What They're Saying - The Bulldogs Media Thread - Part 3

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From memory this isn't quite accurate. It was more that Danny's banners were so good, that they would get the opposition riled up. According to Bevo, footy teams tend to play better when they are angry (that could go a long way to explaining how we played so well in the first three finals last year). So we went back to the harmless, boring banners.
I reckon we need some "Bevo, Our Mastermind" banners.

That'll get a few people riled up.
From memory this isn't quite accurate. It was more that Danny's banners were so good, that they would get the opposition riled up. According to Bevo, footy teams tend to play better when they are angry (that could go a long way to explaining how we played so well in the first three finals last year). So we went back to the harmless, boring banners.
Unlike Bevo to overthink a situation.
From memory this isn't quite accurate. It was more that Danny's banners were so good, that they would get the opposition riled up. According to Bevo, footy teams tend to play better when they are angry (that could go a long way to explaining how we played so well in the first three finals last year). So we went back to the harmless, boring banners.
Maybe this weeks banner should read "The bombers are handsome and good at football".
At this point in the season I would try just about anything.

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As long as it's been passed in Federal Budget it's safe. I'm not aware of anything that was blocked. Just that Labor announced that they would deliver their own budget if elected. But I imagine that their budget would be focussed at targeting some of the tax cuts due to come into effect for later this year and at funding some of their bigger election promises.
Cutting taxes and raising wages - can’t do both 🤔
Of course bailey smith is rubbing shoulders with frydenberg being a rich private school kid from the eastside.

Keep these liberal grubs away from whitten oval. They don't represent our community and culture.
Did you say that when the VIC Labor grubs gave us $36 million in 2020? Who are you to dictate who represents our club and culture?
The market mostly determines wages, not Government. Why couldn't wages go up after tax cuts? Theoretically, tax cuts can stimulate economic growth which also leads to wage growth. Or do I have that wrong? I'm not an economist so I'm happy to be corrected.
Geez now you're sounding like an American Republican ;)
The market mostly determines wages, not Government. Why couldn't wages go up after tax cuts? Theoretically, tax cuts can stimulate economic growth which also leads to wage growth. Or do I have that wrong? I'm not an economist so I'm happy to be corrected.
The government can increase the minimum wage which is a pretty quick way of saying they have ‘increased wages’. But does that affect middle income workers or higher? It’s times like this I realise I have absolutely no idea how the economy works.
The government can increase the minimum wage which is a pretty quick way of saying they have ‘increased wages’. But does that affect middle income workers or higher? It’s times like this I realise I have absolutely no idea how the economy works.

Yes Mantis, the Government mandates a minimum wage. But who determines the wages for the vast majority of wage-earners who earn much higher than that?

The poster I was replying to said:

"Cutting taxes and raising wages - can't do both"?

If we were talking about specifically the minimum wage, then why couldn't a government cut taxes AND raise the minimum wage? That's my question. I'm not saying that I want to see either of those things happen, I just want to understand the economic principles Dogs_R_Us is using to come to that conclusion.
Yes Mantis, the Government mandates a minimum wage. But who determines the wages for the vast majority of wage-earners who earn much higher than that?

The poster I was replying to said:

"Cutting taxes and raising wages - can't do both"?

If we were talking about specifically the minimum wage, then why couldn't a government cut taxes AND raise the minimum wage? That's my question. I'm not saying that I want to see either of those things happen, I just want to understand the economic principles Dogs_R_Us is using to come to that conclusion.
I get that mate. I was just pointing out the simplest way to ‘increase wages’. I wasn’t trying to answer your specific question…because I don’t know the answer.

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I am by no means an expert but isn't caretaker mode only from when the election is called (Aprll 10th)? This bout of funding was included in the 2022-23 Federal Budget and officially announced on March 30th by the club.

Exactly, and this is why Fraudenberg did not need to make an "announcement" at Whitten Oval.
It was an election stunt and the money was not conditional on him being at Whitten Oval with bells and whistles.
Hence my email to the club to complain about it.
I wondered if the staff shown grinning with him were made aware they could be part of LNP election material, like the Guide Dogs and scouts.
Very disturbing lead story on the ABC News website about an historic child sexual abuse case that occurred on FFC premises in the 1980’s. The abuse was done by a club volunteer. Peter Gordon and Dennis Galimberti are interviewed stressing the club had no knowledge of the events.
I really have to learn how to do links.
Very disturbing lead story on the ABC News website about an historic child sexual abuse case that occurred on FFC premises in the 1980’s. The abuse was done by a club volunteer. Peter Gordon and Dennis Galimberti are interviewed stressing the club had no knowledge of the events.
I really have to learn how to do links.

Warning - distressing.
Could it be because the football media have featured shots of a very senior politician in full election mode at our home ground?
Yes that is ok for a comment but do not turn it into a political debate.

The last thing I want when I come on bigfooty to get my footy fix is political discussion. I could not give a rats toss bag to quote Malcolm Blight about what political party bulldogs supporters favour. You can get political views, discussion and news 24/7 on other media. I will own up to getting sucked in to covid thread about Dan the man but never again. Lets keep the Bulldog bigfooty discussion to footy.
Overtly corporate claptrap.
We're a niche club with heart and substance. That is our strength. People like Bains and Watson-Wheeler don't seem to get it.
I miss Gordon more every day. He wasn't perfect but he got our club.
Is Luke Darcy very similar to Bains and WW? I think he has a lot of influence at board level and because he helped choose Bevo he may think he is above reproach? I have been listening to some of his (Darcy) podcasts and one where he interviewed WW, it didn’t exactly inspire me. It was ok, but she leads Disney in Australia and they are such a bland, corporate, opportunistic sort of company. But she was the one Peter Gordon singled out and chose to succeed him. But leaders often get their successes wrong. Our history is our working class, other side of the Westgate from the rest of Melbourne, roots. This may have been Labour in the past but all these modern versions of political parties are just as spineless as the big corporations and their vanilla CEO and presidents we are describing. Peter Gordon was a Bulldog in more ways than one.
This is why we all loved the Libratore’s, Westy and Picken, Dale Morris, Matty Boyd those that would fight until there is nothing left. That is the spirit we should always cultivate and remind everyone who comes to the club, player, administrators etc.

Warning - distressing.
Just been reading it. Gut wrenching, to say the least

Saints had that issue last year.

I can't see how everyone at the club was completely oblivious to it, given the timing and frequency of abuse. I really hope Gordon and Galimberti are being genuine in their answers, but being solicitors they'd know what to say to navigate their way through it.

Disappointing it was never acknowledged by the club when at least one perpetrator directly linked to the club had his court proceedings reported on the front page of a local paper.

Having knowledge and experience of other cases, I don't believe they are being completely truthful in their comments in that article.

My thoughts are completely with the victim.
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