Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody?

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Only a tiny extreme fringe of society would currently identify themselves as any form of Marxist. But that doesn't mean the characteristics attributed with the term Cultural Marxism don't exist, or are not now very prevalent in our society.

There has been a trend over the last 90 years to translate traditional Marxist economic ideas about power to cultural issues. Gramsci from the Frankfurt School called for the ‘long march through the institutions' - to pave the way for revolution by destabilising and damaging traditional cultural values, attachments and solidarities. I find it hard to comprehend that Gramski's vision would come about - but here we are.

It is a short step from Gramsci’s ‘hegemony’ to the woke terms such as ‘patriarchy,’ ‘heteronormativity,’ ‘white privilege and’ whiteness.’ It is seldom stated but the general theme of the modern left seems to be to destroy and replace the traditional institutions of Western civilisation, such as Christianity, national identity and the nuclear family, through the use of politically correct ideology and the portrayal that all white people are racist, particularly men.

Likewise, no organisation would claim that they are 'woke' - but we repeatedly see the mindless application of political correctness to corporate, public service and academic policy.
So, in short, it’s the vibe?

Coz that’s what you’re saying here.

I respect you as a poster mate, but this is a pretty lame argument.

Maybe you need to read more detective novels and see the way they piece together a trail of evidence.
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Absolutely - this is a broad statement without any examples more of an opinion which is more than fine.

All I see and hear is angry white people crying about living in one of the best modern civilisations in the world, benchmarking it not against other countries or the past, but some kind of woke utopia which to be honest sounds like a sh*t place.

Not sure what you are actually referring to.
Same people bitching about what they see as woke were the same ones happily calling people SJWs not so long ago and before then it was the dreaded post modernism that was going to destroy society, it's a new word for the same tired old complaints.

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Same people bitching about what they see as woke were the same ones happily calling people SJWs not so long ago and before then it was the dreaded post modernism that was going to destroy society, it's a new word for the same tired old complaints.
Don't forget "political correctness gone stark raving mad".
Same people bitching about what they see as woke were the same ones happily calling people SJWs not so long ago and before then it was the dreaded post modernism that was going to destroy society, it's a new word for the same tired old complaints.
what is the lefts obsessions with labels? The label is not the f*** point. It’s irrelevant. Stop being obsessed with effing labels.

the point is these people (whatever you want to label them) are being racist and sexist as hell. It’s disgusting.
Do you believe this?

Why do bring it up are you offended, tad sensitive mate.
who gives a sh** if someone is offended. It’s irrelevant to whether something is right or wrong.

discriminating based on race or gender in my view is wrong. You are discriminating based on gender. Stop doing it. Its prventing people including yourself from acquiring knowledge.
who gives a sh** if someone is offended. It’s irrelevant to whether something is right or wrong.

discriminating based on race or gender in my view is wrong. You are discriminating based on gender. Stop doing it. Its prventing people including yourself from acquiring knowledge.

Thought you wanted the right to say what you want???

Think you are a bit confused. Your whataboutalism is hollow and immature.

Chill mate stop getting so fired up,
what is the lefts obsessions with labels? The label is not the f*** point. It’s irrelevant. Stop being obsessed with effing labels.

the point is these people (whatever you want to label them) are being racist and sexist as hell. It’s disgusting.

What is the title of the thread? Is that what you are referring to as a label?
Plenty of people on here appear to be getting hot under the collar. Maybe that's just their resting position, I dunno.

And plenty of people on here saying woke even though pretty much no-one in the real world uses the term except right wingers opportunistically.

1/ I wouldn't assume ones emotion from behind a keyboard, words on a screen are not a reliable source of ones emotion, can easily be misinterpreted.

2/ Fringe right elements are NOT the only people that use the term, anyone who views any progressive ideals as impractical i:e the sensibly centred, frequently use the term and others like PC - it's not exclusive to RWNJ's.
Are you being sarcastic? This is simple stuff, if the majority of the world is not practical i:e fringe right or left then the world would be in chaos. You can comprehend yes?

Not being sarcastic at all, interested in your response to what 'the rational majority is'.
1/ I wouldn't assume ones emotion from behind a keyboard, words on a screen are not a reliable source of ones emotion, can easily be misinterpreted.

2/ Fringe right elements are NOT the only people that use the term, anyone who views any progressive ideals as impractical i:e the sensibly centred, frequently use the term and others like PC - it's not exclusive to RWNJ's.

Yep I often use PC to describe those who get offended when called out for being racist or sexist, can't do that. Very PC now to have the right to be racist or sexist.
who gives a sh** if someone is offended. It’s irrelevant to whether something is right or wrong.

discriminating based on race or gender in my view is wrong. You are discriminating based on gender. Stop doing it. Its prventing people including yourself from acquiring knowledge.

The problem with wokesters is that they're rabid statists.

They just Looooooooooooooove government and cannot wait to push anyone around with it who doesn't agree with their views.

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what is the lefts obsessions with labels? The label is not the f*** point. It’s irrelevant. Stop being obsessed with effing labels.

the point is these people (whatever you want to label them) are being racist and sexist as hell. It’s disgusting.

