Why does Carlton have the worst posters on BigFooty?

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Some delicious ironing right there.

Shove it up ur clacker, IC Wiener ...

It was such a shame I got carded for a few weeks for speaking some home truths on your club board, which shows what a pack of pathetic cry babies u lion flogs are ...

BTW U only started this thread cause Carlton now own Brizzy's arse !!!

Damn straight.
Take out Zuckercorn and a few select others and I concur. Easily the most witless, childish, irritating group of posters on BF.

This may answer your question.
This was a random X Ray taken of a Carlton supporter recently.

You obviously fit in well at Carlton G2Y, your personality seems too flogbaggy to be a Richmond supporter.

Beat me to it.


Notice how this thread was all very civilised, with valid opinions being shared with constructive criticism, until the Carlton flogs came along?

GREAT thread l_d, 5 stars!

Guns is actually a pretty decent poster - however this beat you up **** belongs in the UK not here in Oz. Normally a sign of I can't win the debate.

He uses a 'z' instead of an 's' ....that will count for him.

Edited for accuracy

I see all the usual cry babies have had a field day with this thread esp the OP.
You guys are pathetic. The fact that you dislike us so much is easily fixed. If you did not create so many threads about Carlton or keep joining the ones about Carlton you would not even know I existed. I don't often join threads on your teams as I really don't give a damn about them. Just us. So curb you Carlton Obsessions and solve all your problems.
Moo as I have done previously I apologize if my remarks were taken as threatening behaviour. As I have done so even with our good Mod Stronzo I would be happy to meet each and everyone of you before during or after the game, share a beer and piss in the wind together. You can even laugh at our yellow uniforms as long as you make a donation. I am true to my word. I will be there. Happy to pu things right if I was out of line!

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Heres the punchline: Blue_Cumslinger was going to be one of the leaders in this particular revolution. :eek: :D

That clown couldn't lead a dog on a leash.
come up with Cumslinger yourself?
So who claimed I was a leader of anything other than say Biff?

Lions den I know your pride has been dented when you jumped on the Duritz bandwagon. I am sorry if I called you a clown and it hurt your feelings. Now seriously get over yourself and move on
blue gunslinger said:
So who claimed I was a leader of anything other than say Biff?
No one did. Carlton is so bereft of leaders your name was mentioned by someone as a possible candidate, and everyone got a good laugh out of it.

blue gunslinger said:
Lions den I know your pride has been dented when you jumped on the Duritz bandwagon.

blue gunslinger said:
I am sorry if I called you a clown and it hurt your feelings.
I can't recall you ever calling me a clown, but I do notice you call everyone else a clown who doesn't agree with the typical Carlton BS that you come out with.

blue gunslinger said:
Now seriously get over yourself
pot.kettle.black :rolleyes:
The funny thing about them is, they come here and are so serious in their intent and they actually believe that they are going to change the hearts and minds of opposition supporters.

"If we just stick with it boys we can convince all dem flogs we arnt cheats"

No concept of what Bay 13 is about whatsoever with maybe a handfull of exceptions.

The funniest thing though is, they poor scorn on old Hodgepodge (who BTW is a 16 year old kid who still has a fair bit to learn about footy and his club but is going OK for his age) and yet he ties them up for hours in mindless debate/dribble, generally making Bay 13 a better place as they are all confined to the one thread. They like to gang up on him.

I mean, who is outsmarting who here? One flog even has it in his sig that HP is Bay 13's rainman. Self pawnage at it's finest - you think you are smarter than a 16 year old yet you are so owned by him that you put it in your sig?:confused::confused::confused:
I remember last year when the front page of Bay13 was literally half Carlton threads. Now let see, if we don't respond we are gutless & just take it. If we respond we are suckers. Nice position for you & the others to be in as you see a win win situation.
If people don't like seeing so many Carlton posters in Bay13 then don't throw out the bait so we can take it. I'm happy to take the bait because to me it is all good fun & half the time I post dribble people don't bother to research it so they can find out I am bullshitting.
I would have thought that bay13 is generally for slagging off at each other without getting too personal or taking it too seriously. I'm happy to berate someone if they get too personal with me.
You talk about Carlton posters taking it seriously ? Well I see your hawk mates including yourself posting comments that take on seriousness too. I don't see all that much difference to your posting style & plenty of other carlton posters.
You guys take the Carlton posters like Gunslinger too seriously, he is just winding you up with his bullshit claims about himself.
Big Red gets you guys everytime, all he is doing is posting outrageous claims to bait you in. HodgePodge does the same thing as Red and it is what the Bay is about. Make some outrageous claims & allow everyone to abuse each other in hopefully a fairly friendly way.
I remember last year when the front page of Bay13 was literally half Carlton threads. Now let see, if we don't respond we are gutless & just take it. If we respond we are suckers. Nice position for you & the others to be in as you see a win win situation.
If people don't like seeing so many Carlton posters in Bay13 then don't throw out the bait so we can take it. I'm happy to take the bait because to me it is all good fun & half the time I post dribble people don't bother to research it so they can find out I am bullshitting.
I would have thought that bay13 is generally for slagging off at each other without getting too personal or taking it too seriously. I'm happy to berate someone if they get too personal with me.
You talk about Carlton posters taking it seriously ? Well I see your hawk mates including yourself posting comments that take on seriousness too. I don't see all that much difference to your posting style & plenty of other carlton posters.
You guys take the Carlton posters like Gunslinger too seriously, he is just winding you up with his bullshit claims about himself.
Big Red gets you guys everytime, all he is doing is posting outrageous claims to bait you in. HodgePodge does the same thing as Red and it is what the Bay is about. Make some outrageous claims & allow everyone to abuse each other in hopefully a fairly friendly way.

So you are gutless suckers?

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come up with Cumslinger yourself?
So who claimed I was a leader of anything other than say Biff?

Unfortunately i can't take credit for that, its one of the many affectionate nicknames other members of the Bay have given you.

There are Bay 13 CFC posters that post stupid shit to troll and to get a reaction and then there are Bay 13 CFC posters that actually believe the shit that they are dribbling.

Tbh i think the reason you stand out from the crowd is that you fall into the latter category. Guys like Big Red is Back and G2Y fall into the first category (in the case of G2Y you would seriously hope so.. or else our mental health system is failing us).

Then you call out NF to meet you at Subiaco to see who would be the one crying. FFS if that isn't lame, even for Bay 13, i don't know what is.
It's a good thread Lion's Den.

But take a look at gunslinger. Over 16,000 posts :eek::eek::eek::eek:. My god man, what is he doing?????? I cannot compehend someone making that many posts in such a short space of time. It is simply staggering. Okay, everyone enjoys spending a bit of time on internet forums, but don't live on it. There is so many more enjoyable or productive ways to spend your time.
Not even close to the great HBF
plus we have something called the For the Boys thread in the Blueroom. Half would be from there I would think
Not sure if it still links to the previous closed threads but you could waste away time until Xmas I think.
Actually last Xmas both on that thread and here on the bay I had some fun with Santa's sexy helper if you recall. The effects of Tequila! Thank god I am sober these days.

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Why does Carlton have the worst posters on BigFooty?

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