Western Region Football League Team (Part 2)

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Why does everyone keep blaming the drunk spectator for mouthing off like it was him who started all this?

AFL players have to cop this every week.. its part and parcel with playing sport..

You need to be the better man and ignore it.. What goes around comes around.. And im sure Colts couldve walked off with their heads held high and fought back next year and reversed the trends and dished the same shit back over the fence..

All these post on here are basically saying it was the supporters fault.. wasnt it the player who went to the fence to remonstrate?

And what makes irt worse is how everyone blames the league! aint the leagues fault who turns up to watch the footy!
Someone help me out here but I know there have been a couple of AFL coaches that have remonstrated with supporters (in copping abuse walking up the race), we are all human and emotions take over.
Someone help me out here but I know there have been a couple of AFL coaches that have remonstrated with supporters (in copping abuse walking up the race), we are all human and emotions take over.

Curtain rolls require decorum. It is only local football but a coach, captain and even players have a responsibility to the public to produce an entertaining game without the threat of violence. The most successful players are always going to get more abuse – just like the AFL. They should be able to control themselves at the end of the day they will be sharing a beer after the game. Boys playing in the junior league look up to senior players and take lead from them. A young boy I know thought the abuse towards the umpire was amusing. He said “they (the umpires) deserve it the white maggots”. I quickly pulled him up and explain that this behavior was not acceptable. He said but he is a “legend” player. This kid is not from Colts but is a junior in the WRFL and is influenced by senior players.
Now TT i agree with you in part about players being able to accept being sledged, however i was standing with my wife and he also said things to her, i think stories have been very exaggerated and i never got physical so for me to be held responsable for what happened on the other side of the fence is not right. i control my own actions not anyone elses.[/quote]

Its unfortunante but Rock will be seen as the cataylst to the disturbance after the game, from my vantage point looking down on the ground I saw Rock giving the umpires a spray, also saw Rock cop a spray and give some back to a goose on the fence and lastly I saw Rock giving the goose a scare by indicating he would jump the fence and engage him - but lets not forget Rock didn't jump the fence nor did he throw any punches - his "crime" was all verbal directed to umpires and the goose on the fence at a time of great emotion - overall in the circumstances he did well to contain himself.

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AFC_2009 Is it true that Altonas young guns have been targeted by other clubs?You wouldnt wannna loose these players they are your future!

To be honest, I have heard as much, but nothing has been confirmed. I know that the same thing happened last year and we were able to retain all players.

With the new coach, and all the optimism and re-invigoration he will bring to the club, I would certainly think we would be able to secure all of the young fellas.
your league is crap the northern football league walks all over this league your league has nothing but thugs in it

You are a tool! There are thugs in all leagues, and there are issues in all leagues, but to make your comment you obviously have no idea and have been sheltered from your inbred upbringing in the north!
your league is crap the northern football league walks all over this league your league has nothing but thugs in it
THUGS? in the nfl last week 2 players king hit behind play heid v mont,
and another player rubbed out 12 mths for biting ,and we are thugs?
apology accepted.
Now TT i agree with you in part about players being able to accept being sledged, however i was standing with my wife and he also said things to her, i think stories have been very exaggerated and i never got physical so for me to be held responsable for what happened on the other side of the fence is not right. i control my own actions not anyone elses.

Its unfortunante but Rock will be seen as the cataylst to the disturbance after the game, from my vantage point looking down on the ground I saw Rock giving the umpires a spray, also saw Rock cop a spray and give some back to a goose on the fence and lastly I saw Rock giving the goose a scare by indicating he would jump the fence and engage him - but lets not forget Rock didn't jump the fence nor did he throw any punches - his "crime" was all verbal directed to umpires and the goose on the fence at a time of great emotion - overall in the circumstances he did well to contain himself.[/quote]

Spot on here ColeReserve, if i wasnt at the game and took notice of all reports on here and in the papers i would have thought that Player #7 Port Colts punched an umpire and jumped the fence and punched up half the Spotty crowd. Lets not hang the bloke, take a breath and remember what he ACTUALLY HAS DONE. Abused the umpire (im sure it was directed at one umpire) which was done on emotion understandably after two very controversy decisions by the umpire. This did have a huge impact on the game, make no mistake. If the spectator in question and any go in him he wouldnt have ran back into the Spotty crowd after he gave #7 a very big spray. By all means give out a good spray but stand up and be counted after you give it. Dont label the player a dog then back pedal. (Dont run) He must have tripped over the step because he ended up on his backside.
I think Altona has finally taken a massive step in putting themselves in with the big boys. Eames is a great coach, mentor, and football brain and will take Altona into the finals within the next 3 years. I have been very critical of them for a while but well done on a great appointment.
Who are the Willy boys originally from Altona, Chiu is one.
Firstly cinderalla man, thanx for your support.

Now TT i agree with you in part about players being able to accept being sledged, however i was standing with my wife and he also said things to her, i think stories have been very exaggerated and i never got physical so for me to be held responsable for what happened on the other side of the fence is not right. i control my own actions not anyone elses.

