Roast Ty-ragic Tyrone

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Sorry, for some reason it just bugged me, you can do whatever you like, as long as you attend games and buy memberships :thumbsu:

...thank you...

...and yes i have bought my 2011 RFC membership...:thumbsu:...

...and i daresay like everyone else on this RFC site i am looking forward to going to that first game!!!...:D...

...but guilty of not personally attending each and every game...:eek:...
Get the name right 'fella'! ....and....calling someone's loyalty in question when they display dissent from the pack is the action of propagandised idiot. It's ********s like you who have allowed this club to slide over the past 30 years....

...its really strange...for some reason...everytime i see your name posted here..

...i feel like split enz and...instead of seeing red....

...i see brohuahaw...

...i see brohuahaw...

...i see brohuahaw...:p...

CNB1990, you are very annoying as well so could you stop posting please.......

Did you just create an account 5 minutes ago?

Have fun posting, aslong as you support Richmond I have no problems with you. Buy a membership too...

And Jak, that first game will be epic, If we can put up a fight against the scum, we might be in for one hell of a season :D

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...not at all...

...its all about you...

...and about your own personable method of pre judging young players having a go...

...its called damming with faint praise......look it up... certainly would know how to crush a young aspiring footballers ego
spirit and confidence...'softbuttered' 'low rated' 'shirker' 'skinny runt'...

...its about flexibilty, discernment astuteness empathy judgement...look them up... be fair...some players may need the occassional coaches blast...and some to be quietly and empathtically spoken to... method does not work for all...

...its unfair to focus on deficiences to the excusion of all else... be fair...where is your encouragement, positive support of unequivocal ifs and buts...

...great parents, teachers...dont break spirits...they nurture their growth lest they shatter a diamond in the rough...

still crying i see get over it your precious players are going to cop plenty of criticism before the yrs out.

and im the coach now am i your a very funny bloke or is that girl got your hanky yet.
simple fact hes been very ordinary up to now. simple fact he has shirked matter what sort of gobbldy gook you spew out of that tiny deluded mind of yours you cant change that fact. hes played one good practise game and suddenly hes a footballer according to you.

come and see me in two yrs time and i will tell you if hes still soft as butter and shirking or not. someone will have to tell ya seems you only see what you think is good.

you want to try and pretend to know how people think and put words in their mouth well your in for a shock sonny

to do what jak does. hmm all our players are great they dont have flaws and they will all end up champions. and tyrone vickery has been fantastic to date. thats me being claivoyant in the same way as you.

lol the great defender of one game wonders.
no wonder our players cop so much shit with such unrealistic supporters like you.

go put your head back in the sand and pretend all is well and leave us thinking and realistic people in peace. and dont assume to know what a realistic poster thinks you would have no idea. oh and learn to read others posts more carefully and you may garner some idea of what they are may even manage to stop being so claivoyant.
still crying i see get over it your precious players are going to cop plenty of criticism before the yrs out.

and im the coach now am i your a very funny bloke or is that girl got your hanky yet.
simple fact hes been very ordinary up to now. simple fact he has shirked matter what sort of gobbldy gook you spew out of that tiny deluded mind of yours you cant change that fact. hes played one good practise game and suddenly hes a footballer according to you.

come and see me in two yrs time and i will tell you if hes still soft as butter and shirking or not. someone will have to tell ya seems you only see what you think is good.

you want to try and pretend to know how people think and put words in their mouth well your in for a shock sonny

to do what jak does. hmm all our players are great they dont have flaws and they will all end up champions. and tyrone vickery has been fantastic to date. thats me being claivoyant in the same way as you.

lol the great defender of one game wonders.
no wonder our players cop so much shit with such unrealistic supporters like you.

go put your head back in the sand and pretend all is well and leave us thinking and realistic people in peace. and dont assume to know what a realistic poster thinks you would have no idea. oh and learn to read others posts more carefully and you may garner some idea of what they are may even manage to stop being so claivoyant.

...hey...'ve got to admit that TV haircut is a definite improvement!...:thumbsu:...
I bagged Newman early on last year and look where that got me LMAO.

Better to say nothing because coming on here and saying Vickery's a dud does sweet **** all.

King got bagged then he came back.

Negative nuff nuffs.

just opinion but king is a very ordinary player.
You can tell negative people when they put a smiley after "Insert Name is a dud" or an exclamation mark or intro their post with "all you idiots" or something along those lines.

Usually seen after a few beers,wanting a fight with anyone instead of watching the game.

Best way is not to reply but just ignore them.

