Europe War in Ukraine

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I’m not convinced he is simply a troll. Even trolls know where the line is with stuff like this. Actively trolling and pretending you think Russia blowing up a theatre with civilians sheltering inside it makes you a true piece of sh*t.

So either he’s fallen hook, line and sinker for pro-Russia propaganda, and legitimately believes it’s a false flag, in which case he’s genuinely posting this stuff thinking it’s true, and should at the very least be countered with accurate information.

Or, he’s trolling with information and comments he knows to be false, about civilians dying. In which case he’s perhaps the biggest piece of sh*t on this website.

It’s one thing to troll about football, it’s another to troll about a country invading another for no justification whatsoever aside from one dictators ego, with thousands of people dying, and somehow think it’s an ok thing to do.
I think that bolded bit applies to him in whichever scenario fits him

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Apparently no one died thankfully in that attack. Bit of talk it's a false flag too

From who? You? C'mon, show us this "talk".

I suppose it was bombed by heavy artillery from Ukrainian forces over 100kms away?

Man, you can spew some sh!t.
The pro-Putiny pro-Crimea'ey rally the other day drew a quest for interviews from Meduza. Here's their article :

We went for fun, not seriously
A concert in support of the Crimea and the war was held at Luzhniki. Vladimir Putin quoted the Bible, and Margarita Simonyan asked Mother Russia to protect her children.

Full article:

On Friday, March 18, rallies and concerts were held throughout Russia to mark the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea. However, the main theme of these actions was still not Crimea, but the war. To demonstrate popular support for the "special operation", the Russian authorities used long-proven methods - the delivery of state employees, the distribution of food and the performances of pop stars. The Moscow police department reported 200,000 participants, and the Moscow Deptrans reported that even more people came to the concert than were at the stadium during the World Cup matches five years ago. Meduza tells how the rally-concert in Moscow's Luzhniki was held, to which Vladimir Putin also came.

In the crowd at the stadium stands out a group of strong young people. They are wearing white T-shirts worn over jackets, on their backs is the letter Z, painted in the colors of the St. George ribbon, and the inscription "Putin's army." On the chest is a portrait of the Russian president. They came to support "our boys who shed blood for our relatives, our wives at the front."

When asked why the letter Z is the symbol of this support, one of the young people, who introduced himself as Khattab from Makhachkala, replies: “Because it looks most like a swastika.” He laughs and adds, “Z is for peace. Now the whole world is in English, so we changed our shoes.

At this time, a group of people with a canvas of the St. George ribbon in their hands - about a meter wide and several dozen long - line up in the shape of the letter Z near the monument to Lenin.

Young people in T-shirts with a portrait of Putin claim that they are soldiers from the Donbass. “For eight years we ********* [fought] with those ******s there. Now the non-professional army has been removed, and since we are not professional soldiers, we, the ragamuffins, have [also] been removed from there, because tougher wars have begun, more equipment, not by hand,” Khattab explains. Khattab went to fight in the self-proclaimed LPR after he left the SOBR due to an injury.

He believes that the war is “not against the Ukrainian people, but against NATO and legionnaires”: “We cannot be against Ukrainians, against normal Ukrainians, but if other Ukrainians stand in our way, then we will sweep them away too.” Khattab now lives in Makhachkala, he came to the rally himself.

The guys in Putin's army T-shirts remained standing at the entrance to the stadium - they, like thousands of other people who came to the concert in honor of the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea to Russia, did not get inside.

The start of the concert at Luzhniki was scheduled for three o'clock in the afternoon, but in the morning organized groups of spectators were drawn to the stadium. They came by metro and MCC, by charter buses, walked. Crowds of people, which do not exist at the Luzhniki metro station even during rush hours, formed there on Friday before noon.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, before the start of the concert, when organized groups of people continued to walk towards Luzhniki at a quick pace - led by a leader with an identification mark like a flag or an umbrella in their hands - some of the participants in the action were already reaching in the opposite direction, towards the exit.

