Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody?

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Lots of defensive blokes on here re anyone calling out racism or sexism.

Call anyone who does so woke, makes me feel better.

Long may we all have the right to feel offended as white middle-class males.

Long may we have the right to call someone woke, the new political correctness.

Meanwhile, sexual assault continues against women (oh yeah happens to men too) but lets make ourselves feel bette by posting on here all day about the scary woke.
Why does it matter what gender is saying what? Why is that so important to you? Why do you seem to care more about the gender of the messenger than the actual message?
trying to make race, gender and sexual preference irrelevant to identity and opportunities.

Do you believe this?

Why does it matter what gender is saying what? Why is that so important to you? Why do you seem to care more about the gender of the messenger than the actual message?

Why do bring it up are you offended, tad sensitive mate.
Yeah, sorry, I'm just amused by all these people here getting hot under the collar about words that no-one even uses, like "woke".

First it was PC, until progressives pointed out that the right has plenty of its own PC.

Then it was free speech, until progressives pointed out that the right is pretty good at suppressing free speech.

Next, what do we have... oh yes, a real doozy, Cultural Marxism! That one faded away when it dawned on right wingers that none of them could actually name a significant public intellectual anywhere in the world who identified as a Cultural Marxist. (They could have saved themselves a lot of bother by typing "Cultural Marxism" into their Amazon search function. They would have found half a dozen books warning of the evils of Cultural Marxism but zero books propounding Cultural Marxism. Lol.)

And now the windmill that all the right wing Don Quixotes are tilting at is "woke" and the even uglier neologism, "wokeism".

Have at it, because no-one I know except insecure right wingers uses either of those words.
I don’t give a sh** what word it’s called. I’m only calling it that cos everyone else is On here And it’s shorter than identitarianism. I’m happy to use the lefts own term. It’s irrelevant to any of the points being made.

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Yeah, sorry, I'm just amused by all these people here getting hot under the collar about words that no-one even uses, like "woke".

First it was PC, until progressives pointed out that the right has plenty of its own PC.

Then it was free speech, until progressives pointed out that the right is pretty good at suppressing free speech.

Next, what do we have... oh yes, a real doozy, Cultural Marxism! That one faded away when it dawned on right wingers that none of them could actually name a significant public intellectual anywhere in the world who identified as a Cultural Marxist. (They could have saved themselves a lot of bother by typing "Cultural Marxism" into their Amazon search function. They would have found half a dozen books warning of the evils of Cultural Marxism but zero books propounding Cultural Marxism. Lol.)

And now the windmill that all the right wing Don Quixotes are tilting at is "woke" and the even uglier neologism, "wokeism".

Have at it, because no-one I know except insecure right wingers uses either of those words.
It's cute when old fuddy duddy's find a new word/term and use it ad nauseam for a month. Haven't heard virtue signalling for a while so I guess the shininess wore off.
all of us classical liberals believe it.

you get you are being sexist by discriminating a messages accuracy based on gender of the messenger.

Righto 'classical liberal' you have an issue with people identifying with trying to make race, gender and sexual preference irrelevant to identity and opportunities but then get offended when one of these is used.

Stop taking offence 'classic liberal' what an 'identity' you have.

nihilism.....that's all you have.
I don’t give a sh** what word it’s called. I’m only calling it that cos everyone else is On here And it’s shorter than identitarianism. I’m happy to use the lefts own term. It’s irrelevant to any of the points being made.
No, the right wing has tripped up yet again. It's their cause du jour.

No-one on here except insecure right wingers ever uses the term. Tilting at windmills is all you're doing.
I said socialist. why are you bringing up different examples?
Probably because "woke" is about social equity, not economics. You do know what socialism means, don't you?

wokeism goes directly against the liberal ideal from the mid 20th century of trying to make race, gender and sexual preference irrelevant to identity and opportunities. That’s the way the world was moving and now wokeism has sent it back to the past.
Oh, my sweet summer child. You don't seriously believe people were ever ceasing to think about those things, do you? If you do, I don't think you were on the less powerful end of any of those social differences.
Yeah, sorry, I'm just amused by all these people here getting hot under the collar about words that no-one even uses, like "woke".

First it was PC, until progressives pointed out that the right has plenty of its own PC.

Then it was free speech, until progressives pointed out that the right is pretty good at suppressing free speech.

Next, what do we have... oh yes, a real doozy, Cultural Marxism! That one faded away when it dawned on right wingers that none of them could actually name a significant public intellectual anywhere in the world who identified as a Cultural Marxist. (They could have saved themselves a lot of bother by typing "Cultural Marxism" into their Amazon search function. They would have found half a dozen books warning of the evils of Cultural Marxism but zero books propounding Cultural Marxism. Lol.)

And now the windmill that all the right wing Don Quixotes are tilting at is "woke" and the even uglier neologism, "wokeism".

Have at it, because no-one I know except insecure right wingers uses either of those words.

Only a tiny extreme fringe of society would currently identify themselves as any form of Marxist. But that doesn't mean the characteristics attributed with the term Cultural Marxism don't exist, or are not now very prevalent in our society.

There has been a trend over the last 90 years to translate traditional Marxist economic ideas about power to cultural issues. Gramsci from the Frankfurt School called for the ‘long march through the institutions' - to pave the way for revolution by destabilising and damaging traditional cultural values, attachments and solidarities. I find it hard to comprehend that Gramski's vision would come about - but here we are.

