Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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Yes, one that isn't prepared to repeat Hamas rhetoric like others.......

How's your response going to the question of why Palestinian citizens of Israel, West Banki, Syria & Jordan aren't subject to air strikes to murder them all?

Like always you deflect to counter accusations while ignoring a reasonable question.

Instead you repeat the Israeli rhetoric you keep telling us you don't believe. As I said, here's the real Zidane.
Nice quote, big on Hamas rhetoric, low on facts. And totally absolving Hamas of the fact that it started this war - what a surprise. Ignores the fact that Israel isn't doing the things in Gaza to Palestinians in West Bank, Jordan & Syria. What is your explanation for why Israel isn't bombing West Bank to the stone age? After all, according to you Israel are trying to murder all Palestinians. Where are the bombing runs in West Bank? Why isn't Israel trying to annihilate the large Palestinian community in Syria? Why aren't Palestinians being bombed to smithereens that are citizens of Israel? Once again, you're claiming Israel is trying to murder all Palestinians. Why isn't this happening in Israel? Before you go the whataboutisms and false equivalence route please restrict your response to explaining the lack of air strikes on Palestinian civilians in these areas.

Hamas-Israel is a war. Hamas' rhetoric is that is isn't. Even the war crimes report you quote states as much. Of course it isn't surprising that now you don't want to talk about the UN war crimes report because it doesn't support your theory that Israel is trying to murder all Palestinians.. Unlike yourself I'm more than willing to let UN investigate the war and take actions against those who have committed the most heinous of war crimes on both sides of the equation.

Nice paragraph, big on West Bank settler terrorist rhetoric.
Instead you repeat the Israeli rhetoric you keep telling us you don't believe. As I said, here's the real Zidane.

No, I stick to factual information, a concept you clearly have struggles with. How's the response going to the question about Al-Jazeera still peddling the story that Ah-Ahli was a bombing by Israel after being contacted by other media orgnisations that originally reported the same thing and retracted when they realised what the actual story was?

How's your response going to the question why Palestinians in Syria, Israel, West Bank & Jordan are not subject to air strikes despite your claim Israel is currently mass murdering Palestinians?

1.01 odds you won't answer and come up with a counter accusation.

As I said before - you really should get a job in the Hamas politburo social media department.

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No, I stick to factual information

You really, really don't.

I've spent literal months attempting to have varying degrees of good faith discussion with you.

At every single turn, your response ultimately ends up at 'you support Hamas' or 'you're repeating Hamas propaganda'.

At no point have you engaged in good faith.

For example:

why Palestinians in Syria, Israel, West Bank & Jordan are not subject to air strikes despite your claim Israel is currently mass murdering Palestinians?

This is extremely obviously a stupid question, because in order to mass murder a group, you don't have to kill all of them. Even genocide - the worst imaginable form of mass murder - doesn't require you to kill all of a group.

Taking even 10 seconds to think about what you're writing would have told you it was a stupid question, yet you've now asked it twice.

So - to clarify - you believe the ~ 1200 Israelis killed (notice how I'm not distinguishing whether they were civilian or not) on October 7th is mass murder, but you don't believe the ~ 37,000 Palestinians killed (again, notice how I'm not distinguishing civilian or not for either side here) is mass murder?
You really, really don't.

I've spent literal months attempting to have varying degrees of good faith discussion with you.

At every single turn, your response ultimately ends up at 'you support Hamas' or 'you're repeating Hamas propaganda'.

At no point have you engaged in good faith.

For example:

This is extremely obviously a stupid question, because in order to mass murder a group, you don't have to kill all of them. Even genocide - the worst imaginable form of mass murder - doesn't require you to kill all of a group.

Taking even 10 seconds to think about what you're writing would have told you it was a stupid question, yet you've now asked it twice.

So - to clarify - you believe the ~ 1200 Israelis killed (notice how I'm not distinguishing whether they were civilian or not) on October 7th is mass murder, but you don't believe the ~ 37,000 Palestinians killed (again, notice how I'm not distinguishing civilian or not for either side here) is mass murder?

Like always you dishonestly refuse to answer the question put to you.

Your claim is Israel is mass murdering Palestinian civilians. Without any further deflections or whataboutisms what is your explanation for the fact that Israel isn't doing what it is doing in Gaza to Palestinian civilians in Syria, Israel, West Bank & Jordan?