Three interlocutors from two departments of the Moscow government told Meduza that they were warned at work that they could enter the concert only with tickets (they were issued to state employees at work), and they would be able to leave the stadium only after it was over. However, it is not necessary to serve the event to the end - it was enough to come to Luzhniki during the day and stay there for at least an hour and a half (and not enter the arena itself).

As a result, the organizers continued to call on megaphones to people to enter the stadium and not to linger at the entrance. But when they reached Luzhniki, people were in no hurry to go inside.

The doors of the stadium closed quickly - after 14:30 even ticket holders were not allowed in.

The event outwardly repeated to the details the rallies in support of Putin in 2012 and 2018 - then not all participants of the rally also went to the stadium, many were content with entertainment near it: in previous times, fights on foam rubber logs, archery, bast shoes and even curling. This time, the protesters who remained outside were offered free of charge only barley and buckwheat porridge from the military field kitchen, sausages and tea.

“We almost got crushed in Sector D! Vladimir Mikhalych told me to go to the stage and dance there!” a middle-aged woman was explaining to someone on the phone. She had not yet despaired of going to the concert and was leading a group of people to another entrance. About a dozen young people carried flags with the Russian tricolor and the letter Z in the colors of the St. George ribbon in the opposite direction to it. They walked quickly towards the exit.

“Only if you drive in a tank, the sectors are overcrowded,” Vasily, a MAI student, explained to Meduza why he and his classmates leave Luzhniki even before the concert starts. “My friends passed, but I went to the tubzik and didn’t have time,” he clutches a ticket in his hand, which he never needed. - Tickets were handed out at the institute. We went for fun, not seriously. What the Z stands for on the flag carried by the girl next to him, he found it difficult to answer.

The concert began at 3 pm, the songs of Oleg Gazmanov, Polina Gagarina and Timati were interrupted by the speeches of the hosts - commentator Dmitry Guberniev and TV presenter of "Russia" Maria Sittel - and speeches in support of Donbass. Among the speakers were actor Vladimir Mashkov, actor and State Duma deputy Dmitry Pevtsov in a T-shirt with the sign "Z", Olympic champions .

Mashkov read Fyodor Tyutchev's poem "Vain Labor" from the stage, focusing on the lines "Vain labor - no, you can't reason with them - The more liberal, the more vulgar they are." Pevtsov promised that a parade of the entire Russian people would take place on Red Square, where Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians would march in a single formation.

Those who remained at the stadium - at least several tens of thousands of people - saw them on screens placed around the perimeter of the stadium, there were at least five of them. The screens, like the stage, were decorated with banners with the slogan "For a world without Nazism, For Russia, For the President." People on the street sang along to the hits that sounded from the stage, or stood in lines for porridge and sausages.

Some spectators of the concert came prepared, two men pulled plastic bottles of alcohol from each other from their hoods. Not far from the field kitchen, a group of men in their fifties - about 10 people - were drinking vodka, not hiding at all. The fact that they had a bottle of Khortytsya, a Ukrainian brand of vodka, did not bother them.

“In general, they pitted the Slavs, the Russians are fighting against the Russians,” this is how one of the participants in the impromptu feast, a gray-haired man in a cap, assessed the special operation in Ukraine. “The Americans are sitting over the hill and watching how we, brothers, kill each other. I always wondered how Lenin staged the Civil War in Russia. And now the Americans have done it.”

Meanwhile, at the monument to Lenin, members of the ultra-patriotic "People's Liberation Movement" chanted "give Nevada" . They refused to speak to the Meduza correspondent.

Those gathered near the stadium stood in groups of five to several dozen people. From their colleagues at work or study, with whom they came to the rally, no one tried not to leave. The discussion of the symbolism of the special operation baffled many participants in the rally-concert. Those who agreed to talk offered different versions.

“Z is for the west because they are going. Troops are moving in. Hot spot. V is east. Or… and *** [hell] knows,” Dima, a guy in sunglasses, cheerfully argued. A girl from his group pulled Dima by the sleeve and asked to stop. “Are you a journalist? Why don't they turn on the rapper on stage? Chester there? Dima didn't hesitate. At that moment, from the stage, the singer Agnia sang "Russia, my Russia, your expanses are green meadows."

