Trump - Harris Presidential Election 2024

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Well Antz,here is a summary of what Trump has said recently:

Trump has said that if he returns to power, he will act as a dictator on “day one,” and that if he is re-elected, “you won’t have to [vote] anymore.”
i will go into full detail on another day to why and how you are so off the mark. I'm not going to even begin to read the rest of your post as you started it with something completely out of context. Go and see what Trump actually said and the conversation being held. Go and watch what was said and what his supporters believe and why. Than you will start to see how you have been fooled by the media and then you might start to understand how we have gotten to where we are now. It's just like Trump and Elon talking about nuclear power and how they said they couldn't live on the land if something bad happened for 3000 years but it's really not that bad using the nukes dropped on Japan and chenoble disaster. Media turn it around saying they said Hiroshima wasn't a bad thing. This deliberate gaslighting and manipulation happens every single time and people in their echo chambers can't see it. This is just 1 very small and most recent example to what has been happening.
i will go into full detail on another day to why and how you are so off the mark. I'm not going to even begin to read the rest of your post as you started it with something completely out of context. Go and see what Trump actually said and the conversation being held. Go and watch what was said and what his supporters believe and why. Than you will start to see how you have been fooled by the media and then you might start to understand how we have gotten to where we are now. It's just like Trump and Elon talking about nuclear power and how they said they couldn't live on the land if something bad happened for 3000 years but it's really not that bad using the nukes dropped on Japan and chenoble disaster. Media turn it around saying they said Hiroshima wasn't a bad thing. This deliberate gaslighting and manipulation happens every single time and people in their echo chambers can't see it. This is just 1 very small and most recent example to what has been happening.
Reading the above, I can see that Trump and Harris have both achieved in your case what they want:mass confusion.

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Reading the above, I can see that Trump and Harris have both achieved in your case what they want:mass confusion.
What an expected but ridiculous response. Not as bad as usual but still ridiculous. How can a person being misrepresented while gaslighting the public against him that person's fault? Especially when he has been screaming fake news from day 1? Your so willing to blame Trump over every and any 5 second clip taken completely out of context with the media stirring up an emotional reaction leaving people with clouded judgement where we usually can't even have this discussion. So is it Joe Rogan fault that he used particular drug prescribed by his doctor during the height of covid a drug that's had billions of human prescriptions and got better within a few days, where the media didn't like that information and edited his skin to make him look sickly than told the world he's using horse dewormer? This is where we find ourselves now and a world of misinformation lead straight from the mass media that have an agenda. Remember the media telling you Joe Biden was mentally fit and sharp? Whole Trump had to be impeached because of his mental decline?? Then the documents scandal happens and they say Biden isn't sharp enough to stand trial. Mind you only presidents can take those documents he had with all living ex presidents having their own documents(Obama has more today than Trump has before they went after him) Biden was a vice president when he took them which is unprecedented. Trump being the only person they have ever gone after with this. How is all that Trump trying to create confusion?? Having the whole thing weponised against him. But you will turn a blind eye to reality in these cases and facts which is basically brainwashing. Brainwashing effects is where people can be shown facts and evidence and still won't believe what's Infront of them and hold the same beliefs no matter what despite not being able to prove your point. I guarantee you that you can bring me any quote or basically anything that Trump did including January 6th and I can give you a full rebuttal and prove why and how it has been manipulated. We are living in very crazy times.
What an expected but ridiculous response. Not as bad as usual but still ridiculous. How can a person being misrepresented while gaslighting the public against him that person's fault? Especially when he has been screaming fake news from day 1? Your so willing to blame Trump over every and any 5 second clip taken completely out of context with the media stirring up an emotional reaction leaving people with clouded judgement where we usually can't even have this discussion. So is it Joe Rogan fault that he used particular drug prescribed by his doctor during the height of covid a drug that's had billions of human prescriptions and got better within a few days, where the media didn't like that information and edited his skin to make him look sickly than told the world he's using horse dewormer? This is where we find ourselves now and a world of misinformation lead straight from the mass media that have an agenda. Remember the media telling you Joe Biden was mentally fit and sharp? Whole Trump had to be impeached because of his mental decline?? Then the documents scandal happens and they say Biden isn't sharp enough to stand trial. Mind you only presidents can take those documents he had with all living ex presidents having their own documents(Obama has more today than Trump has before they went after him) Biden was a vice president when he took them which is unprecedented. Trump being the only person they have ever gone after with this. How is all that Trump trying to create confusion?? Having the whole thing weponised against him. But you will turn a blind eye to reality in these cases and facts which is basically brainwashing. Brainwashing effects is where people can be shown facts and evidence and still won't believe what's Infront of them and hold the same beliefs no matter what despite not being able to prove your point. I guarantee you that you can bring me any quote or basically anything that Trump did including January 6th and I can give you a full rebuttal and prove why and how it has been manipulated. We are living in very crazy times.

