The Majestic
Embracing the chaos.
I have always wondered if you were to list the Top 20 wrestling themes what themes would be in your list? Me and a friend had been talking and decided that it would be interesting to see what themes people thought were the best.
So what are your Top 20 themes? They can be from the WWE, ECW, WCW, TNA, and any other fed that has wrestling music.
I'll put mine up later, I'm trying to narrow it down to just the 20, but I will do mine later once I have finished the list, I have a few at least.
So what are your Top 20 themes? They can be from the WWE, ECW, WCW, TNA, and any other fed that has wrestling music.
I'll put mine up later, I'm trying to narrow it down to just the 20, but I will do mine later once I have finished the list, I have a few at least.