“Why the letter Z? Because. Petrovich, how do you understand the letter Z? No one explained to us what it is. And you yourself explain to me! ”Said a man in his fifties from the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik.

Have you seen the movie Zorro? What did he fight for? For ordinary people! Just for justice. That's why Z. A lot of good words start with the letter Z. For example, the Earth, ”explained an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations named Alexander. He came to the rally voluntarily, to support the "operation to liberate our homeland."

“We are not at war,” Alexander explained. - If we were at war, we would have held a parade along Khreshchatyk two weeks ago. We restore justice. We are trying to reach out to people, like Leopold the Cat: "Guys, let's live together."

Vladimir Putin came out to the audience at 16:00, after the performance of his favorite band "Lube" with their classical repertoire: the songs "Come on for ..." and "Combat". In a short speech, the president focused on supporting the people of Crimea, although it seemed that most of the audience did not come to the concert to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the annexation of the peninsula. From the question of what kind of event is being celebrated today, the audience either left or said that they “support” the event, but it was difficult to say what exactly they supported.

The President also mentioned Donbass in his speech. Speaking about the goals of the special operation he started, he quoted the Holy Scriptures : "There is no more love, as if someone gave his soul for his friends." “It is precisely to save people from this suffering, from this genocide, that is the main, main reason, motive and goal of the military operation that we launched in the Donbas and Ukraine,” Putin said.

Oddities arose on television with the broadcast of the president's speech - when Putin recalled that the start of the operation coincided with the date of birth of the "great Russian commander Fyodor Ushakov", the picture with the president disappeared and instead a video with a speech by Oleg Gazmanov went on - he sang from the stage even before Putin's address song "Forward, Russia!". Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov explained this incident with technical problems.

The first minutes of the president's speech were filmed by the people gathered at the Luzhniki Stadium on smartphones, but then everyone gradually returned to their daily activities: some went to get more tea and porridge, others to the exit. Putin finished and the stadium doors opened almost immediately. People moved towards the subway in a stream, in the same organized groups that they came with.

Putin was followed by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, who declared Russia to be a country that "values [peace] and guards peace and fights evil." Then came the turn of the head of the TV channel Russia Today, Margarita Simonyan: she complained that the Ukrainian authorities had opened a criminal case against her for the phrase “Mother Russia, take the Donbass home,” and her children, relatives and friends were receiving threatening calls. “I want to repeat: Mother Russia, take Donbass home. Mother Russia, protect your children,” Simonyan said and asked to punish all those “who are bombing Donetsk, Melitopol, Mariupol right now.” The Ukrainian authorities blame Russia for the bombings.

“We cannot be erased like a social media account, because we are a nation that cannot be broken. Russia will never kneel!” - the next speaker shouted from the stage - TV presenter Tina Kandelaki.

The young participants of the rally-concert did not fully understand the meaning of the speeches about Russophobia. They remember the concert much more.

“I have never been to Luzhniki. They came for the sake of interest. Everything is beautiful, I liked everything very much. Who are they fighting against? We will never understand this, ”schoolboy Alexei shared his impressions after the concert.

“How did you get released from school? With a buzz! We are on our own, no one forced us. War is war, I don’t get involved in these matters,” said a student named Alexander. He left with classmates wrapped in Russian flags and was responsible for the entire company. “We are concerned about the rise in prices. But how can I influence this at the age of 16? Go to Navalny's rally?"

“Good concert, delicious sausages, Polina Gagarina is cool. How to like her on instagram now? VPN! ”, - a student of the sports school shared her impressions.

“What will be will be. We no longer have power over this,” an employee of Zhilishchnik commented on the economic situation. He came to the concert organized, with colleagues. At work, according to him, all employees, in order to go to the rally, signed applications for time off from their superiors.