After all it is your contention that Israel are mass murdering Palestinian civilians.

We can assume you are posting dishonestly by a failure to answer this question directly for which you have failed to do so repeatedly now.
Apartheid is a claim, not fact. And yes, there might have been some sort of response. Just not going into Kibbutz, raping / desecreating elderly people, murdering children.

Would be understandable if Hamas went after IDF bases as that is who their beef should be with. Not with grandamas and babies in communities nearest Gaza just because they dared to be Jewish.

Apartheid is acknoweldged by Israel's own Center for Human Rights - B'Tselem.


Personally I think when you read things like this in Israeli newspapers, it's pretty self-evident:

Nice quote, big on Hamas rhetoric, low on facts. And totally absolving Hamas of the fact that it started this war - what a surprise. Ignores the fact that Israel isn't doing the things in Gaza to Palestinians in West Bank, Jordan & Syria. What is your explanation for why Israel isn't bombing West Bank to the stone age? After all, according to you Israel are trying to murder all Palestinians. Where are the bombing runs in West Bank? Why isn't Israel trying to annihilate the large Palestinian community in Syria? Why aren't Palestinians being bombed to smithereens that are citizens of Israel? Once again, you're claiming Israel is trying to murder all Palestinians. Why isn't this happening in Israel? Before you go the whataboutisms and false equivalence route please restrict your response to explaining the lack of air strikes on Palestinian civilians in these areas.

You're unhinged. You think because Israel isn't exterminating every Palestinian on the planet there's nothing wrong with their conduct? Zionist propagandists wouldn't even make this ridiculous claim.

If we use this as evidentiary standard, there is no such thing as a genocide. It has never happened.

If Israel could attack Syria, Lebanon and Jordan without risking their US support, they would.

You do realise Palestinians are being murdered in the West Bank in record numbers, right? No Hamas to blame here.

Heck, they're destroying Bedouin villages in Israel proper, with no excuse but because they can.

How do you explain away that?
Like always you dishonestly refuse to answer the question put to you.

Your claim is Israel is mass murdering Palestinian civilians. Without any further deflections or whataboutisms what is your explanation for the fact that Israel isn't doing what it is doing in Gaza to Palestinian civilians in Syria, Israel, West Bank & Jordan?

After all it is your contention that Israel are mass murdering Palestinian civilians.

We can assume you are posting dishonestly by a failure to answer this question directly for which you have failed to do so repeatedly now.

Jesus christ.
You're unhinged. You think because Israel isn't exterminating every Palestinian on the planet there's nothing wrong with their conduct? Zionist propagandists wouldn't even make this ridiculous claim.

If we use this as evidentiary standard, there is no such thing as a genocide. It has never happened.

If Israel could attack Syria, Lebanon and Jordan without risking their US support, they would.

You do realise Palestinians are being murdered in the West Bank in record numbers, right? No Hamas to blame here.

Heck, they're destroying Bedouin villages in Israel proper, with no excuse but because they can.

How do you explain away that?

It's interesting the genocide talk.

Muslims have been conducting it in Palestine and the greater Middle East for centuries now.

Yet the people who are shouting about it now have been silent on it when a certain group conducts it.

Seems it's only when Israel does something it gets their hackles up.
It's interesting the genocide talk.

Muslims have been conducting it in Palestine and the greater Middle East for centuries now.

Yet the people who are shouting about it now have been silent on it when a certain group conducts it.

Seems it's only when Israel does something it gets their hackles up.

Please, do go on. Explain these genocides.
Please, do go on. Explain these genocides.

Well the Christian population of Gaza has gone from 15% to under 2%.

In Lebanon the nation that had a Civil War started by Palestine that lead to far more dead than this conflict are seeing their Christian population begin to seriously decrease.

In 1932 Christians were a majority in Lebanon.
In 2010 they were 45% of the population.
In recent times it's believed the number is down to 32%

Pervasive persecution of Christians, sometimes amounting to genocide, is ongoing in parts of the Middle East, and has prompted an exodus in the past two decades, according to a report commissioned by the British foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt.
It's interesting the genocide talk.

Muslims have been conducting it in Palestine and the greater Middle East for centuries now.