It is a short step from Gramsci’s ‘hegemony’ to the woke terms such as ‘patriarchy,’ ‘heteronormativity,’ ‘white privilege and’ whiteness.’ It is seldom stated but the general theme of the modern left seems to be to destroy and replace the traditional institutions of Western civilisation, such as Christianity, national identity and the nuclear family, through the use of politically correct ideology and the portrayal that all white people are racist, particularly men.

Likewise, no organisation would claim that they are 'woke' - but we repeatedly see the mindless application of political correctness to corporate, public service and academic policy.

This is the issue, debate and discourse is stifled by buzzwords and hashtags and the right get criticised for using the word "woke" sarcastically. And she wonders why Scomo wouldn't attend the march.
You haven't answered the question, it is a genuine question. Interested in yours and the other posters' answer - are you saying every majority is rational?

Ummm, here's a clue, if the majority were not rational, logical, practical whatever word you wanna use then the world (including here) would be in chaos.

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Who's getting hot under the collar? And who is not using the word woke?

“Woke” was actually coined by SJWs to describe how alert to social injustices they were. They were blissfully unaware of how insufferable a term it was, and now can’t handle it being used to describe how utterly moronic they have become.

Stay woke guys

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“Woke” was actually coined by SJWs to describe how alert to social injustices they were. They were blissfully unaware of how insufferable a term it was, and now can’t handle it being used to describe how utterly moronic they have become.

Stay woke guys

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I don't think people find the term insufferable but rather what it defines.
This thread is the best laugh I've had in ages! It's hilarious just how much middle-aged men froth at the mouth over the way the world is changing. Unfortunately for you, you're just going to fall further and further behind the times, but hey, at least you being out of touch will remain funny for the rest of us.
Lots of defensive blokes on here re anyone calling out racism or sexism.

Meanwhile, sexual assault continues against women (oh yeah happens to men too) but lets make ourselves feel bette by posting on here all day about the scary woke.

Funny how running around calling everything sexist and racist and looking for rape culture in children's cartoons and being triggered by 19th century language in 19th century novels hasn't had a meaningful impact on sexual assault against women. Or anything really.

It's almost like those of us who have been saying that this woke garbage is an annoying distraction that achieves nothing were right.

I mean now we call people of colour, 'people of colour', has life improved for people of colour?
This thread is the best laugh I've had in ages! It's hilarious just how much middle-aged men froth at the mouth over the way the world is changing. Unfortunately for you, you're just going to fall further and further behind the times, but hey, at least you being out of touch will remain funny for the rest of us.

Exhibit A for unhinged ignorance. There is and will continue to be a massive transfer of wealth and income from the young to the middle aged and older due to low interest rates/ QE etc

Cappuccino thanks. No chocolate.

Interview for "Arts" grads next five years.

Five as in 5, the number after four for the "Arts" grads.
Ummm, here's a clue, if the majority were not rational, logical, practical whatever word you wanna use then the world (including here) would be in chaos.

You still haven't answered the question.

Funny how running around calling everything sexist and racist and looking for rape culture in children's cartoons and being triggered by 19th century language in 19th century novels hasn't had a meaningful impact on sexual assault against women. Or anything really.

It's almost like those of us who have been saying that this woke garbage is an annoying distraction that achieves nothing were right.

I mean now we call people of colour, 'people of colour', has life improved for people of colour?

Who is 'calling everything sexist and racist and looking for rape culture in children's cartoons and being triggered by 19th century language in 19th century novels hasn't had a meaningful impact on sexual assault against women. Or anything really.'? Market forces maybe?

What is this 'woke garbage is an annoying distraction that achieves nothing were right. '? a distraction from??? What is this distraction??? Is it really confronting or a distraction for you???

Do you have an issue with people discussing the need to address sexual assault and racism and it's causes? To be honest as a bloke I think it is time to actually try and listen not lecture.
Funny how running around calling everything sexist and racist and looking for rape culture in children's cartoons and being triggered by 19th century language in 19th century novels hasn't had a meaningful impact on sexual assault against women. Or anything really.
What scientific study did you do to come up with that conclusion? There are a million factors leading up to sexual assault, because there are a million factors that form people's values, and popular media is one of them. As are the childhood stories we are told. Systemic change requires widespread action.

Oh, and it's nobody else's fault if you're being sexist and/or racist and get called on it.

I mean now we call people of colour, 'people of colour', has life improved for people of colour?
I'm sure it would if you and others actually listened to their concerns.
I'm sure it would if you and others actually listened to their concerns.

All I see and hear is angry white people crying about living in one of the best modern civilisations in the world, benchmarking it not against other countries or the past, but some kind of woke utopia which to be honest sounds like a shit place.
All I see and hear is angry white people crying about living in one of the best modern civilisations in the world, benchmarking it not against other countries or the past, but some kind of woke utopia which to be honest sounds like a sh*t place.

Who's getting hot under the collar? And who is not using the word woke?
Plenty of people on here appear to be getting hot under the collar. Maybe that's just their resting position, I dunno.

And plenty of people on here saying woke even though pretty much no-one in the real world uses the term except right wingers opportunistically.
This is the issue, debate and discourse is stifled by buzzwords and hashtags and the right get criticised for using the word "woke" sarcastically. And she wonders why Scomo wouldn't attend the march.
A large proportion of the 50% of Australians that are women, and the men that love and respect them, are white-hot with fury, and its just “buzzwords and hashtags”?

Switch off the computer and go for a walk in the real world mate.
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