Wrestling Tournament

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Match Fixture

Round 1

Eddie Guerrero - hbk
Booker T - choc_a_holic
Super Dragon - WZA
HBK - rosejam

Sting - WA ROO
Rey Mysterio - Radz
Chris Benoit - StingaArmstrong
Goldberg - eddiesmith

Batista - heman
John Cena - rizzo
Big Show - SaintsSupporter
Kurt Angle - Vics Back to Back

Trish Stratus - RooBunny
Scott Steiner - Colbossa
Brock Lesnar - Nice Guy Adam

Chris Jericho - sante
The Rock - Kapow!!!
Billy Gunn - Stafford678
Triple H - Blood
The Undertaker - Darth_Tiger
Stone Cold - Presti_is_god
RVD - HurricaneHazza
Randy Orton - sante
The Hurricane - Hurricane Hazza
Road Warrior Animal - WA ROO

*Winners are in this red colour
Here is the first match.....

Wrestling Competition
Jim Ross: Hello and welcome to the Wrestling Competition!
Jim Ross: We have a great show for you tonight!

Eddie Guerrero vs Booker T vs Super Dragon vs Shawn Michaels
Non-Title Match

(Viva La Raza begins to play as Eddie Guerrero makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from El Paso, Texas, weighing in at 220 pounds, and standing at a height of 5'8" is Eddie Guerrero!
(The crowd cheers for Eddie Guerrero.)
(Booker's theme begins to play as Booker T makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 250 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'3" is Booker T!
(The crowd loudly cheers Booker T.)
(Anything They Can Find begins to play as Super Dragon makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Orange County, US., weighing in at 290 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'5" is Super Dragon!
(The crowd boos at Super Dragon.)
(I'm just a sexy boy! begins to play as Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 225 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'1" is Shawn Michaels!
(The crowd cheers Shawn Michaels as he comes to the ring.)
(The bell sounds and the match is underway!)
Jim Ross: Booker T winds back and releases a wicked punch on Shawn Michaels!!!
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T kicks Shawn Michaels and picks him up for more punishment.
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T locks the Sharpshooter on Shawn Michaels
Jim Ross: Shawn Michaels jumps back up to his feet!
Jonathan Coachman: Shawn Michaels ducks and quickly hits Eddie Guerrero with a monstrous uppercut!!!
Jonathan Coachman: Shawn Michaels kicks Eddie Guerrero and picks him up for more punishment.
Jim Ross: Shawn Michaels locks Eddie Guerrero in an abdominal stretch!
Jerry Lawler: Shawn Michaels perfectly executes a suplex on Super Dragon!
Jim Ross: Super Dragon gets back up to his feet.
Jim Ross: Booker T grabs Super Dragon by the arm, pulls him down, and puts on an armbar!
Jim Ross: Super Dragon gets back up to his feet.
Jonathan Coachman: Shawn Michaels punches Super Dragon and then another punch
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! Shawn Michaels tried to kick Booker T but Booker T reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon punches Booker T and then another punch
Jim Ross: Shawn Michaels winds back and releases a wicked punch on Booker T!!!
Jerry Lawler: Booker T is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T ducks and quickly hits Eddie Guerrero with a monstrous uppercut!!!
Jerry Lawler: Eddie Guerrero is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jerry Lawler: Super Dragon executes a beautiful kick that sends Booker T into the ropes!
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon atomic drops Eddie Guerrero!!
Jim Ross: Eddie Guerrero jumps back up to his feet!
Jim Ross: Super Dragon pokes Eddie Guerrero's eye!! What a cheater
Jim Ross: Super Dragon suplexes Eddie Guerrero off the turnbuckle
