Rock cheers for the pump up but you blokes are 3-4 goals ahead of us... You can only go on past results and you boys have had our measure this year... Also with all the outs last time round pretty much sums up the difference between the 2 sides!! Colts almost unbackable favourites this year! You should also have coach of the year wrapt up going into the gf.
3 to 4 goals please how do you work that out????/ Results say we won by 6 points and 9 points a total of 15 points so please give me a spell!!!
You can say all you like we are unbackable favs. I rate hoppers and spotty just as good as us, in saying that i will be very dissapointed if we didn't win, but there is no pressure you or anyone else can put on us to bother us.
You see we have no fear to failure, but it drives us to succeed.
Playing a game of local footy has absolutely no pressure at all, grand final or not, especially compared to some of lifes real battles.
What would you dare to do if you were actually guarateed success????
You see it's the fact we may fail that you give things a go in the hope to succed.
A little deep but fact!!!!