Fair enough.

Families should always remain off limits in terms of sledging.
- his "crime" was all verbal directed to umpires and the goose on the fence at a time of great emotion - overall in the circumstances he did well to contain himself.[/quote]

I wonder what penalty (if any) the "goose on the fence" will get in this three ringed circus?. Some will say nothing which may be true but when the said person is a Federal Copper one would think a better level of decorum would be on show. Much talk has been made of the "standards" that should be set by "amatuer footballers" what about the example this blokes has set for all and sundry?.......our taxes at work-lol
I think Altona has finally taken a massive step in putting themselves in with the big boys. Eames is a great coach, mentor, and football brain and will take Altona into the finals within the next 3 years. I have been very critical of them for a while but well done on a great appointment.
Who are the Willy boys originally from Altona, Chiu is one.

Macca, can't think of anymore off the top of my head.

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your league is crap the northern football league walks all over this league your league has nothing but thugs in it

The Northern League.... is that the same league whos administration went into the hands of Football Victoria beacuse it was an absolute basket case a year or so ago?
theres nothing special about the northern league. having said that, the wrfl though has to make some big changes over the next 12 months. there were way too many results over 100 points, not enough between 0 -24. also 2008 was a pr nightmare for the wrfl, the need to be proactive in changing the league, not leaving it up to the clubs
What Altona young players have been targetted and by who? I know some might try for VFL, other than that would love to know what you guys have heard?
Would think they will stay at Altona though, although i guess thats because I want them too haha
I think Altona has finally taken a massive step in putting themselves in with the big boys. Eames is a great coach, mentor, and football brain and will take Altona into the finals within the next 3 years. I have been very critical of them for a while but well done on a great appointment.
Who are the Willy boys originally from Altona, Chiu is one.

Correct Chiu is one, Mc Kenzie also if I am correct. add Puhar, Jensen, Beazley from Spotty. Imagine if Altona hadnt let thier 18's go years ago.
Add from the Jets this year all 19YO or younger. Post, Lunardi, Kennedy, Robbins, Tighe, D. Lawson. Then look at the 18 yo or younger that played seniors in 2008. Attard, Pace, Rafferty, C. Lawson, Bell. I have also heard there are 12 18A boys coming up next year. Fezza staying, Eames as coach and I am sure he will recruit.
I think Altona will be OK in a couple of years especially with a proven development person at the helm.
Big $$ required, doesnt sound like it!
Correct Chiu is one, Mc Kenzie also if I am correct. add Puhar, Jensen, Beazley from Spotty. Imagine if Altona hadnt let thier 18's go years ago.
Add from the Jets this year all 19YO or younger. Post, Lunardi, Kennedy, Robbins, Tighe, D. Lawson. Then look at the 18 yo or younger that played seniors in 2008. Attard, Pace, Rafferty, C. Lawson, Bell. I have also heard there are 12 18A boys coming up next year. Fezza staying, Eames as coach and I am sure he will recruit.
I think Altona will be OK in a couple of years especially with a proven development person at the helm.
Big $$ required, doesnt sound like it!

And the debate starts again what if all these people didn't leave Altona. Puhar and Jensen are not leaving Spotswood period. Beazer stopped playing at Altona in u16. Chiu is a chance for he is Altona boy, great bloke gives all and only signed with spotty as his junior club while at willy cause Altona was in 2nd div. I think you'll also find Macca is more a spotty boy and has heaps of mates at spotty at the same time the fact that Eames is now the coach could bring Mc Kenzie back where it begun.
And the debate starts again what if all these people didn't leave Altona. Puhar and Jensen are not leaving Spotswood period. Beazer stopped playing at Altona in u16. Chiu is a chance for he is Altona boy, great bloke gives all and only signed with spotty as his junior club while at willy cause Altona was in 2nd div. I think you'll also find Macca is more a spotty boy and has heaps of mates at spotty at the same time the fact that Eames is now the coach could bring Mc Kenzie back where it begun.

How about we throw in a couple of blokes that have played in the reserves at Spotty. What if they had stayed at Altona, would they be playing ones? Eames could have a crack at Oates and Salmond. What if youcould entice M Puhar out of retirement? Heard G McKenzie (Mr 100 goals in the under 14E's) is making a comeback. What if he never believed his own publicity? Joe Ferguson is doing commercials, could play again? Stuff it, Mildenhall may be getting on a bit but throw him in the ruck and watch him go. The Evans brothers + Cousin would go alright too, 10 years ago.