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! Shawn Michaels tried to kick Super Dragon but Super Dragon reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jim Ross: Booker T locks Eddie Guerrero in an abdominal stretch!
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! Eddie Guerrero tried to kick Super Dragon but Super Dragon reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T atomic drops Eddie Guerrero!!
Jerry Lawler: Eddie Guerrero is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jim Ross: Super Dragon locks Eddie Guerrero in an abdominal stretch!
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T dropkicks Eddie Guerrero and sends him flying!
Jerry Lawler: Booker T picks up Eddie Guerrero and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jim Ross: Booker T pokes Eddie Guerrero's eye!! What a cheater
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T clotheslines Eddie Guerrero, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T punches Eddie Guerrero and then another punch
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon ducks and quickly hits Shawn Michaels with a monstrous uppercut!!!
Jerry Lawler: Shawn Michaels is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jim Ross: Shawn Michaels goes for a powerbomb, but Booker T manages to slip out!
Jim Ross: Eddie Guerrero locks Shawn Michaels in an abdominal stretch!
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon atomic drops Booker T!!
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon picks up Booker T and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon picks up Booker T and suplexes him!
Jim Ross: Super Dragon picks up Booker T from the mat.
Jerry Lawler: Shawn Michaels hits Super Dragon with the Bulldog
Jonathan Coachman: Eddie Guerrero dropkicks Shawn Michaels and sends him flying!
Jonathan Coachman: Eddie Guerrero picks up Shawn Michaels and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: Eddie Guerrero clotheslines Shawn Michaels, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jonathan Coachman: Eddie Guerrero sends Shawn Michaels into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jonathan Coachman: Eddie Guerrero picks up Shawn Michaels and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: Eddie Guerrero kicks Shawn Michaels and picks him up for more punishment.
Jim Ross: Eddie Guerrero locks Shawn Michaels in an abdominal stretch!
Jerry Lawler: Booker T executes a beautiful kick that sends Eddie Guerrero into the ropes!
Jim Ross: Super Dragon grabs Booker T and slams him to the mat with a wicked suplex!!
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon kicks Booker T and picks him up for more punishment.
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon sends Booker T into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jim Ross: Booker T gets back up to his feet.
Jim Ross: Booker T grabs Shawn Michaels by the arm, pulls him down, and puts on an armbar!
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T picks up Shawn Michaels and suplexes him!
Jerry Lawler: Booker T picks up Shawn Michaels and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jim Ross: Booker T dropkicks Shawn Michaels in the face with ease! Shawn Michaels is out on his feet!
Jonathan Coachman: Super Dragon sends Eddie Guerrero into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jim Ross: Eddie Guerrero jumps back up to his feet!
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T atomic drops Eddie Guerrero!!
Jim Ross: Eddie Guerrero gets back up to his feet.
Jonathan Coachman: Shawn Michaels pokes Booker T in the eye.
Jonathan Coachman: Booker T locks the Sharpshooter on Shawn Michaels
Jim Ross: Booker T picks up Shawn Michaels.
Jerry Lawler: Booker T hits Shawn Michaels with the The Bookend!
Jerry Lawler: Booker T goes for the pin!
Earl Hebner: 1, 2, 3!
Jonathan Coachman: We have a winner!

