Nonsense. Why do you do that? Men are not always victims nor are women. Surely nothing I have said regarding the societal issues I listed before was in any way deceitful or misleading. Are the alarming suicide rates of males or the death of so many men in their place of work not serious issues tearing apart families? I'm not blaming anyone for this state of affairs but that in no way lessens the impact of these deaths and the fact that if it was women dying in these numbers these issues would be front page news on a daily basis.Men are the victims. Can't be any other way.
We rarely if ever see these issues spoken about in public forums. It seems to provoke a visceral response from many to go near the idea of male suffering and vulnerability. Some seem to think it indicates a hatred of women to acknowledge male pain.
I love all of the women in my life as I do the men. There is no either/or.
There was once a wonderful time when we didn't break people up into tribes based upon their gender. We spoke about people and individuals who just happened to be male or female.
I don't get it.
Good night.