“Any decision needs support. I am not a politician to draw conclusions, to lead a discussion - a special operation or a war. I came to rally,” Andrey, a student at MPEI, explained his trip to the rally. And he admitted: “There is excitement about where to go next [after graduating from the university].”

True, Andrey then confidently added that he sees “positive glimpses” in Western sanctions against Russia: “The economy can strengthen, freed from Western interference. The generation under Stalin also did not live very well, but the next ones! First in space, great country."

The opinion of his friend, an employee of one state organization (he flatly refused to say which one), differed: “Prospects are not particularly visible, I do not support this. And I did not want to go here as much as possible, but I had to. The requirement [from the authorities] to recruit the maximum number of people. Today is paid as usual. But you couldn't refuse."

The young man was afraid to say not only his name and where he works, but also why he does not support the war. He was one of the few who came to the rally wearing a medical mask. His friend joked: “Why are you wearing a mask like an FSB officer?”

Two women from a budgetary organization admitted that their employer obliged them to come to the rally - as a result, a group of more than 100 people came from the organization. However, they still experience "a sense of patriotism for their country." They were afraid to answer other questions from the Meduza correspondent.

What made Friday's rally-concert different from other pro-government rallies, where attendance is often provided by budgetary organizations, was that its participants practically ran away from any questions.

- Tell us why you came, what to support?

“Oh, I can’t,” replies a woman in her 50s, picking up her pace.

What can't you do?

— Unable to speak beautifully.

- Tell me how it is.

- No no no.

A gray-haired man with a flag leaves under Putin's speech in the direction of the metro. Why he did not listen to her to the end, he does not answer. When asked whether he came of his own accord, he replies: “Are you a journalist? You already know everything."

At least two participants in the rally-concert near Luzhniki were specifically warned at work that they were forbidden to communicate with journalists: “They gave instructions not to communicate.”

The rally was also distinguished by a large number of young people - not only students, but also underage schoolchildren, who almost never attended such concerts in previous years.

Those who left Luzhniki before the president's speech acted prudently. By five o'clock in the evening, the nearest metro station "Sportivnaya" to the stadium was closed to the entrance. By six, a crowd had also formed at Frunzenskaya. People walked through the cordon of riot police and the National Guard from the stadium to the Garden Ring. The woman who left the stadium with an armful of blankets shook her head in confusion, not understanding where to put what she had collected from her group. “Don’t worry, put it up at the flea market tomorrow,” her colleague reassured her.

In the park near Frunzenskaya, there were schoolchildren who did not get into the subway. The teenage girl was indignant: "And for the sake of this ***** [nonsense] I got up at six?!"
Meanwhile plane crash in China :(

Video purporting to be of the plane's final seconds from Weibo. If that is real, that flight attitude is pretty suggestive of some very bad things.

Ukraine won’t have to agree. Putin just calls a ceasefire if they capture Mariupol and makes it a condition of any agreement they keep what land they’ve gained.

Ukraine actually have to agree OR the war continues. It’s not like a computer game, where you can peace out when you have maximum war score, you actually need to have the other side agree.

Ukraine has repeatedly said that they will not give up any territory. They may change their mind and give up parts of Donetsk (I would IF I was them) BUT giving up a land bridge gives up the rights to the coastal areas which have never had a pro-Russian nationalists operating there.

IF I was Ukraine, unless a nuke gets launched, I would continue fighting until Russia is out of the Kyiv area, Kharkiv area and the Southern area between Kherson and Mariupol. They will be able to do this soon, probably in the order I listed. There are a lot of overseas Ukrainian forces moving to those areas now. Those units are veterans, who will be far better than any other troops.
A conversation with a couple who are mates of mine from one Siberian town:

we havent sugar
none at all? or just too expensive now?
many people buy sugar everywhere. i dont know for what
ahh panic buying, because scared it will be gone?
of course it is in stores, but the shelves with it are almost empty, I saw it personally!

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Got killed a few days back iirc.

According to Russian social media he has been killed at least 5 times in the past week. First got killed in Mariupol 20 minutes after arriving there (must have been a ghost to walk through all that enemy territory to get there in the first place), then in Kyiv multiple times since.