Winner: Booker T
Rey Mysterio vs Goldberg vs Sting vs Chris Benoit
Non-Title Match

("Filthy Animals" begins to play as Rey Mysterio Jr makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from San Diego, California, weighing in at 140 pounds, and standing at a height of 5'3" is Rey Mysterio Jr!
(The crowd cheers for Rey Mysterio Jr.)
(Goldberg's music begins to play as Goldberg makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from parts unknown, weighing in at 260 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'4" is Goldberg!
(The crowd loudly cheers Goldberg.)
("Seek And Destroy" begins to play as Sting makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Venice Beach, California, weighing in at 252 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'2" is Sting!
(The crowd boos at Sting.)
("Radicalz Theme Song" begins to play as Chris Benoit makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 220 pounds, and standing at a height of 5'10" is Chris Benoit!
(The crowd boos at Chris Benoit.)
(The bell sounds and the match is underway!)
Jerry Lawler: Sting was a little hasty here and barely pulled off that powerbomb.
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr jumps back up to his feet!
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg perfectly executes a suplex on Rey Mysterio Jr!
Jonathan Coachman: Goldberg clotheslines Rey Mysterio Jr, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jim Ross: Goldberg grabs Rey Mysterio Jr and slams him to the mat with a wicked suplex!!
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr jumps back up to his feet!
Jim Ross: Goldberg with the Neckbreaker on Sting
Jim Ross: Chris Benoit locks Rey Mysterio Jr in an abdominal stretch!
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg executes a beautiful kick that sends Chris Benoit into the ropes!
Jonathan Coachman: Chris Benoit locks the Sharpshooter on Rey Mysterio Jr
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr gets back up to his feet.
Jim Ross: Goldberg locks Chris Benoit in an abdominal stretch!
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr grabs Sting by the arm, pulls him down, and puts on an armbar!
Jerry Lawler: Sting is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jerry Lawler: Rey Mysterio Jr was a little hasty here and barely pulled off that powerbomb.
Jim Ross: Goldberg jumps back up to his feet!
Jerry Lawler: Rey Mysterio Jr hits Chris Benoit with a devastating kick to the gut!
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr pokes Chris Benoit's eye!! What a cheater
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr suplexes Chris Benoit off the turnbuckle
Jonathan Coachman: Rey Mysterio Jr picks up Goldberg and slams him down with a powerbomb!
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr picks up Goldberg from the mat.
Jonathan Coachman: Rey Mysterio Jr dropkicks Goldberg and sends him flying!
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jerry Lawler: Sting perfectly executes a suplex on Chris Benoit!
Jerry Lawler: Chris Benoit is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr locks Chris Benoit in an abdominal stretch!
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr picks up Sting and piledrives Sting's head into the mat!
Jonathan Coachman: Rey Mysterio Jr clotheslines Sting, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jonathan Coachman: Rey Mysterio Jr locks the Sharpshooter on Sting
Jonathan Coachman: Rey Mysterio Jr clotheslines Sting, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jerry Lawler: Rey Mysterio Jr perfectly executes a suplex on Sting!
Jim Ross: Sting gets back up to his feet.
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg perfectly executes a suplex on Sting!
Jim Ross: Sting gets back up to his feet.
Jim Ross: Chris Benoit with the Neckbreaker on Goldberg
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg hits Sting with a punch and Sting looks a little dazed!
Jerry Lawler: Sting perfectly executes a suplex on Chris Benoit!
Jerry Lawler: Sting picks up Chris Benoit and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jim Ross: Sting pokes Chris Benoit's eye!! What a cheater
Jonathan Coachman: Sting kicks Chris Benoit and picks him up for more punishment.
Jerry Lawler: Sting hits Chris Benoit with the Bulldog
Jonathan Coachman: Chris Benoit sends Goldberg into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jerry Lawler: Chris Benoit picks up Goldberg and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jim Ross: Chris Benoit winds back and releases a wicked punch on Goldberg!!!
Jerry Lawler: Chris Benoit picks up Goldberg and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jerry Lawler: Chris Benoit hits Goldberg with a punch and Goldberg looks a little dazed!
Jim Ross: Chris Benoit goes for a powerbomb, but Sting manages to slip out!
Jim Ross: Sting winds back and releases a wicked punch on Goldberg!!!
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg hits Sting with a punch and Sting looks a little dazed!
Jerry Lawler: Sting perfectly executes a suplex on Rey Mysterio Jr!
Jim Ross: Sting picks up Rey Mysterio Jr from the mat.
Jerry Lawler: Chris Benoit executes a beautiful kick that sends Rey Mysterio Jr into the ropes!
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr picks up Chris Benoit and piledrives Chris Benoit's head into the mat!
Jerry Lawler: Rey Mysterio Jr picks up Chris Benoit and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jonathan Coachman: Rey Mysterio Jr picks up Chris Benoit and slams him down with a powerbomb!
Jim Ross: Chris Benoit gets back up to his feet.
Jonathan Coachman: Sting has just hit Chris Benoit where the sun doesn't shine! That would have hurt
Jim Ross: Sting suplexes Chris Benoit off the turnbuckle
Jim Ross: Sting pokes Rey Mysterio Jr's eye!! What a cheater
Jerry Lawler: Rey Mysterio Jr is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jerry Lawler: Chris Benoit was a little hasty here and barely pulled off that powerbomb.
Jonathan Coachman: Chris Benoit kicks Goldberg and picks him up for more punishment.
Jim Ross: Chris Benoit dropkicks Goldberg in the face with ease! Goldberg is out on his feet!
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg was a little hasty here and barely pulled off that powerbomb.
Jim Ross: Goldberg suplexes Chris Benoit off the turnbuckle
Jonathan Coachman: Goldberg dropkicks Sting and sends him flying!
Jim Ross: Goldberg picks up Sting from the mat.
Jim Ross: Rey Mysterio Jr winds back and releases a wicked punch on Goldberg!!!
Jerry Lawler: Goldberg is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jim Ross: Chris Benoit picks up Sting and piledrives Sting's head into the mat!
Jerry Lawler: Chris Benoit gets the Crippler Crossface locked on Sting!
Jonathan Coachman: Sting is tapping out!

