Werewolf Werewolf - The US Election Edition - REPUBLICANS WIN!

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As the country awoke on November 3rd to unusually warm weather, the thought of standing for hours in line to vote felt slightly more bearable. With the threat of Karen O’Firus nullified a number of weeks ago now, there wasn’t even the need for social distancing and masks, symbols that will represent 2020 for years to come.

But the pending results of the election hadn’t assuaged the American Public’s dissatisfaction with the political elite. Throughout the day, flare-ups from political supporters of all stripes defied the wary ceasefire between the Proud Boys and Antifa, but there seemed to be a general agreement on at least a philosophical level that the only true way to end the hegemony of the two-party political system that had held its foot on the neck of the American People for far too long was to allow everyone to freely vote.

In fact, the voter turnout dwarfed any previous Presidential election and polling sites around the country were struggling to keep up with demand. In the saddest news of the day, an announcement at a polling booth in Truth Or Consequences, New Mexico that they were running low on ballots prompted a distressing scene.

T or C.png
Yes, it's an actual place! Americans be crazy naming their towns.
As desperate people pressed towards the front of the queue to discharge their democratic right to have their voice heard, some of the crowd were knocked to the ground and had to shield themselves from the trampling masses. A middle-aged man, who despite not being known by anyone else from the small town standing in line had blended in perfectly, was one of the fallen that were caught underfoot. A sharp-eyed observer noticed his failing efforts to get back to his feet and managed to clear a space around him so that medical attention could come to his aid.

The crowd that had parted slowly stopped their stampede and realised the tragedy that was unfolding before them. Silence radiated out from the inner circle until all arguments had ended and every eye was on the student doctor valiantly providing first aid to the man dressed in some non-descript slacks and a freshly laundered shirt, lying unresponsive to the compressions being performed on his chest.

After what seemed like hours but was actually only minutes, the student doctor looked up and wiped the sweat from his soaked brow and resigned himself to the fact that his efforts had been for nought.

Surprisingly for someone lining up to vote, there was no ID on him and at the local morgue, finger-print scans came back with a CLASSIFIED notice. At the other end of the request, a computer beeped a warning that an undercover agent had been found dead. Although his identity was never officially revealed, it was now known at least to his agency that the infamous “Second Shooter” (Tarkyn_24) was the deceased.

(A secret coronial inquest later revealed the tell-tale symptoms of exposure to the Russian nerve agent Novichok. Although a number of conspiracy-laden websites managed to successfully make the link between the Republican party, Vladimir Putin (eth-dog) and the mystery man’s death, it never spread further than that.)

News of the man’s death quickly filtered through to the campaign offices of both parties, with Kamala Harris (omgfridge) the first to praise the efforts of the student doctor in his early evening press conference. Not too long after, Donald Trump (Chipmunk) also made a surprisingly gracious speech, but was interrupted by a phone call halfway through. After turning his back on his adoring crowd for only a few moments, he spun back around with the soulless grimace he mistakenly thought was a grin, leaned in close to the microphone and leered “Sleepy Joe Biden (ChappyUK) just called me to concede … “, but was drowned out by the screaming sycophants in the room as he yelled “I WON AGAIN!”

The party didn’t stop at the Republican headquarters for hours afterwards, as reports kept trickling in of the widening vote margin:

Republicans – 50%
Democrats – 20%
Undecided – 30%

It wasn’t long before pundits started looking at who had been the biggest winners over the election campaign. The general consensus was:
  • 3 points for serial_thrilla – Despite zero personality whatsoever, Mitch McConnell was able to somehow convince the American Public he was on their side, while the whole time driving the inner machinations of the Republican Party, only brought down by the inside knowledge of Q.
  • 2 points for ZergMinion – The last-standing Supreme Court justice Stephen Breyer made a number of key moves to reign in the executive arm of Government, which was ultimately only futile due to the general disinterest of the American Public he was trying to protect.
  • 1 point for eth-dog – Despite burning his only power protecting the Republicans on a night when they weren’t targeted at all, Vladimir Putin did extremely well with a role that in retrospect was a bit crap. Wriggled his way out of the line of fire a couple of times and spread enough uncertainty on others to certainly play his part in the win.
And in the early hours of the morning, there was a small addendum to the news reports from the celebrations the day before. Celebrated statistician and election predictor Nate Silver was found dead in his apartment on New York’s Upper East Side. According to his suicide note, he had taken cyanide pills to avoid the execution he knew he was to face in the aftermath of the election. Interestingly, most of the reports also noted that his neighbourhood was one of the very few that hadn’t been impacted at all by the months long rioting and looting across the rest of the country …

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Very well played by the Republicans. Didn't really put a foot wrong :)

Democrats come up short in our time of need yet again... :p

Excellent game design I thought. Evil was gone for all money without the voting mechanic which brought it back to a razors edge.

Dead PM please MC Bad Genius
Would have been interesting if a couple of villagers got the role of swing voter, and were told when their votes were taken (but not by whom) and given an option to swing it to the other party at some point in the game. Could’ve been entertaining.
Would have been interesting if a couple of villagers got the role of swing voter, and were told when their votes were taken (but not by whom) and given an option to swing it to the other party at some point in the game. Could’ve been entertaining.
Definitely some things that could've been done differently to make it better. We'll have to wait 4 years to see if it makes for a better game though.
Great game - and the correct votes for me. serial_thrilla had an incredible performance and really deserved to be at the end instead of me. If what I suspect the Dems did last night happened, he made the win even Chipmunk-proof.

Barrybran - fair, with the week I’ve had the best way I could contribute to the Republicans was being the exact opposite of serial. Meant less enjoyment but didn’t want to let the team down, and it’s my first win.

eth-dog - мы выиграли (we won!).

Great game and the voting did add a new dimension. Thanks MC Bad Genius! Dead PM please.
A recount led to this
*The United States Presidential Election * (III) - Page 26 EmPm_AUWMAA6FLU?format=jpg&name=900x900

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Werewolf Werewolf - The US Election Edition - REPUBLICANS WIN!

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