Mod. Notice Vale Grand Uncle Horace

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Jun 2, 2014
AFL Club
Other Teams
The Rebel Alliance
It is with great sadness that I announce our Grand Uncle Horace has left us. He had been ill for some time and this battle was one he could not argue with... Well, he probably did - Uncle could and would argue with anyone about just about anything, but some debates cannot be won.

He was passionate about a great many things and would defend that which he loved long and loud. One of which was his beloved Bloods. An olde Souths Man to his very core he would often regal us with stories of watching South Melbourne greats at Lakeside Oval.

I caught up with Uncle a number of times over the years and recall when we convinced him to come to the G when instead of going home after drinks. Ben Ronke kicked 7. A great time was had I can tell you - Uncle gave the Hawk lads hell throughout the game.

There was never a moniker Uncle couldn't provide to a team that didn't defy linguistic interpretation - anything but their actual name. Especially Saints & North :tongueoutv1: He introduced me to words like: flogstradamus, Citizen Kane and comments like: This is less an advertisement for the game and more a tax deduction.

And god help the player he got a set on. He was diabolical.

He was active across a great many boards on BF. Sweet FA and Paddocks & Plates

Uncle - was at times an eloquent passionate pain in the arse but you were ours and we loved you for it. Fly high Uncle and we'll see you next time around.

Given his admiration of the great Ron Clegg and it seems appropriate that we add Ron here for one last conversation.

This has hit harder than I would have imagined!
So sorry to hear this and condolences to his nearest and dearest…and BigFooty mates.

For mine, he is the epitome of what these forums, qooty and werewolf were all about.
Great banter.
Genuine supportive team mate with the Wonders.
Viewed him as a mentor.
He despised my beloved blues and would give me stick at any opportunity…and of course would cop it in return.

A void that will be difficult to fill.

He will be missed.
RIP legend.

Thank you.

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Posted in the SFA thread for him.

But this is legitimately gutting.

Grand Uncle Horace was a brilliant poster, but more importantly a great person.

His post legitimately have had me in tears on quite a few occasions and we have shared multiple messages over the years.

Rest in peace GUH
GUH was a hell of a character, and one of the most steadfast (virtual) pals in my short time in the Sweet FA. I will miss him, greatly.
First time I've been on an opposition board and posted, but this is so worth it, I'm so sad at this news, RIP, and as one of the late great comedians Dave Allen used to say at the end of his act; "May your god go with you"!
Rip Smh GIF
I only got to duel with GUH a few times on SFA & found him to be one hell of a funny man. My deepest sympathy goes to his immediate family & close friends, treasure, share & laugh at his fun & idiotic moments in life, as I would hope that is what he would want. RIP Grand Uncle Horace
GUH last post of note

I would like the Club to adopt a set of golden rules re selecting injured players.

Horse should have input but no more than any other club figure.

I honestly believe selecting lame players is his ‘Achilles Heel “. He is completely untrustworthy on the subject and should have no say on selection of injured players in Match Committee.

Fwiw I believe he stupidly believed the lies of others on the Reid selection issue and was let down.
Simply heartbreaking and devastating 😢

Condolences to his family, friends and loved ones in this difficult time

Will miss him dearly across the whole site and his chats about absolute anything

Rest in peace

Vale Grand Uncle Horace

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Still can't quite believe it. As with miggs, I never met the guy, but I feel like I've lost a brother - which is what I love about the SFA. RIP Horrie!!!
That's a good way to describe it Phil - I never physically met him but when I heard the news, it felt like I'd actually lost a close uncle.

BF, in particularly the Swans board, won't quite be the same 😢
That's a good way to describe it Phil - I never physically met him but when I heard the news, it felt like I'd actually lost a close uncle.

BF, in particularly the Swans board, won't quite be the same 😢

Said that earlier. Grand Uncle by name and grand uncle by nature.

Was he always known as GUH? Seem to recall him changing his name soon after joining the site. Doing my head in but maybe I'm confusing him with somebody else?
Said that earlier. Grand Uncle by name and grand uncle by nature.

Was he always known as GUH? Seem to recall him changing his name soon after joining the site. Doing my head in but maybe I'm confusing him with somebody else?
He used to be Bloodied52 until a few years ago.

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Mod. Notice Vale Grand Uncle Horace

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