Winner: Chris Benoit

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John Cena vs Big Show vs Kurt Angle vs Batista
Non-Title Match

(Word Life begins to play as John Cena makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from California, weighing in at 240 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'3" is John Cena!
("Its The Big Show!" begins to play as Big Show makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 500 pounds, and standing at a height of 7'2" is Big Show!
(The crowd boos Big Show.)
("American Hero" begins to play as Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Pittsburgh, PA., weighing in at 220 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'2" is Kurt Angle!
(The crowd boos at Kurt Angle.)
(Evolution begins to play as Batista makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Texas, weighing in at 275 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'5" is Batista!
(The crowd boos at Batista.)
(The bell sounds and the match is underway!)
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle punches Big Show and then another punch
Jim Ross: Big Show dropkicks Batista in the face with ease! Batista is out on his feet!
Jonathan Coachman: John Cena pokes Kurt Angle in the eye.
Jerry Lawler: Batista hits Kurt Angle with a punch and Kurt Angle looks a little dazed!
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle atomic drops Batista!!
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle clotheslines Batista, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jerry Lawler: Kurt Angle executes a beautiful kick that sends Batista into the ropes!
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! Big Show tried to kick John Cena but John Cena reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jim Ross: Big Show grabs Batista by the arm, pulls him down, and puts on an armbar!
Jerry Lawler: Big Show picks up Batista and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jonathan Coachman: Big Show pokes Batista in the eye.
Jonathan Coachman: John Cena sends Big Show into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jerry Lawler: Big Show is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jim Ross: Kurt Angle dropkicks John Cena in the face with ease! John Cena is out on his feet!
Jim Ross: Kurt Angle goes for a powerbomb, but John Cena manages to slip out!
Jim Ross: John Cena locks Batista in an abdominal stretch!
Jerry Lawler: Kurt Angle perfectly executes a suplex on Batista!
Jim Ross: Batista gets back up to his feet.
Jerry Lawler: Kurt Angle executes a beautiful kick that sends Batista into the ropes!
Jonathan Coachman: Batista pokes Big Show in the eye.
Jerry Lawler: Kurt Angle perfectly executes a suplex on John Cena!
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle kicks John Cena and picks him up for more punishment.
Jim Ross: Kurt Angle dropkicks John Cena in the face with ease! John Cena is out on his feet!
Jonathan Coachman: Batista sends Big Show into the ropes and hits Big Show with a jumpkick!
Jim Ross: Batista suplexes Big Show off the turnbuckle
Jonathan Coachman: John Cena picks up Batista and slams him down with a powerbomb!
Jonathan Coachman: John Cena picks up Batista and suplexes him!
Jerry Lawler: Batista is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jonathan Coachman: Batista sends Big Show into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jim Ross: Batista suplexes Big Show off the turnbuckle
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle locks the Sharpshooter on John Cena
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle kicks John Cena and picks him up for more punishment.
Jerry Lawler: Kurt Angle hits John Cena with the Bulldog
Jerry Lawler: Big Show perfectly executes a suplex on Kurt Angle!
Jerry Lawler: Big Show picks up Kurt Angle and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jim Ross: Big Show with the Neckbreaker on Kurt Angle
Jonathan Coachman: Batista has just hit John Cena where the sun doesn't shine! That would have hurt
Jerry Lawler: Batista picks up John Cena and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jonathan Coachman: Batista locks the Sharpshooter on John Cena
Jerry Lawler: John Cena is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jerry Lawler: John Cena hits Big Show with a punch and Big Show looks a little dazed!
Jerry Lawler: John Cena executes a beautiful kick that sends Kurt Angle into the ropes!
Jim Ross: John Cena pokes Big Show's eye!! What a cheater
Jerry Lawler: John Cena picks up Big Show and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! John Cena tried to kick Big Show but Big Show reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! Big Show tried to kick Batista but Batista reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle sends John Cena into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jerry Lawler: John Cena is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jonathan Coachman: Batista locks the Sharpshooter on Kurt Angle
Jim Ross: Kurt Angle gets back up to his feet.
Jim Ross: Kurt Angle grabs Big Show and slams him to the mat with a wicked suplex!!
Jim Ross: Kurt Angle picks up Big Show from the mat.
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle has just hit John Cena where the sun doesn't shine! That would have hurt
Jerry Lawler: John Cena is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jerry Lawler: Batista was a little hasty here and barely pulled off that powerbomb.
Jonathan Coachman: Batista kicks Kurt Angle and picks him up for more punishment.
Jim Ross: Batista dropkicks Kurt Angle in the face with ease! Kurt Angle is out on his feet!
Jerry Lawler: John Cena was a little hasty here and barely pulled off that powerbomb.
Jonathan Coachman: John Cena picks up Kurt Angle and suplexes him!
Jerry Lawler: Kurt Angle is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle ducks and quickly hits John Cena with a monstrous uppercut!!!
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle picks up John Cena and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: Kurt Angle picks up John Cena and suplexes him!
Jim Ross: Kurt Angle picks up John Cena from the mat.
Jerry Lawler: John Cena hits Kurt Angle with a devastating kick to the gut!
Jerry Lawler: John Cena hits Kurt Angle with the F-U!
Jerry Lawler: John Cena goes for the pin!
Earl Hebner: 1, 2, 3!
Jonathan Coachman: We have a winner!

