Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

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I’m struggling to see how Daniel would be a worse option than Bramble at half back.

He wouldn’t , but the question of whether Daniel or Bramble playing at 1/2 really means they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel at selections.

But still , why not give Buss a crack?
He wouldn’t , but the question of whether Daniel or Bramble playing at 1/2 really means they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel at selections.

But still , why not give Buss a crack?

Daniel was a gun half back. I can see why the MC would go JJ, Dale and Richards ahead of him but the Bramble one is just ridiculous now. It’s completely killed Daniels confidence.
And yes, it’s Buss time.
I’m struggling to see how Daniel would be a worse option than Bramble at half back.
At the moment I'm sad to say I have the same amount of faith in Bramble and Daniel with ball in hand which is a worry given what Daniel has been able to achieve. At the moment Daniel has no stand out qualities amongst his deficiencies so Brambles one (speed) wins out ideally neither are in the backline/in the team (like Daniel at half forward when in form), but the cupboard is bare.

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Much as we would all love a bash’n’crash ruckman and a gun tagger that most clubs seem to find easily, we know he just doesn’t seem to rate them. Even when he’s had first hand experience of what they do to us. Ad infinitum.
At the moment I'm sad to say I have the same amount of faith in Bramble and Daniel with ball in hand which is a worry given what Daniel has been able to achieve. At the moment Daniel has no stand out qualities amongst his deficiencies so Brambles one (speed) wins out ideally neither are in the backline/in the team (like Daniel at half forward when in form), but the cupboard is bare.

Can’t wait to have JJ and Coffield back.
Hoping if Buss gets the chance to play out the season in the seniors, it’ll help us retain him and he’ll commit to us long term.

Great prospect and has improved rapidly this year after coming back from a shoulder interrupted pre-season last year.

We should be going with a backline of Jones, JOD and buss with an eye on Croft transitioning into the backline once Jones retires.

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We have two unicorns, English and Darcy. Why can't we come up with a unique game plan that capitalises on their strengths and covers for their weaknesses*, rather than try to shoe-horn them into alternating between traditional ruck and ruck-forward roles?

Don't ask me what that plan would be. I'm not getting paid the big bucks. But if it's true Bevo wants to be the smartest man in the room this seems like a great opportunity to prove it.

* This assumes that Darcy has a weakness. None detected so far.
This is my clubhouse leader for post of the year. Great insight Dogwatch.

We currently play a game plan (the hard high press/zone defence) that doesn't capitalise on our strengths. We are yet to develop an alternative that capitalises on the unique strengths that English, Darcy, JUH and Naughton bring. We also allow our best player to be tagged too often but don't seem to reciprocate.

The smartest guy in the room should be able to develop a unique game style that makes us hard to play against and takes advantage of the unique talents of the team. I've yet to see any evidence that we have anything resembling that plan.
IF you have multiple tall contested marking weapons in the front half….

Instead of trying a high press, I would suggest going the other way and applying a middle or low press. That would mean more players behind the ball and playing a counter attacking game style.

To do that, you need 3-4 contested marking forwards but also you need 3-4 quick running & great kicking midfielders / wingers. The players then position themselves for fast break football and but they also don’t all push up while in possession.

We need another 2 quick midfielders, who can kick well to make the transition to that style.
IF you have multiple tall contested marking weapons in the front half….

Instead of trying a high press, I would suggest going the other way and applying a middle or low press. That would mean more players behind the ball and playing a counter attacking game style.

To do that, you need 3-4 contested marking forwards but also you need 3-4 quick running & great kicking midfielders / wingers. The players then position themselves for fast break football and but they also don’t all push up while in possession.

We need another 2 quick midfielders, who can kick well to make the transition to that style.
The game itself has shifted to help that style of play aswell. I've never seen a team press as high up as we have over the last couple of years and thought we were finally moving on from it although the press was back in a big way on Friday.
IF you have multiple tall contested marking weapons in the front half….

Instead of trying a high press, I would suggest going the other way and applying a middle or low press. That would mean more players behind the ball and playing a counter attacking game style.

To do that, you need 3-4 contested marking forwards but also you need 3-4 quick running & great kicking midfielders / wingers. The players then position themselves for fast break football and but they also don’t all push up while in possession.

