" high contact to Hudson from a throw in on the wing before the late Golden Boy goal.
Given some of the touchy (to both sides admittedly) ruck frees during the game, that one was off the scale.

Critically bad decisions all of them, all (coincidentally or not!) at crucial times.

I'd never been too upset to drink in my life!!...I kid you not, I have now.

In order...(time-wise, not of importance...) [Had a quick read through, and some of these key ones have missed...]

1) St. Kilda's first goal direct result of the Hargraves (phantom) holding the ball.
2) St. Kilda's second goal, direct result of a Tim Callan turnover...but why was the ball in our defensive 50? Because we got paid a free kick 25m behind the ball! Horrible decision. Wrong decision. We all know that free kicks must be given at the most advantageous spot. (Pretty sure there was a throw in on the wing at the time.)
3) The Riewoldt present has been covered plenty...(doesn't make it any easier to swallow! :mad: )
4) The Milne goal 6 seconds before 3/4 time came as a result of Murphy being called to play on, when all he did was run up to the mark and stop. Didn't deviate. Didn't cross the mark (someone was on it afterall!). Bad decision. Wrong decision. Forced him to quickly kick backwards, not 15...bomb into forward line which we were trying to avoid all night...
5) Someone picked it up early in the thread...the "obvious" high contact to Hudson from a throw in on the wing before the late Golden Boy goal.
Given some of the touchy (to both sides admittedly) ruck frees during the game, that one was off the scale.

Critically bad decisions all of them, all (coincidentally or not!) at crucial times.

I'd never been too upset to drink in my life!!...I kid you not, I have now.


You missed Eagleton's clear goal and Riewoldt's last goal which resulted from the Hudson non-decision with 1.30 on the clock. And they say umpiring does not decide matches.:rolleyes:

They have wanted a Saints v Cats Grand Final all year, and it showed this week and when we played the Cats 3 weeks ago! They will beat Collingwood tonight so lets hope the Cats thrash the Saints.
In news just in (seriously), AFL spokesman Patrick Keane says the decision against Lake was correct, as a memo saying that contact like that would be penalised was sent to all clubs just before the finals.
What a shock.:cool:
Shame we could all go and find 20 more similar examples during the finals that weren't penalised.
I guess they see what they want to see.

If the Lake decision was correct, why was it not reversed when 1 second later Kosi retaliate's and knocks Lake down:mad:
I felt sorry for the dogs last night. Heartbreaking loss.

Not anymore, though. Too many unrealistic bitching supporters. Too often, I feel that some of the dogs fans let the club down by playing victim and complaining about things that they are wrong about.

Sure, the decision at the start of the 3rd quarter was soft, but why the hell did Lake even do it? Quite a dumb thing to do.

And Aker admitted to the deliberate decision on 'Before the Game'.

AND please stop questioning Riewoldt's integrity just because you are bitter about him winning the game for St Kilda. He is a champion and much less of an actor than Brad Johnson.

All the best for next year.
It must be hard for a Richmond supporter to understand the pain of losing a prelim final.
I will watch the GF next week with a smile, as st Kilda get smashed by Geelong.

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Tonights umpiring thread !

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