Social Science What do you think about?

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Weather I could/would survive in other eras of human history. I have a physics degree and a software engineering degree which aren't very practical in other historical time periods.

In a similar vein would I be of use if I time traveled to a time period where my physics knowledge was first being developed. Like, would I actually be of use to Einstein or would his insight trump my 'knowledge' and I'd just be in the way of him gaining a much deeper understanding.
I think about this a bit, I know for a fact I would be useless hunting, killing and cooking my own food.

Also death, a fair bit, but not just death... time (if it is just an illusion/perception, then do we simply always exist and what is death exactly) and a lot more.

Sex... a lot.

Story ideas. I always wanted to write a book but have always enjoyed spinning story ideas in my head more than actually writing them down.

I often 'debate' controversial topics in my head to try and wrap my head around both sides, things like the Voice, trans rights, mental health etc.

My brain gets pretty busy.
There is a trend on Tik Tok going around at the moment that women are asking their partners how often they think about The Roman Empire. I had no idea this was a thing, as it's something I rarely, if ever, think about. Responses ranged from a few times a day to once a week. I found it bizarre, yet fascinating at the same time.

Which leads me to my question, what do you think about often? I'm not talking about mundane, every day things like, what to have for dinner, or what you need when you go shopping. More obscure, unusual, or uncommon things that others may not think of.

My things include
  • Death. Ever since my dad died it often crosses my mind
  • 9/11
  • What it would have been like to be born in the 50s, and grow up in that era and be an adult in the 60s/70s.
  • How cool dinosaurs are
  • How wild life was during the heights of COVID
  • What it would be like to be rich
I'm sure there are more, but these are definitely regular thoughts that cross my mind.
Born in the 50;s growing up in the sixties seventies adult in the eighties, absolutely brilliant.
But being older I think about death , like everyone, not how but after, like every human on earth death we don't know
If religious we think we know.
But look at everything around you and this world is bloody amazing, so anything could be.
Right now I have been thinking about the horrors in the Israel Palestine war, and I am thinking how can people lay blame where the blame isn't that simple. Israel bomb, yes! HAMAS murder children and civilians, in not any way a real soldier would behave. 1400.
I think on that , and I believe they have some released film confirming the baby and the young children reports.
So thought? what the hell are these people?
I think daylight saving in WA should be in autumn and winter?
I think about my family and my friends from where I come from all the time.
I was very angry about Alistair Clarkson and my club , that's over.
The indigenous report that put dirt all over some people unfairly.
I think the NO vote was the correct decision, no matter what excuses it was plain racist , how ever anyone can justify separating people by race is beyond me.
I think the ALP is a different animal than it was, I don't think climate has us in as much trouble aspeople want to think, and the word want, it is significant because it has turned political.
But I think Mr Albanese and Mr Bowen are both misled and tunnel visioned. That is just some of themillions of things that go through my head. Not always comfortable either.

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I think about this a bit, I know for a fact I would be useless hunting, killing and cooking my own food.

Also death, a fair bit, but not just death... time (if it is just an illusion/perception, then do we simply always exist and what is death exactly) and a lot more.

Sex... a lot.

Story ideas. I always wanted to write a book but have always enjoyed spinning story ideas in my head more than actually writing them down.

I often 'debate' controversial topics in my head to try and wrap my head around both sides, things like the Voice, trans rights, mental health etc.

My brain gets pretty busy.
I have written stories in my head in book form, I am not sure I'm crazy or just imaginative, I wouldn't have said that in years past, but its not just me haha. And debating in the head, got to watch out you don't get lost in there. But it is good fun sometimes.
I run through stuff I'd like to say to certain politicians. Oh and Rules committees!
I was disturbed the other week when I detected a gap in my memory: I'd forgotten that West Virginia was an actual state in its own right.

Before I began school I taught myself all the US states from encyclopaedia sets (along with Presidents, country flags & capitals, etc.) and have distinct memories of the state of West Virginia from that time. However it must’ve been so deeply curiously obscure over the intervening years that by the time that John Denver song saw a popcultural resurgence a couple years back I’d come to thinking of it instead as a region or county instead (in a name alone, probably not helped by it being the only ‘West/East’ variant of the states; there is no comparable ‘Dakota’ or ‘Carolina’ seeming diminution, nor are the ‘New’ ones competing internally). Like if I’d been asked to name the 50 states, I’d get through 49 easily then suddenly to my horror be flummoxed. Just something that slipped through the cracks of my memory like an early form of senility. Weird (to me anyway), just never seems to get mentioned in explicit unmistakable state terms. The ‘secret state’, MIB HQ is probably based there or something, discretely veiled by neuralyser :laughing:

Essentially, memory is important to me, something I value in myself, and this taps into that ageing fear of unconscious slippage of seemingly obvious facts I would otherwise take for granted. And therefore it's been bugging me a bit since and I probably think of West Virginia the state a few times a week. It wasn't a humiliating public gotcha moment or anything, no one else would ever have known, but privately it was a disconcerting bit of trivia, a kind of formative forgetting I would've felt beneath me.
West Virginia? Well reading that, I have to say in my answer before, that I forgot the Roman Empire,
I am indeed a Roman Empire person, I have no idea why, but I would consider things about Rome
probably once a day.

Now don't worry about memory, if you are truly in trouble with your memory it is more than likely nothing
I can go to a room for something and forget what I went for. For a few seconds .
My faculties are still here, and many people I know do that stupid forget what I wanted or what was that blokes name?.
I think with something much more serious , you actually have no idea its happening..

Everyone goes through some forgetfuless..
I saw on twitter this morning a huge geyser eruption at Yellowstone and my first thought was "oh shit is that the start of something?"

If Yellowstone blows then "JEEPERS!"

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Yeah I saw the video on reddit. World is screwed if that thing blows.

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Social Science What do you think about?

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