Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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But Koch nonchalantly reiterated that he's contracted and coaching in 2025. Why do you think Hinkley needs to do this?

Because Ken knows that what Koch said had as much value and truth in it as Houston's "I'm not leaving" interview on 5AA a few weeks back.

Ken and CD are also pretty tight as a joint ticket, and to my knowledge CD hasn't told Ken he's safe for 2025 either, so Ken would no doubt be a bit nervous.

It's why the pressure needs to be ramped up on Ken this week by the supporters. Particularly talkback radio.
Because he knows people arent happy with him, he is being criticised by people in the media and the industry and he is basically a pants pisser ergo - finals are scarey type comments.

He knows after another terrible finals flop he aint safe. Why else talk about it in his presser?

Because Koch solely can't make that decision and if the rest of the board doesn't agree with him then Ken gets the sack. Ken knows that

OK. I wonder what he's thinking is the likelihood. I reckon he's wanting them to promise him that he's still coach for 2025 which then he wants to know what KPIs he needs to meet before next year's finals to secure an extension, but if he doesn't like the KPIs then he's prepared to dare them to sack him but show him the money!

He may finally be gone.
OK. I wonder what he's thinking is the likelihood. I reckon he's wanting them to promise him that he's still coach for 2025 which then he wants to know what KPIs he needs to meet before next year's finals to secure an extension, but if he doesn't like the KPIs then he's prepared to dare them to sack him but show him the money!

He may finally be gone.

He wants the club to make a quick decision because he knows the club are week and value stability so if they had to make an immediate decision they'd keep him on.

We need to keep the pressure up. Here, twitter, facebook, emailing Matthew Richardson. Even if you usually can't stand using social media or sending emails, now is the time to ratchet up the pressure because it could genuinely matter if a committee member or two are on edge.

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Speaking of, anyone know what time Tredders is on the radio on Monday, and how we call in? I wouldn't usually listen to the radio but i'll probably try to call if i'm free.
Speaking of, anyone know what time Tredders is on the radio on Monday, and how we call in? I wouldn't usually listen to the radio but i'll probably try to call if i'm free.
Not sure what time exactly but it's between 4-6pm as that's when Timmy G and Rowey are on but as a note, whoever is calling needs to be very level headed in their chat. Don't raise your voice or sound angry. Present the facts objectively in a strong manner and make them respond to those facts that are against Ken.

If you raise your voice they put you in the "mad" can bucket and don't take you seriously
Not sure what time exactly but it's between 4-6pm as that's when Timmy G and Rowey are on but as a note, whoever is calling needs to be very level headed in their chat. Don't raise your voice or sound angry. Present the facts objectively in a strong manner and make them respond to those facts that are against Ken.

If you raise your voice they put you in the "mad" can bucket and don't take you seriously

Absolutely agree.

My points would be simple:

It's very clear at this point that if we'd known what was to transpire over the following 13 months, we wouldn't have extended Hinkley, noting that Tredders wasn't there for that extension.

That the big question mark is finals, and we've been totally non competitive, winning 3 total quarters in our last 6 finals matches. We've won 3 finals in a decade, to win a flag you need at least 3 in 1 month.

Given that, are the club holding true to it's motto that we exist to win Premierships? How can we honestly say we are acting in service of winning premierships if we don't make sweeping changes with that finals record?
Speaking of, anyone know what time Tredders is on the radio on Monday, and how we call in? I wouldn't usually listen to the radio but i'll probably try to call if i'm free.
5.00 to 5.30pm is his normal time slot.
Ph. 08 8223 0000
Absolutely agree.

My points would be simple:

It's very clear at this point that if we'd known what was to transpire over the following 13 months, we wouldn't have extended Hinkley, noting that Tredders wasn't there for that extension.

That the big question mark is finals, and we've been totally non competitive, winning 3 total quarters in our last 6 finals matches. We've won 3 finals in a decade, to win a flag you need at least 3 in 1 month.

Given that, are the club holding true to it's motto that we exist to win Premierships? How can we honestly say we are acting in service of winning premierships if we don't make sweeping changes with that finals record?
After making all of your eloquent points, don't forget to sign off with a Sack Hinkley.
Sent a message to Tredrea earlier today. Not sure he'll respond but thought I'd post it here just in case anyone was interested.

Hi Warren,

Apologies for adding to the masses of messages you've probably received in the past 12 hours.

Thank you for your service to our Club as a player, a board member and a supporter. To me, at least, everything you have done is representative of the ethos of our Club.

You know the Creed. You've seen the statement about no-hopers.

I do not recognise this administration or team as Port Adelaide.

I accept that winning a premiership is difficult. That is why our club, not the little battler from Alberton but the only club admitted on the basis of their dominance, has always conducted it's self in a ruthless but fair manner. If winning the premiership this year is not possible then every action to be successful every following year must be taken.

This year is another in the list of unacceptable performances. The list grows but for me the primary ones have been:
-pathetic and insulting performance in the Russell Ebert tribute
-2017 overtime home EF loss to West Coast in 2017
-2021 home PF against a Bulldogs side that had nearly every logistical hurdle
-2023 finals straight sets exit
-2024 home QF and away PF loss

We have had 12 years of Ken Hinkley. I have to type "Ken" because my phone's dictionary doesn't contain Ken and I've been so convinced every year for the past 7 years would be his last I've never added it.

Twelve years has seen every facet of the football department change bar one. The senior coach. We see the same failures in every list under his charge.

I live in Disneyland I would attend every single game up to the end of 2019, taking leave and travelling over 69 hours each way to do so. I've financially sponsored players via Bigfooty Port board player sponsorships. I would spend over dollarydoos annually on club merchandise. This all ceased after 2019, another failed year where the Club's CEO fell on his sword to protect dear Kenny. Casual Keith died for Hinkley's sins.

We have lost 21 of our last 24 quarters of final football. This year would have been another straight sets exit but for the width of a goal post in the SF.

Hinkley holds the AFL record for games coached without a GF appearance. His win record is lauded in comparison to Mark Williams, despite Mark coaching to two GFs and winning one flag. Williams is still criticised for underachieving on our 2001-2004 regular season dominance. Hinkley now holds the record for games coached for our Club at AFL level.

These are facts that point to Hinkley never being a premiership winning coach. He will need to buck the entire history of the VFL/AFL to do so.

As a supporter and member of the Club I feel insulted when the media and our own Administration gaslight and denigrate us when we dare to question or complain about this failure that has been here for twelve years. If I hear one more person ask who are we going to get, my head will explode. This mentality has seen us miss out on Craig McRae and Adam Kingsley in the past four years.

In my opinion the club needs an external review and extensive external search for better candidates in many positions. The persistent internally appointments have not worked and are poor practise.

It seems that Josh Carr has been ordained as the next coach in waiting. While I don't agree with an automatic appointment, at this point anything is better than the status quo.

Hinkley's position is untenable. It was a good call then and it is a great call now. Clean out the no-hopers.

Yours sincerely,

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Toast Warren Tredrea - Elected to the Port Board (Football discussion only)

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