Player Watch Welcome to Hawthorn, James Worpel, pick #43 2017 - Peter Crimmins medalist 2019

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Cant believe we got this guy for pick 43! ((Although there were some really good late picks in that draft). He was our first pick that year and we absolutely nailed it.

He's now the senior mid and playing exactly like it.

I love reading the first few pages of these threads after a player has established themselves -
Getting Worpel with Pick 45, Moore with Pick 67 and Jaith as a rookie really saved our bacon after giving up so much for JOM.
Cant believe we got this guy for pick 43! ((Although there were some really good late picks in that draft). He was our first pick that year and we absolutely nailed it.

He's now the senior mid and playing exactly like it.

I love reading the first few pages of these threads after a player has established themselves -
Just as unbelievable is the fact that short-sighted halfwits were writing him off when he had a slight drop-off in form…

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25 disposals
7 clearances
7 tackles

Highest numbers on the ground for us in these stats above. Throw in a handy goal too.

Even when we are being decimated he still cracks in and gives us a chance. He doesn't allow the opposition to dictate his game and we desperately need some of our other players to lift to his standard when things are tough.

Onya Worps.
25 disposals
7 clearances
7 tackles

Highest numbers on the ground for us in these stats above. Throw in a handy goal too.

Even when we are being decimated he still cracks in and gives us a chance. He doesn't allow the opposition to dictate his game and we desperately need some of our other players to lift to his standard when things are tough.

Onya Worps.
One thing you know with James is he will always have a decent crack. That takes you a long way in footy (and life in general).

Would be in with a very good shot at winning his second PCM this year which is no small feat.
25 disposals
7 clearances
7 tackles

Highest numbers on the ground for us in these stats above. Throw in a handy goal too.

Even when we are being decimated he still cracks in and gives us a chance. He doesn't allow the opposition to dictate his game and we desperately need some of our other players to lift to his standard when things are tough.

Onya Worps.
That goal was a beauty too
Very good performance considering his midfield mates couldn't handle the heat tonight.

Worpel lifted a level, but everyone else was a bit all over the shop. Was really uncharacteristic for Jai to be so two or three grab in the clinches. It was like he was playing drunk there from the get go.

No such issues for Worps. That first goal for us was next level. It was 3am here when that happened, and I clocked off thinking we'd start a comeback from there.

At least he didn't let up! We're still young enough to suffer from inconsistency. It will be in a year or two where we'd need to ditch games like this from our repertoire in order for it not to be more than just a speed bump. Which it is at this stage.
3 top 5 PCMs including one club chanpion in just 6 seasons.

Likely to be a top 5 this season too.

Have I got it right?
Will be top 3 I'd say and with a decent shot at winning his second PCM (Moore will be hard to beat though given the season he is having).

Really he had one down year in 2022 but aside from that year he has been a very consistent player.

I rate players that turn up and put in when it's a tough night at the office like it was this weekend and Worps is definitely a player who always turns up.

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