We need another 2 quick midfielders, who can kick well to make the transition to that style.
Our high press negates the advantage of having an excellent high marking team. It's lunacy.
That’s true, but it also protects our weak defence. I think we’d cop a lot more goals sitting back.
I think it exposes our defenders. We end up with our slow as treacle key defenders not being able to respond to a turnover.

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I think it exposes our defenders. We end up with our slow as treacle key defenders not being able to respond to a turnover.

Our defence doesn’t cope with repeat entries or prolonged periods with the ball down there. Jones and Duryes aside, they’re all super pox at actually defending.
The game itself has shifted to help that style of play aswell. I've never seen a team press as high up as we have over the last couple of years and thought we were finally moving on from it although the press was back in a big way on Friday.

Our high press negates the advantage of having an excellent high marking team. It's lunacy.


We are zigging, while the advantage at the moment is zagging.

Football (soccer) has been ruled for many years by the counter attacking style. Defenders sit back and they help each other out more, due to being closer together. It’s more difficult to expose the lack of leg speed of taller players (Centre Halves in soccer).

I can see us with a new coach and new approach next year…. It’s a shame, as I like the combative Bevo but the game style isn’t right for the current AFL environment.

I would spend the money / draft capital on a couple of high speed more outside players.

JUH needs to play higher up the ground and become an elite HHF. He has the speed, marking, kicking and the creativity for the position.

Really hoping that young Jaxon Cooney plays best as an inside mid, rather than another KPF.
Whoever is on the trade table from another club. Someone's second ruck would love to come to us and ruck to Bont and Libba.
There isn't another club willing to offer what English's management want. We have the highest offer on the tablet to him, so he accepts that or goes somewhere else and accepts even less.

If he wanted the payday, should of gone last off season.
I think it exposes our defenders. We end up with our slow as treacle key defenders not being able to respond to a turnover.
Precisely - and Jones' strength and best games are intercepting opposition poor kicks/scrambled ball movement that's already poor but killing it off completely. He can manage, but is hardly excellent at defending a forward one-on-one at the top of the goalsquare or whatever (as Hipwood proved). In some respects he still plays like a converted key forward (which he obviously is), despite the 6 or 8 years in defence by now.

Our defenders play a style with the expectation that we win more clearances than we lose and that opposition ball movement will begin further up the ground. This is generally true - we do win more clearances than we lose most weeks - but it makes it look doubly bad in the rare occasions we do lose clearances, like vs. Brisbane.
I just don't get the drop off of CD.

How does he go to the best target finder and kick in the league to.. ''lets get rid of him for pick 70'' - his not even 30 ffs, should be at his peak.
My opinion and again it's an opinion doesn't mean it's correct, is.
The pressure and speed in manic defensive measures has increased massively. You get the ball, you're pounded almost immediately.
The lack of time to weigh up options hurts CD. He still tries the dinky kicks but he's under pressure so much that there's a good chance of turnover.
He also gets exposed through lack of genuine leg speed or height.
The opposition will run players that are explosive and bigger through him. His deficiencies get exposed
The homework done on players now is incredible. Except of course our homework on other clubs.
Isn’t the opposite of Tim English Jordon Sweet?
Exactly and Sweet would do a job almost as adequately as English. For half the cost.
Opportunity for rucks is all they need.
Meek, Moyle, Briggs, Flynn, Conway, Xerri-, Strauchan are all low price players that when given opportunity shown form.
Personally I would offer English a contract that is fair but low-fair. It forces him to go. We get a good deal, salary cap relief and just recruit a ruck like ones above who cost Jacksh1t
This is my clubhouse leader for post of the year. Great insight Dogwatch.

We currently play a game plan (the hard high press/zone defence) that doesn't capitalise on our strengths. We are yet to develop an alternative that capitalises on the unique strengths that English, Darcy, JUH and Naughton bring. We also allow our best player to be tagged too often but don't seem to reciprocate.

The smartest guy in the room should be able to develop a unique game style that makes us hard to play against and takes advantage of the unique talents of the team. I've yet to see any evidence that we have anything resembling that plan.
Our role players actually don't play their roles. Compare Collingwood to us. Role players McCreary, WHE, Markov, Cox, Lipinski et al all know what is expected. All are coached well and all have an attribute that are USEFUL to Collingwood.
Now, compare our mish-mash of role players over Bevos time. How many have flourished? I just don't think Bevo has faith or trust in any of our role players.

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