Oops,I replied.
yep hes as soft as butter shirks a contest and plays scared. have seen it with my own eyes and its been a regular thing.
did it not happen last night well that would be a good thing.

are you saying he cant turn these things around because i dont recall saying he cant.
what i have said is he wont make it if he doesnt.
oh thats right your another of those with blinkers who thinks one decent hit out in a practise game makes a player.
Far from soft last night Claws, took a couple of nice grabs leading hard with an opponent up his clacker, also regularly crashed packs in the F50 to at minimum force a contest and even managed to jag a goal after hitting a pack causing a spill and then roving the crumb himself.

Still short of establishing himself as a lock in the 22 but last night was a pretty good foundation to build on. Will be interesting to see what happens next week especially if Jack is back.
It's really just that some people come on and continually bag players who turn out to be quite good, but rather than mending their ways or learning from the experience, those posters just move on to bagging someone else.

To be fair I've praised a few guys who've turned out to be duds (Richie?). And I probably haven't learnt because I've been pumping up Ty all summer

Simply a half full/half empty thing, only some guys glasses are half empty of ****.

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It's really just that some people come on and continually bag players who turn out to be quite good, but rather than mending their ways or learning from the experience, those posters just move on to bagging someone else.

To be fair I've praised a few guys who've turned out to be duds (Richie?). And I probably haven't learnt because I've been pumping up Ty all summer

Simply a half full/half empty thing, only some guys glasses are half empty of ****.

...NO...thats some guys glasses are half full of ****...:D...
santa your biggest problem is that you bag players saying they shirk or are just simply duds, yet you don't offer anything else in the way of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism like, Vickery was quiet for the first quarter done some ok things in the second but then really stood up in the third and fourth quarters.

Everything we read of what you have to say is, [insert name] is a dud [insert name] should not be in the 22 and so on, I have yet to see you offer some sort of advice or reasoning on how a player you think is no good needs to go about things to improve his game.

Negativity is fine, but when it gets to the point where the only thing you have been sprouting since I have been here for the past year is only crap negativity without even trying to offer some advice on what [insert name] needs to do to improve there game.

PS: Stop talking down to people like you are somehow better then them, just because people like a bit of optimism it doesn't mean they can't see the deficiencies as a player, you say player X is a dud they say give player X time.

Neither you or anyone on this board is correct about anything, everyone on this board uses hindsight and told you so attitude, however it is a discussion forum and there is no need for you to have the holier then thou attitude.
lol you should read the thread and then come back and tell me if i have been negative for negatives sake.

and i talk down to dim wit posters when they try to put words into my mouth.
jak is trying to have people believe that i have written vickery off even after its been shown that is patently wrong. he then continues on with it basically calling me a liar and posting in a way that suggests he knows what im thinking. well two can play silly buggers im more than happy to talk about vickery his performances his weaknesses etc etc but will give like for like with fools like jak. i suggest you are talking to the wrong poster but hey with your record you are going to side with anyone whos positive right or wrong.

before you come charging in playing devils advocate i suggest you do the decent thing and at least read the thread.
if you look close enough you will find im one who defended him thought it stupid to be writing him off after just 2 seasons and insisted he will be around for a couple more yrs despite his failings to date.
nowhere have i said he will make it. nor have i said he should be delisted. i have insisted he has done nothing to date and has shirked contests regularly and that is a cause for concern. there have been few positives with this bloke to date to comment on ordinary is ordinary.

before you go giving posters advice i suggest you find out first what is going on.
lol you should read the thread and then come back and tell me if i have been negative for negatives sake.

and i talk down to dim wit posters when they try to put words into my mouth.
jak is trying to have people believe that i have written vickery off even after its been shown that is patently wrong. he then continues on with it basically calling me a liar and posting in a way that suggests he knows what im thinking. well two can play silly buggers im more than happy to talk about vickery his performances his weaknesses etc etc but will give like for like with fools like jak. i suggest you are talking to the wrong poster but hey with your record you are going to side with anyone whos positive right or wrong.

before you come charging in playing devils advocate i suggest you do the decent thing and at least read the thread.
if you look close enough you will find im one who defended him thought it stupid to be writing him off after just 2 seasons and insisted he will be around for a couple more yrs despite his failings to date.
nowhere have i said he will make it. nor have i said he should be delisted. i have insisted he has done nothing to date and has shirked contests regularly and that is a cause for concern. there have been few positives with this bloke to date to comment on ordinary is ordinary.

before you go giving posters advice i suggest you find out first what is going on.

santa I've been on this forum long enough to see your posting style, my previous post wasn't just about your thoughts on Vickery, it was a a comment in general about your style of posting.

And yes I do understand you have been a great advocate of playing Vickery at Coburg to allow him to develop, but every other post you make you make a negative comment without following up with something positive so people can get some perspective of what you think the players you dislike should be doing.