Sounds like Don needs you on his legal team, like a shot of bleach.

It's quite clear to most people that Don had a big sook after the last election and encouraged his supporters to overturn the result. Your ability to ignore his constant iteration of a 'stolen' election is impressive.

How about those 10,000 extra votes he tried to rustle up in Georgia? Can you, Brad? Just 10,000 votes.

He realises he's about to lose once more. Like last time, he will build the narrative of a stolen election well in advance of polling day.

But Don is a paragon of truth and other many virtues. For sure.

Dave Chappelle Omg GIF
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What an expected but ridiculous response. Not as bad as usual but still ridiculous. How can a person being misrepresented while gaslighting the public against him that person's fault? Especially when he has been screaming fake news from day 1? Your so willing to blame Trump over every and any 5 second clip taken completely out of context with the media stirring up an emotional reaction leaving people with clouded judgement where we usually can't even have this discussion. So is it Joe Rogan fault that he used particular drug prescribed by his doctor during the height of covid a drug that's had billions of human prescriptions and got better within a few days, where the media didn't like that information and edited his skin to make him look sickly than told the world he's using horse dewormer? This is where we find ourselves now and a world of misinformation lead straight from the mass media that have an agenda. Remember the media telling you Joe Biden was mentally fit and sharp? Whole Trump had to be impeached because of his mental decline?? Then the documents scandal happens and they say Biden isn't sharp enough to stand trial. Mind you only presidents can take those documents he had with all living ex presidents having their own documents(Obama has more today than Trump has before they went after him) Biden was a vice president when he took them which is unprecedented. Trump being the only person they have ever gone after with this. How is all that Trump trying to create confusion?? Having the whole thing weponised against him. But you will turn a blind eye to reality in these cases and facts which is basically brainwashing. Brainwashing effects is where people can be shown facts and evidence and still won't believe what's Infront of them and hold the same beliefs no matter what despite not being able to prove your point. I guarantee you that you can bring me any quote or basically anything that Trump did including January 6th and I can give you a full rebuttal and prove why and how it has been manipulated. We are living in very crazy times.

Thanks for no paragraphs. Easier to skip the whole lot.

On iPhone using mobile app
Whole Trump had to be impeached because of his mental decline??

Then the documents scandal happens and they say Biden isn't sharp enough to stand trial. Mind you only presidents can take those documents he had with all living ex presidents having their own documents(Obama has more today than Trump has before they went after him)

Biden was a vice president when he took them which is unprecedented.

I pride myself on being an open-minded mo-fo and would like to see strong evidence of the above. The kind of evidence that would convince a critical thinking human (please don't link from the wsws site, that's not your sandpit).

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What an expected but ridiculous response. Not as bad as usual but still ridiculous. How can a person being misrepresented while gaslighting the public against him that person's fault? Especially when he has been screaming fake news from day 1? Your so willing to blame Trump over every and any 5 second clip taken completely out of context with the media stirring up an emotional reaction leaving people with clouded judgement where we usually can't even have this discussion. So is it Joe Rogan fault that he used particular drug prescribed by his doctor during the height of covid a drug that's had billions of human prescriptions and got better within a few days, where the media didn't like that information and edited his skin to make him look sickly than told the world he's using horse dewormer? This is where we find ourselves now and a world of misinformation lead straight from the mass media that have an agenda. Remember the media telling you Joe Biden was mentally fit and sharp? Whole Trump had to be impeached because of his mental decline?? Then the documents scandal happens and they say Biden isn't sharp enough to stand trial. Mind you only presidents can take those documents he had with all living ex presidents having their own documents(Obama has more today than Trump has before they went after him) Biden was a vice president when he took them which is unprecedented. Trump being the only person they have ever gone after with this. How is all that Trump trying to create confusion?? Having the whole thing weponised against him. But you will turn a blind eye to reality in these cases and facts which is basically brainwashing. Brainwashing effects is where people can be shown facts and evidence and still won't believe what's Infront of them and hold the same beliefs no matter what despite not being able to prove your point. I guarantee you that you can bring me any quote or basically anything that Trump did including January 6th and I can give you a full rebuttal and prove why and how it has been manipulated. We are living in very crazy times.
Paragraph anyone?
Trump reckons he is much,much better looking than Kamala Harris.I’ll let you all be the judge of that.☺️


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If the Dems wanted to provide a real alternate for their supporters to the Don then they would have opened up the DNC to the likes of Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr, but they don't fit the mould so it was an automatic 'selection' for Harris.
If she is truly the best option, she would easily 'walk' through the DNC process. However, I suspect Gabbard, at least, would destroy her in a debate.
Update. Tulsi is now helping Trump for the debate against Harris.