Winner: John Cena
Brock Lesnar vs Scott Steiner vs Trish Stratus
Non-Title Match

(Brock Lesnar's Theme Song begins to play as Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Minneapolis, weighing in at 295 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'4" is Brock Lesnar!
(The crowd loudly boos Brock Lesnar.)
(Holla If Ya Hear Me begins to play as Scott Steiner makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Bay City, Michigan, weighing in at 270 pounds, and standing at a height of 6'2" is Scott Steiner!
(The crowd boos Scott Steiner.)
(Trish Stratus Theme Song begins to play as Trish Stratus makes his way to the ring.)
Making his way to the ring at this time hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 120 pounds, and standing at a height of 5'9" is Trish Stratus!
(The crowd cheers Trish Stratus as he comes to the ring.)
(The bell sounds and the match is underway!)
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner picks up Trish Stratus and piledrives Trish Stratus's head into the mat!
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner picks up Trish Stratus from the mat.
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner picks up Trish Stratus and piledrives Trish Stratus's head into the mat!
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner kicks Trish Stratus and picks him up for more punishment.
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner punches Trish Stratus and then another punch
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! Trish Stratus tried to kick Brock Lesnar but Brock Lesnar reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus picks up Brock Lesnar and slams him down with a powerbomb!
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus kicks Brock Lesnar and picks him up for more punishment.
Jerry Lawler: Trish Stratus hits Brock Lesnar with the Bulldog
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus locks the Sharpshooter on Scott Steiner
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus kicks Scott Steiner and picks him up for more punishment.
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus pokes Scott Steiner in the eye.
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus dropkicks Scott Steiner and sends him flying!
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus picks up Scott Steiner and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus clotheslines Scott Steiner, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus pokes Scott Steiner in the eye.
Jerry Lawler: Brock Lesnar hits Trish Stratus with a devastating kick to the gut!
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar picks up Trish Stratus and piledrives Trish Stratus's head into the mat!
Jonathan Coachman: Brock Lesnar clotheslines Trish Stratus, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jonathan Coachman: Brock Lesnar sends Trish Stratus into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jonathan Coachman: Brock Lesnar clotheslines Trish Stratus, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jonathan Coachman: Brock Lesnar has just hit Trish Stratus where the sun doesn't shine! That would have hurt
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar picks up Trish Stratus from the mat.
Jerry Lawler: Scott Steiner hits Trish Stratus with the Bulldog
Jerry Lawler: Scott Steiner executes a beautiful kick that sends Brock Lesnar into the ropes!
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar locks Trish Stratus in an abdominal stretch!
Jerry Lawler: Scott Steiner hits Trish Stratus with a punch and Trish Stratus looks a little dazed!
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus picks up Scott Steiner and slams him down with a powerbomb!
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus picks up Scott Steiner and suplexes him!
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner jumps back up to his feet!
Jerry Lawler: Trish Stratus hits Scott Steiner with a punch and Scott Steiner looks a little dazed!
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus sends Brock Lesnar into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar jumps back up to his feet!
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner pokes Trish Stratus's eye!! What a cheater
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner picks up Trish Stratus from the mat.
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus ducks and quickly hits Scott Steiner with a monstrous uppercut!!!
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner gets back up to his feet.
Jim Ross: Trish Stratus locks Brock Lesnar in an abdominal stretch!
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner has just hit Brock Lesnar where the sun doesn't shine! That would have hurt
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner picks up Brock Lesnar and suplexes him!
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner suplexes Brock Lesnar off the turnbuckle
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner pokes Brock Lesnar's eye!! What a cheater
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner picks up Brock Lesnar and suplexes him!
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar jumps back up to his feet!
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner picks up Brock Lesnar and piledrives Brock Lesnar's head into the mat!
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner clotheslines Brock Lesnar, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner picks up Brock Lesnar and piledrives Brock Lesnar's head into the mat!
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar jumps back up to his feet!
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner has just hit Brock Lesnar where the sun doesn't shine! That would have hurt
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar gets back up to his feet.
Jonathan Coachman: Brock Lesnar sends Scott Steiner into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jonathan Coachman: Brock Lesnar picks up Scott Steiner and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: Brock Lesnar kicks Scott Steiner and picks him up for more punishment.
Jonathan Coachman: Brock Lesnar picks up Scott Steiner and slams him down with a powerbomb!
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner jumps back up to his feet!
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar dropkicks Scott Steiner in the face with ease! Scott Steiner is out on his feet!
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar locks Scott Steiner in an abdominal stretch!
Jim Ross: Scott Steiner picks up Brock Lesnar and piledrives Brock Lesnar's head into the mat!
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner kicks Brock Lesnar and picks him up for more punishment.
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner locks the Sharpshooter on Brock Lesnar
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar gets back up to his feet.
Jim Ross: Trish Stratus grabs Brock Lesnar by the arm, pulls him down, and puts on an armbar!
Jim Ross: Trish Stratus picks up Brock Lesnar from the mat.
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner atomic drops Brock Lesnar!!
Jonathan Coachman: Scott Steiner kicks Brock Lesnar and picks him up for more punishment.
Jerry Lawler: Scott Steiner was a little hasty here and barely pulled off that powerbomb.
Jerry Lawler: Brock Lesnar is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jonathan Coachman: Trish Stratus atomic drops Scott Steiner!!
Jim Ross: Trish Stratus picks up Scott Steiner.
Jerry Lawler: Trish Stratus hits Scott Steiner with the Stratusfaction!
Jerry Lawler: Trish Stratus goes for the pin!
Charles Robinson: 1, 2, 3!
Jonathan Coachman: We have a winner!