What if? What if this bloke didn't leave, what if this bloke was younger, what if we were able to turn the clock back 10 years? The fact is the young blokes left because they couldn't see anything happening for them at Altona. What ifs are about the past and Eames will be worried about creating a bright future.
Your a fool, we didn't fail. It may show we lost on the scoreboard, but fail we didn't.
As for the gangster comment, 2 of the people that run over at the spectator i argued with were from other wrfl clubs and 1 has nothing to do with the colts.
So myself or the club have no responsabilty for them or their actions.

well you did fail to out score spotty.
thats sad that a guy would go as low as sledging your wife id have got upset as well, couldnt imagine you saying anything terrible to an opposition players mum or wife hey rock.
Correct Chiu is one, Mc Kenzie also if I am correct. add Puhar, Jensen, Beazley from Spotty. Imagine if Altona hadnt let thier 18's go years ago.
Add from the Jets this year all 19YO or younger. Post, Lunardi, Kennedy, Robbins, Tighe, D. Lawson. Then look at the 18 yo or younger that played seniors in 2008. Attard, Pace, Rafferty, C. Lawson, Bell. I have also heard there are 12 18A boys coming up next year. Fezza staying, Eames as coach and I am sure he will recruit.
I think Altona will be OK in a couple of years especially with a proven development person at the helm.
Big $$ required, doesnt sound like it!

you seem to know alot about them???

Think they need to persist next season and just play the new and up and coming young kids. Were a few of their older players this year that just seem to hold spots instead of playing a few more younger blokes. Maybe use some of those older guys in the 2's to help others. No real place for them in the 1's??
well you did fail to out score spotty.
thats sad that a guy would go as low as sledging your wife id have got upset as well, couldnt imagine you saying anything terrible to an opposition players mum or wife hey rock.
Spot on.
I have not been on this site for a while but have been reading the posts followong the grand final and a few observations..
1) Unfortunately right or wrong the umpire is always right. We all know an umnpire will not change his decision anywhere and if anything in this league he will not always get it right. Butno matter what the argument is, it was a goal it wasnt a goal it is all hear say. The umpire made the decision and that was final.
2) The field umire has the ability to over ride the goal umpire and this is what happened in this case. There is no argument against this as the umpire is always right and his decision will not change.
3) I was at the game and to me it looked like a goal but the decision was a point. End of story.
4) An opportunity for a mark in the goal square was on and the umpire called play on... end of story. I was up that end and in my opinion it looked like a mark but it does not matter what anyone thinks it is the umpires decision.
5) At the end of the game when losing ike the colts did it would be disappointing but the game is over and there is nothing you can do about it. The game will not be extended because people are unhappy.
6) Any player who approaches an umpire after a game and verbally challenges them on decisions should be reported and punished accordingly.
7) It is not right colts supporters or not to say that it was emotions etc... By doing so like a previous post said it portrays a negative image to the league. A league that has tried so hard to fix over the past 10 years and has done a very good job. Those guys who can remember the old FDFL will vouge for this statement.
8) A coach has a responsibility to himself, his football club, supporters and to the league. Young players look up to the senior coach of their team for leadership, guidance and sportsmanship and as a coach it is a responsibility and duty to carry yourself in a manner that represents these qualities.
9) Supporters will always abuse players and players will also give their fair share back, however in todays game nothing should be said unless it is playful banter and Spotties Mark Keenan is a prime example of this. Whether a drunker supporter male or female or a teenager abuses a player the player is representing his club and the league and under no circumstances should engage. (There are times like the AFL where it happened and they were punished accordingly)
10) I do not know Jason Clarke personally but what I do know about him is the follwing.
- Co coach Port colts
- Priest medal
- decorated career in fdfl / wrfl
- respected player both on and off the field in the wrfl

However the actions that were taken after the game last Saturday has tarnished the league andits reputation throughout Football Victoria.
The problems occured after the game and I do not know the exact ins and outs but I do know that;
- a supporter was abusing a player as the player was remonstrating with the umpires.
- the player being the respected figure at Port Colts as he is approached the supporter agressively and exchanged obscenities from behind the fence.
- The player did not jump the fence to my knowledge (but there are 1000 stories floating around)
- Because football is a team game fuelled by commararderie teh Port Colts supporters saw their coach was having a verbal slanging match with spotswood supporters and moved to aid him.
- As is in any mob type scene on eperson moved then a whole mass of people moved and the rest is history.
- I do not think Jason Clark was in the fight but if the coach had not remonstrated with umpires and then supporters this would never have happened.
- I think the league will take a similar stance as right now the WRFL is the laughing stock of Foot Vic.
- I understand what J Clarke is saying in that he can not control supporters and ********s in the crowd but as a coach and role model Port Colts if he had not engaged in cnversation this mellee would never had happened.
We all have our own views on things and this is an unbiased opinion as to what I believe happened and sometimes unfortunately as a coach and leading player the following you have is greater than you think, especially when emotions and alcohol are involved.
- It was an unfortunate incidednt for the league and the next 2 weesk will tell us the outcome.
well you did fail to out score spotty.
thats sad that a guy would go as low as sledging your wife id have got upset as well, couldnt imagine you saying anything terrible to an opposition players mum or wife hey rock.

I know which incident you are referring to and the person in question was man enough to approach the target of his abuse and apologize. That would be enough to suggest that he was remorseful, which is more than I can say for some others.

Vincent Vega
Come on Vinny. We're gonna be like two little Fonzies here. And what's Fonzie like? Come on Vinny what's Fonzie like?
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