Yet the people who are shouting about it now have been silent on it when a certain group conducts it.

Seems it's only when Israel does something it gets their hackles up.
Israel defends itself = genocide.

Even though its the weirdest genocide in history where the "genocidal" country is taking a bunch of steps not to kill civilians and also bringing aid into them so the population doesn't starve while risking their own soldiers lives to do so.

Weirdest apartheid in history where members of the ethnicity that is supposed to be oppressed is able to fulfill any role in Israeli society and the strongest case for the supposed apartheid is different rights for groups that aren't even citizens of Israel and the only reason they even impose these different rules is due to MASSIVE security concerns due to constant terrorism.
Well the Christian population of Gaza has gone from 15% to under 2%.

In Lebanon the nation that had a Civil War started by Palestine that lead to far more dead than this conflict are seeing their Christian population begin to seriously decrease.

In 1932 Christians were a majority in Lebanon.
In 2010 they were 45% of the population.
In recent times it's believed the number is down to 32%

Here's a graph showing the Australian Christian genocide.


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Here's a graph showing the Australian Christian genocide.

View attachment 2031854

**** me you're lame.

"Millions of Christians in the region have been uprooted from their homes, and many have been killed, kidnapped, imprisoned and discriminated against, the report finds. It also highlights discrimination across south-east Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and in east Asia – often driven by state authoritarianism."
You're unhinged. You think because Israel isn't exterminating every Palestinian on the planet there's nothing wrong with their conduct? Zionist propagandists wouldn't even make this ridiculous claim.

If we use this as evidentiary standard, there is no such thing as a genocide. It has never happened.

If Israel could attack Syria, Lebanon and Jordan without risking their US support, they would.

You do realise Palestinians are being murdered in the West Bank in record numbers, right? No Hamas to blame here.

Heck, they're destroying Bedouin villages in Israel proper, with no excuse but because they can.

How do you explain away that?

Ease up on the conspiracies. Clearly you're only interested in one side of the story, you only look for stuff that fits your narrative rather than attempting to find what the real story is.

Could easily find hundreds of examples of Israelis going out of their way to look after and treat Palestinians with the utmost respect and cone up with a similar post to yours.

But unlike yourself I wouldn't do that because it would not be an honest depiction of the real story. Quite clearly Israelis are doing horrible things to Palestinians. Palestinians are doing horrible things to Israelis.

Your propaganda direct work and I don't know why your even posting in thus thread anyway. This is about war crimes.
**** me you're lame.

"Millions of Christians in the region have been uprooted from their homes, and many have been killed, kidnapped, imprisoned and discriminated against, the report finds. It also highlights discrimination across south-east Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and in east Asia – often driven by state authoritarianism."

Why are you bringing whataboutism into this thread?

If you so worried about the christians you could start a thread, or post in one of the relevant ones.

Fact is, Israel have a plausible case of genocide bought against them in the ICJ. Whataboutism is not a defence or excuse for genocide.
Why are you bringing whataboutism into this thread?

If you so worried about the christians you could start a thread, or post in one of the relevant ones.

I'm bringing hypocrites like you out.

I'm not worried about it at all.

You though, you only bring it up when it's one side of the equation showing you don't care about it really at all yourself. Otherwise you'd have started that other thread.
I'm bringing hypocrites like you out.

I'm not worried about it at all.

You though, you only bring it up when it's one side of the equation showing you don't care about it really at all yourself. Otherwise you'd have started that other thread.

Well played Mr Mossad. Well played.
Strong Pro Israel lobby tonight, did you all get the new chat points from Murderous HQ?

I'll admit, I didn't see "what about Christians?" being one of them.

Yes you won't see many Christians in the ME now a days.

"Millions of Christians in the region have been uprooted from their homes, and many have been killed, kidnapped, imprisoned and discriminated against, the report finds. It also highlights discrimination across south-east Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and in east Asia – often driven by state authoritarianism."
Yes you won't see many Christians in the ME now a days.

"Millions of Christians in the region have been uprooted from their homes, and many have been killed, kidnapped, imprisoned and discriminated against, the report finds. It also highlights discrimination across south-east Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and in east Asia – often driven by state authoritarianism."

Do you think Christians need their own religious supremacy state? Kind of like Israel, but for Christians?

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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