Movie What's the last movie you saw? (5)

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So two reasons for opening from Ford. They were to be witches casting a spell over the 'fairy tale ' that was the movie and secondly his interpretation of what modern Usa had become as opposed to the Farrah Fawcett image that is portrayed as Usa. Google title and Vulture to get article.
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them

CGI was brilliant and the storyline kept my engaged for the 2 hours. It was really good and well done. Cast were brilliant in their acting, funny in their delivery and caring with animation.

Movie was well done and JK Rowling know how to write a good wizarding story. A must watch for Harry Potter fans.

Enjoyed the CGI as well. Good film.
Continuing my Emma Watson run I watched Perks of being a Wallflower this arvo. Reminded of myself a lil moving to a school at the start of high school and not having any friends or social life. Bit deep with mental health issues but shows what happens to people who just need to get out and find friends/help. 9/10

Watched that with my partner few years ago. I have never drawn tears in a movie, I try to be macho but came close, my partner on the other hand sooked for a good 3 hours. Good story line.

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Fantastic Beasts and where to find them

CGI was brilliant and the storyline kept my engaged for the 2 hours. It was really good and well done. Cast were brilliant in their acting, funny in their delivery and caring with animation.

Movie was well done and JK Rowling know how to write a good wizarding story. A must watch for Harry Potter fans.

Harry Potter easter eggs to watch out for?
Watched Bad Santa this afternoon again to get ready for Bad Santa 2.

Billy Bob Thornton is a bloody legend
Faaarkin love that movie. he reminds me of my alcoholic cousin, I shouldn't laugh.. but sometimes I can't help my self. I hope that hot chick comes back for #2
Watched War Dogs today, was good. Miles Teller is a talent, Jonah Hill was on in this too, their chemistry carried some parts of the film that didnt work too well. 7/10 worth a watch.
Saw it last night, was ok but I think it will be fairly forgettable in future years.

Currently getting a sneaky look at Hacksaw Ridge. Pretty good so far.
Last film I saw was Arrival. I wasn't as enthused as the wow reviews it seems to have had. Amy Adams was very good, but I just didn't think it was as clever as it thought it was. Put it this way: if it came a round on late-night TV in a couple of years time, I wouldn't be thinking, wow, I'd love a chance to see Arrival again.
All the Harry Potters.

Thought I'd binge them eventually but there being eight of them always put me off. At least with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings you can just watch the first three, call in a weekend, and never worry you're missing out on anything (although that applies less so now that they're pumping Star Wars out annually and will probably remake Lord of the Rings in the next ten years).

Still. It was an enjoyable collective if a bit bumpy. Seemed like for every good edition the next instalment would be a decline. The last one hit me particularly harder than I thought it would too. Might have liked them more if I watched them growing up. Watching them now I just can't take people waving wands too seriously or see them as badass. This is where the series looses me.
The Shipping News - had this one in my 'to watch' folder for years - based on a novel by Annie Proulx (Brokeback Mountain), it's an A list cast - Kevin Spacey, Cate Blanchett, Julianne Moore, Judi Dench, Pete Postlethwaite - Cate B is amazing with her limited screen time here as is ol' Pete P, so it's worth seeing for them alone. I haven't read the novel which won all kind of awards, so I assume it was a challenge to bring it to the big screen & that would be my only criticism of the film, is that it does at time seem to be trying to fit too much in. Otherwise I found it an engrossing drama, well worth a watch - 7.5/10.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them:

Absolutely brilliant, what JK Rowling has managed to weave in the extended Harry Potter universe is exceptional but at the same time this is a stand alone story, there are a few subtle nods to the HP franchise but fans and the uninitiated alike can enjoy this. Excellent performances all round (particularly Redmayne, Farrell and Miller) and genuinely some of the best sets, VFX and general cinematography youll ever see. 9/5/10.

Im going to watch again and see if it holds up to a second viewing.
Arrival: Just my type of sci fi - relies on atmosphere and imagery rather than action / gun fights. Denis V movies always look amazing and I thought he outdid himself here in that regard. Great execution of some pretty interesting concepts.

My only qualm;
Why did they have to go cheese ball with what Ian said to Louise at the very end... there was barely a romantic element to speak of up until that point then bam, they come out with one of the corniest love story lines I have heard in a movie for a while. It's only one line but the movie was nearly perfect for me up until that point so it annoyed me. Awesome overall though!
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Finally got around to watching Westworld

Is that a movie? ;)

Hacksaw Ridge - 7/10 - Andrew Garfield is fast becoming one of the more diverse actors out there. Something I would've never have thought 5 years ago.
I, Daniel Blake

Uplifting and depressing all at once. Gives you more hope in humanity but destroys whatever trust you have left in the system.
The Amazing Spider Man 2

Went in to this cautious, didn't think TASM 1 was good enough to warrant the reboot of the Tobey McGuire Spidey movies, but was pleasantly surprised. Like the first it uses a lot of style to craft its story, music and visuals, but seems a bit more balanced and doesn't loose track half way though. It almost plays like a top of line teen/young adult TV series in the way it does this, think The OC for instance. The story was good, new casting and characters passable, although it had moments of trying too hard. It probably ran just about 15 minutes too long as well, and whilst the action scenes where few and far between, when they were done there was too much reliance on CGI, even it if was good CGI. Also there's a particular moment toward the end that spidey fans will see coming.
Spiderman attempts to save a falling Gwen Stacey but his web reaches her a second too late and she dies. In the comic as I remember it was always left ambiguous as to whether her fall killed her or his web broke her neck as her body whiplashed when he pulled her back, which was a much more powerful way to do it.
In a lot of ways it tries to copy the original part two arc with Tobey McGuire and Sam Raimi, but fails bad, that is my favourite comic book movie ever, flawless film.

Highlights: Visuals, seriously good musical score and decent song soundtrack, story, general vibe and atmosphere throughout.
Lowlights: CGI shitfest at times, writing, acting, length, deviation from source material.

fantastic beasts and where to find them
enjoyed it immensely good way to kick off a new series. big fan of eddie redmayne and this was no exception enjoyed most of the creatures and thought the cgi was great. the bloke playing jacob was great and really liked collin farrell as graves. few little easter eggs for the harry potter novels as well 9/10

suicide squad extended edition
first time watching the movie never seen the film that was in the movies but i really don't see the problems that people complained about. yes a few scenes could of been edited better but i thought it was a solid first movie for most of these characters. margot was good as harley. liked will smith as deadshot even though i usually cant stand will smith. captain boomerang was good for a laugh. movie needed more joker though 7.5/10

independence day resurgence

typical movie of its type explosions and a plot that makes no sense at time. but passable as a popcorn flick if bored 5/10
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