I think you are quite a knowledgeable poster who seems to know what hes talking about, but the way you post and the way it comes across it's a very negative vibe and something that puts a lot of people off.

I just think you need to balance it out a bit, I liked your post the other day when you were talking about how you and your brother donate to the JD fund and how your Father had passed away recently, it was a very nice and touching post and good to see a positive side of you that I don't think many have seen from you in here, it's clear you are a very passionate supporter and love the RFC as much as the next person.

I think it's time for all people to put the mediocrity days behind us and accept that the club is finally doing anything and everything in reaching the much anticipated #11, have faith that the people in charge will make the right decisions to bring this GREAT club to where it once was and that is at the top looking down on everyone else.
santa I've been on this forum long enough to see your posting style, my previous post wasn't just about your thoughts on Vickery, it was a a comment in general about your style of posting.

And yes I do understand you have been a great advocate of playing Vickery at Coburg to allow him to develop, but every other post you make you make a negative comment without following up with something positive so people can get some perspective of what you think the players you dislike should be doing.

I think you are quite a knowledgeable poster who seems to know what hes talking about, but the way you post and the way it comes across it's a very negative vibe and something that puts a lot of people off.

I just think you need to balance it out a bit, I liked your post the other day when you were talking about how you and your brother donate to the JD fund and how your Father had passed away recently, it was a very nice and touching post and good to see a positive side of you that I don't think many have seen from you in here, it's clear you are a very passionate supporter and love the RFC as much as the next person.

I think it's time for all people to put the mediocrity days behind us and accept that the club is finally doing anything and everything in reaching the much anticipated #11, have faith that the people in charge will make the right decisions to bring this GREAT club to where it once was and that is at the top looking down on everyone else.

If you don't like his posts, then simple.........don't read them.

Opinions of many make this board what it is. I enjoy reading multiple points of view of a players attributes or lack of. The banter between some posters is also entertaining:D. Just because you or other posters don't agree with someones post, or even their posting style doesn't make you right.

In this case with TV he has a long road ahead to become an AFL footballer. His size alone limits his role within the team, he may have played as a forward this week but he needs to have more strings to his bow or he will be gone in no time. I for one hold hope that TV will develop and history shows these big fellas take a hell of a lot longer than the utility players. Who knows this game could be the game that provides the impetus for him to take the next step, or he could just rest on his laurels and think he has done enough?
Bart: TV sucks.
Homer: I know you're upset right now so I'll pretend you didn't say that.
lol you should read the thread and then come back and tell me if i have been negative for negatives sake.

and i talk down to dim wit posters when they try to put words into my mouth.
jak is trying to have people believe that i have written vickery off even after its been shown that is patently wrong. he then continues on with it basically calling me a liar and posting in a way that suggests he knows what im thinking. well two can play silly buggers im more than happy to talk about vickery his performances his weaknesses etc etc but will give like for like with fools like jak. i suggest you are talking to the wrong poster but hey with your record you are going to side with anyone whos positive right or wrong.

before you come charging in playing devils advocate i suggest you do the decent thing and at least read the thread.
if you look close enough you will find im one who defended him thought it stupid to be writing him off after just 2 seasons and insisted he will be around for a couple more yrs despite his failings to date.
nowhere have i said he will make it. nor have i said he should be delisted. i have insisted he has done nothing to date and has shirked contests regularly and that is a cause for concern. there have been few positives with this bloke to date to comment on ordinary is ordinary.

before you go giving posters advice i suggest you find out first what is going on.

Eveidence there LOL of what I was saying before.
If you don't like his posts, then simple.........don't read them.

Opinions of many make this board what it is. I enjoy reading multiple points of view of a players attributes or lack of. The banter between some posters is also entertaining:D. Just because you or other posters don't agree with someones post, or even their posting style doesn't make you right.

In this case with TV he has a long road ahead to become an AFL footballer. His size alone limits his role within the team, he may have played as a forward this week but he needs to have more strings to his bow or he will be gone in no time. I for one hold hope that TV will develop and history shows these big fellas take a hell of a lot longer than the utility players. Who knows this game could be the game that provides the impetus for him to take the next step, or he could just rest on his laurels and think he has done enough?

More examples lol.
I can read you darksiders from a long way off.:D
Eveidence there LOL of what I was saying before.

lol and here i was thinking you were just going to ignore us nasty negative types. sometimes you should just practice what you preach.
some people just cant help themselves and look fools because of it.
5 GOALS IN A HALF, IN CAPITALS GUYS TOLD YOU SO FULL FORWARD. He is only going to get better when all our guys are back, especially Jack and Griffo. 1 game a season doesnt make but 5 goals in a half is a great start Ty good luck son youll be right, Goose says so.
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