In his recent keynote speech to the DNC, Biden declared:

"Donald Trump says he will refuse to accept the election result if he loses again. Think about that. He’s promising a bloodbath if he loses, in his words. And that he’ll be a dictator on day one, in his own words.

By the way, this sucker means it. No, I'm not joking. Think about it. Anybody else said that in the past, you'd think he was crazy, you’d think it was an exaggeration, but he means it."

So, let's think about this for one moment. The current US president is stating publicly that the Republican opposition candidate plans a bloodbath should he lose the election, and if he assumes power, he will be a dictator from day one.

This is not just the world socialist website saying this. It is Biden himself. o_O

As president of the US, Biden would have access to all the latest intelligence as well as Trump's own public threats, on which to base his remarks.

In a normal, functioning democracy, these words from the President of the US, warning about a "bloodbath" should election results not go Trump's way, would be receive immense coverage in the media, and would introduce a sense of gravity at the conference itself.

Instead, the conference continued the next day as if Biden had never uttered these words, and there was no comment on Biden's warning about the threat to democracy in any msm.

Gives one pause to think. :think:

At the kickboxing in Koh Samui

Algerian just beat the hell out of the local guy

Then the Algerian really got booed (he might be a Trump supporter)

View attachment 2082857
When you get Zev liking your post, you immediately need to question the quality of said post.
I would suggest that because full contact fighting sports are so barbaric, that this could be the reason that Zev has attached his signature to it.
In his recent keynote speech to the DNC, Biden declared:

"Donald Trump says he will refuse to accept the election result if he loses again. Think about that. He’s promising a bloodbath if he loses, in his words. And that he’ll be a dictator on day one, in his own words.

By the way, this sucker means it. No, I'm not joking. Think about it. Anybody else said that in the past, you'd think he was crazy, you’d think it was an exaggeration, but he means it."

So, let's think about this for one moment. The current US president is stating publicly that the Republican opposition candidate plans a bloodbath should he lose the election, and if he assumes power, he will be a dictator from day one.

This is not just the world socialist website saying this. It is Biden himself. o_O

As president of the US, Biden would have access to all the latest intelligence as well as Trump's own public threats, on which to base his remarks.

In a normal, functioning democracy, these words from the President of the US, warning about a "bloodbath" should election results not go Trump's way, would be receive immense coverage in the media, and would introduce a sense of gravity at the conference itself.

Instead, the conference continued the next day as if Biden had never uttered these words, and there was no comment on Biden's warning about the threat to democracy in any msm.

Gives one pause to think. :think:

Please, don't believe everything you read, especially when it comes to quotes from Biden and the Democrats about Trump. They have taken Trump's words out of context to scare voters, which is quite comical. Below is the context in which Trump's words were said.

Please, don't believe everything you read, especially when it comes to quotes from Biden and the Democrats about Trump. They have taken Trump's words out of context to scare voters, which is quite comical. Below is the context in which Trump's words were said.

View attachment 2086783
Hey Antz. Thought you were never going to reply to me again. How quickly things change.
Don't believe everything I read?
LOL Antz, the article from wsws that I referenced above simply quotes Biden verbatim. You can choose not to believe reality if you want's up to you.
And why do you think the "washington post" (owned by Jeff Bezos ) should be believed more than the wsws ?
Likewise, whatever msm you want to quote...all owned by billionaires...why do you place so much of your innocent, unwavering trust in them??
Hey Antz. Thought you were never going to reply to me again. How quickly things change.
Don't believe everything I read?
LOL Antz, the article from wsws that I referenced above simply quotes Biden verbatim. You can choose not to believe reality if you want's up to you.
And why do you think the "washington post" (owned by Jeff Bezos ) should be believed more than the wsws ?

I recently watched a snippet of Trump's "Bloodbath" speech and it's crucial to note that the Democrats have taken it out of context. I urge you to Google it and see for yourself that Trump was referring to an economic bloodbath.
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