IKR, these dam woke, do gooder, sjw's, tree huggers, PC warriors, lwnj, woke supremacist, watermelons just wont stop with these effing labels.
IKR, these dam woke, do gooder, sjw's, tree huggers, PC warriors, lwnj, woke supremacist, watermelons just wont stop with these effing labels.
Woke people arent do gooders. They are racists and sexists.

and it’s not having labels that is the problem it’s the obsession with them as if they have magical properties. Taking deep offense at labels they dont like. responding to an argument with a label as if it’s a valid logical response.

ps. just cos some right wingers have a similar obsession with labels doesn’t make it ok.
Woke people arent do gooders. They are racists and sexists.

and it’s not having labels that is the problem it’s the obsession with them as if they have magical properties. Taking deep offense at labels they dont like. responding to an argument with a label as if it’s a valid logical response.

They don't want equality, they want POWER.

Their strategy involves the reverse engineering of the historical minority struggles.
1/ I wouldn't assume ones emotion from behind a keyboard, words on a screen are not a reliable source of ones emotion, can easily be misinterpreted.

2/ Fringe right elements are NOT the only people that use the term, anyone who views any progressive ideals as impractical i:e the sensibly centred, frequently use the term and others like PC - it's not exclusive to RWNJ's.
Agree on (1), I was only conjecturing; always the peril of an anonymous forum, but disagree on (2); in my experience (and we probably all need someone with professional analytical skills to parse it for us) it's a quaint African-Americanism that a few leftists started using, and then the right wing pounced on it as if the whole world was suddenly saying it.

To most of them it basically appears to be a code word for "the world is changing in all sorts of ways and I feel like I don't have the degree of control I used to have so I'll mock those that are driving the impetus for the change."

They identify isolated absurdities which any ideology will contain at least some of, and wildly exaggerate their degree of traction in society so as to bolster the narrative that the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Well they can dismiss all this scary change as merely "woke", or, to give one topical example, they can grasp the sheer enormity of the anger of the women of Australia right now. I have seen nothing like it and I'm nearly 60, but you can bet your bottom dollar there'll be jokers on here every day going "woke, fnurr fnurr".
Woke people arent do gooders. They are racists and sexists.

and it’s not having labels that is the problem it’s the obsession with them as if they have magical properties. Taking deep offense at labels they dont like. responding to an argument with a label as if it’s a valid logical response.

ps. just cos some right wingers have a similar obsession with labels doesn’t make it ok.
Can we have "rich white people are the most oppressed group of all" and then we've collected the whole set?
Woke people arent do gooders. They are racists and sexists.

and it’s not having labels that is the problem it’s the obsession with them as if they have magical properties. Taking deep offense at labels they dont like. responding to an argument with a label as if it’s a valid logical response.

what, when did woke become a term for a racist? Did I miss a memo again!

The right are obsessed with creating fake enemies and labelling them.
Not being sarcastic at all, interested in your response to what 'the rational majority is'.

Ok I'll out for you, even though obvious to the rational majority, those who are not fringe left or right. Pretty simple stuff.

If you can't comprehend that then no one can explain it to you.
Yep I often use PC to describe those who get offended when called out for being racist or sexist, can't do that. Very PC now to have the right to be racist or sexist.

No one has a right to be racist. Pretty simple stuff, you seem to have an issue believing that anyone centred (y'know the rational majority) of left is fringe right.

If that was correct (which it isn't) then the majority would be bigoted right wingers and the world would be in chaos.
Ok I'll out for you, even though obvious to the rational majority, those who are not fringe left or right. Pretty simple stuff.

If you can't comprehend that then no one can explain it to you.

cheers matey

No one has a right to be racist. Pretty simple stuff, you seem to have an issue believing that anyone centred (y'know the rational majority) of left is fringe right.

If that was correct (which it isn't) then the majority would be bigoted right wingers and the world would be in chaos.

Fair few assumptions there. Good to see you disagreeing with yourself!
To most of them it basically appears to be a code word for "the world is changing in all sorts of ways and I feel like I don't have the degree of control I used to have so I'll mock those that are driving the impetus for the change."

They identify isolated absurdities which any ideology will contain at least some of, and wildly exaggerate their degree of traction in society so as to bolster the narrative that the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

That might be a view of someone fringe right, not the majority, my view is that fringe left is pushing impractical ideologue because the fringe left believe anyone centred of left is fringe right.

Anyone including the centred (the majority) that uses the term woke or PC is not worried about the sky falling in but don't want to oppose anything left ideal that is indeed impractical for fear of reprisal. The majority oppose 'woke' or PC in silence but don't be fooled the majority want practical and understand that no matter what someone somewhere is going to be the loser / unhappy. A blunt fact of life.

Maybe step away from the left v right for a moment and view things from a rational point of view - coz that's where the mind set of the majority is.

Sure, beat down dickhead white supremacists and the like but don't get sucked in that that's all there is - left v right. If it was only that then humankind would've destroyed itself a long long time ago.
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