Trump - Harris Presidential Election 2024

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Pack of ****en heroes

Again all your arguments based on emotion. Do some research.

"About 300 of the 680 people detained in Wednesday's federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement raid were released the same day, officials said.

Agents "made cellphones available" so those detained could make child care arrangements, the release stated.
If a couple was detained with minor children at home, one of them would be released on "humanitarian grounds." Single parents with minor children at home also were released."

They are not going to kill them, but the fact remains they are entitled to enforce border protections on illegal aliens.

You're living in a dream world if you think everyone should be allowed just to waltz in and out of countries at their leisure and work illegally.

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You are an extremist, extremism on both sides of politics must be stamped out.
Sounds like an extreme option, probably better off selling it to Heebie and Jeebie
Pretty disgusting to use a child in distress to try and manipulate people's opinion, playing on their emotions.
Yeah you are disgusting finding an excuse to ignore the real criminals, do you have an excuse for Epstein? or are you one of his supporters too?

And another loser goes on ignore, I'll miss the negging the most scarecrow

Jeez with sr36 gone and Kappy banished to crawfish county by way of perma ignore there's going to be no one to argue pointlessly with late at night :D
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Yeah you are disgusting... and another loser goes on ignore, I'll miss the negging the most scarecrow

Jeez with sr36 gone and Kappy banished to crawfish county by way of perma ignore there's going to be no one to argue pointlessly with late at night :D

I'm not surprised you are unable to deal with people who challenge your opinions. Perhaps an echo-chamber is more suitable to your kind?

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Oh and you may need a bit of a lesson re Turkey.
It's got jack s**t power is a little off the mark.
Yeah it doesn't have the power of the US but it is the 5th or 7th largest military in the world, it is a G20 nation, geographically it is very important and stretegic and more powerful than any Eurepean country besides maybe England.
So not quite jack s**t
What a load of crap. Never heard of Germany and France for starters. Turkey is in an interesting geographical location as the gateway between Asia and Europe, but claiming it is more powerful than Germany and France is utter rubbish.

It's the trouble with Trump apologists. They shoot their mouth off with lies and pretend it is the truth. No research necessary, just claim everyone else is guilty of fake news. The parallels between the way Hitler manipulated politics to the way Trump does is alarming. All it requires is dumb as dog shit individuals being gullible enough to swallow the 'fake news' bullshit.

Who burnt the Reichstag? Oh, it was those nasty commies. Those devilish left wingers.
I'm with you Otto. I haven't received a single death threat from the extreme right on the other hand I have had a few from the extreme left via social media basically because I dared to criticise Bernie once (whom I supported right up until he refused to stand up t the DNC)
The extreme left scares the hell out of me. They openly call for the extermination of people wearing MAGA hats and are allowed to spew their hatred unchecked. Anyone who saw their assault of independent journalist Andy Ngo would be very concerned. Their behaviour has forced me to question my political beliefs and the independence of various media channels who gve groups like Antifa a free pass
So an attack on a journalist, as repugnant as that was, gives you more fear than the long queue of extreme right wing nut jobs buying arms and turning up to shoot to death as many people as possible.

Yeah right. I think i can smell a right wing extremist right here.

Media groups that give left wing politics a voice?

You've not read or seen the extreme right wing fan base and cheer squad in The Herald Sun and Sky News at night. Give us a break.

And they're all made out of plastic, when they melt they start to stink.
Are you sure he said that or is that one of yours?:D

How are you, still traveling?
Here's one we can agree on, re politicians: - We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. [Aesop].

Yes, still a drifter. Have been in Alabama for the past 9 weeks, enduring the sticky heat. The humidity reminds me why I left Houston on retirement. Then in Sep/Oct I plan to take a very,very small tramp ship calling into tiny ports in the Lake Saimaa area of Russia/Finland, then other European ports as per.

PS I am well, and hope you are too.
What a load of crap. Never heard of Germany and France for starters. Turkey is in an interesting geographical location as the gateway between Asia and Europe, but claiming it is more powerful than Germany and France is utter rubbish.

It's the trouble with Trump apologists. They shoot their mouth off with lies and pretend it is the truth. No research necessary, just claim everyone else is guilty of fake news. The parallels between the way Hitler manipulated politics to the way Trump does is alarming. All it requires is dumb as dog s**t individuals being gullible enough to swallow the 'fake news' bulls**t.

Who burnt the Reichstag? Oh, it was those nasty commies. Those devilish left wingers.
Not my opinion mate.
Listen what military strategist have to say.
You may want to do a bit of research regarding Turkeys military power.
Oh and can I say that I don't say this from some patriotic standpoint. If I am patriotic it's as an Australian not a Turk.
Just speaking facts. Do your research and you will quickly learn that this Country has a very powerful military.
So an attack on a journalist, as repugnant as that was, gives you more fear than the long queue of extreme right wing nut jobs buying arms and turning up to shoot to death as many people as possible.

Yeah right. I think i can smell a right wing extremist right here.

Media groups that give left wing politics a voice?

You've not read or seen the extreme right wing fan base and cheer squad in The Herald Sun and Sky News at night. Give us a break.

And they're all made out of plastic, when they melt they start to stink.
Countrypie at least has the ability to discuss rationalluy.
You've come into this conversation all guns blazing just labeling people.
You called me a Trump apologist when I have said a million times I don't follow US politics and therefore have no valid opinion of the man.
I am a left wing person by the way. Just not a radical left wing person that has the inability to listen and discuss opposing views.
Unlike many of the extreme left I don't assume that everything I believe in is right. I'm willing to hear what others have to say.
You may want to try it some time.
Geez there's no bias in that reporting... Standing around chatting to someone doesn't prove squat and is not a crime. Ask Jake King.
What I see is two people that are chummy and one that now denies any friendship. (I barely knew him).
There is more video and media reports but I am not in the business of convincing anybody. We all believe what we want to believe based on reports. I know what I believe.

A compulsive and habitual liar knows no other way.

Pretty disgusting to use a child in distress to try and manipulate people's opinion, playing on their emotions. Not too low for CBS though.

You mean like this. Trump with a thumbs up photo op with the baby whose parents died? Yeah, pretty disgusting. Smile everyone...
He is an idiot along with his trophy wife.

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Not my opinion mate.
Listen what military strategist have to say.
You may want to do a bit of research regarding Turkeys military power.
Oh and can I say that I don't say this from some patriotic standpoint. If I am patriotic it's as an Australian not a Turk.
Just speaking facts. Do your research and you will quickly learn that this Country has a very powerful military.

Turkey comes in at number 9 with a bullet so to speak. Quite a fun little chart, you can look at all the countries you can beat in a war. I guess you would only want to fight a country about 10 spaces below you for comfort.

Might also have to overlay “fighting spirit” as well. France and Italy might have a high ranking but you know they will toss it in quicker than Bernie Tomic.

On iPhone using mobile app
Just don't whine like lil bitches when all your cowardly rhetoric gets you this world



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