So in other words, he's most likely still alive pinging Russian soldiers.

Edit: He also got killed in the Yavoriv bombing too. Has 9 lives.
Last edited:
I’m not convinced he is simply a troll. Even trolls know where the line is with stuff like this. Actively trolling and pretending you think Russia blowing up a theatre with civilians sheltering inside it makes you a true piece of sh*t.

So either he’s fallen hook, line and sinker for pro-Russia propaganda, and legitimately believes it’s a false flag, in which case he’s genuinely posting this stuff thinking it’s true, and should at the very least be countered with accurate information.

Or, he’s trolling with information and comments he knows to be false, about civilians dying. In which case he’s perhaps the biggest piece of sh*t on this website.

It’s one thing to troll about football, it’s another to troll about a country invading another for no justification whatsoever aside from one dictators ego, with thousands of people dying, and somehow think it’s an ok thing to do.
I'm very convinced he's just a troll. His pattern of posting reflects it clearly. He's been just dropping short inflammatory posts without any substance at fairly regular intervals for about three weeks and 600 pages now. And all just to trigger an emotional response in other posters. Giving himself a bit of time in between each post to concoct something new and very provocative, exacerbating their effects by never providing any credible justification. It's actually got a fair bit pathological. Seriously, I would just ignore, if not literally then at least don't respond. After 20-odd years on these boards, I put ignore on my first poster (it was on the Richmond board) about a month ago, and it's been pretty liberating tbh.
None of those are wrong exactly, but what they all have in common is a framing of west vs Russia with a total ignorance and exclusion of actual Ukrainian autonomy. This latest situation is the result of an expressed desire by Ukraine for closer western integration rather than any maneuvering from the west, surely.

How long should a sovereign country be denied their autonomy in order to satisfy whichever stuck-in-the-past lunatic is running Russia? Its a reasonable question to ponder I suppose, when Russia has nukes. But I can't see how "forever" is a palatable answer either.

Yep, basically this.

NATO is a bullshit justification anyway. Yeah Ukraine wanted to join, but as I understand it they wouldn't have been able to actually make it happen for many years, if ever.

Complete furphy from Putin IMO.

Absolutely its complete BS.

Like the Nazi jibe, ie a Nazi Government run by a Jewish President & a Jewish PM!!!. I mean, how stupid do the Russians think people are?

NATO is a defence organisation for countries who chose to join & align with its rules & structures. Ukraine isn't eligible.

No, Putin just wants his USSR empire back. His historic reasons are deluded. Kyiv is much older than Moscow by some 500 years. To say Russia created Ukraine is just crap. The borders have changed many times of course. So too has Russia's.

He's strengthened NATO as other nations see the lawlessness in the Putin autocracy.
According to Russian social media he has been killed at least 5 times in the past week. First got killed in Mariupol 20 minutes after arriving there (must have been a ghost to walk through all that enemy territory to get there in the first place), then in Kyiv multiple times since.

So in other words, hes most likely still alive pinging Russian soldiers

Edit: He also got killed killed in the Yavoriv bombing too. Has 9 lives.
Cats fan
Absolutely its complete BS.

His historic reasons are deluded. Kyiv is much older than Moscow by some 500 years. To say Russia created Ukraine is just crap. The borders have changed many times of course. So too has Russia's.
The ****ing idiot living in his own historical bubble only on his time and yet he makes out he just wants to restore historical regions.
Kyiv indeed is much older and more important. Ukraine has shown way more soul and spirit of people power than he could ever know.
It is indeed, what scares him. The unknown...
I'm very convinced he's just a troll. His pattern of posting reflects it clearly. He's been just dropping short inflammatory posts without any substance at fairly regular intervals for about three weeks and 600 pages now.
This was obvious two weeks ago. I called him out on just a few things he was posting and he actually showed he had no idea at all.
I have no idea why some people are so slow to pick up on that and not bother with him. He is a clueless dimwitted follower with no substance or independent thinking of his own.
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