Winner: Trish Stratus
10 Man Battle Royal
Non - Title Match

The bell rings and the match is underway.
Jim Ross: Triple H picks up Chris Jericho and piledrives Chris Jericho's head into the mat!
Jim Ross: Triple H suplexes Chris Jericho off the turnbuckle
Jim Ross: Billy Gunn pokes Chris Jericho's eye!! What a cheater
Jonathan Coachman: Rob Van Dam kicks Chris Jericho and picks him up for more punishment.
Jonathan Coachman: The Undertaker has just hit Chris Jericho where the sun doesn't shine! That would have hurt
Jerry Lawler: Chris Jericho is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jonathan Coachman: The Undertaker punches Chris Jericho and then another punch
Jerry Lawler: Randy Orton executes a beautiful kick that sends Chris Jericho into the ropes!
Jim Ross: The Hurricane grabs Chris Jericho by the arm, pulls him down, and puts on an armbar!
Jerry Lawler: The Hurricane picks up Chris Jericho from the floor and throws Chris Jericho onto the floor! Jericho Eliminated
Jonathan Coachman: Stone Cold Steve Austin picks up Randy Orton and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: Road Warrior Animal picks up Randy Orton and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: Road Warrior Animal picks up Randy Orton and suplexes him!
Jerry Lawler: Triple H picks up Randy Orton and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jonathan Coachman: Road Warrior Animal sends Randy Orton into the ropes and hits Randy Orton with a jumpkick!
Jerry Lawler: Stone Cold Steve Austin picks up Randy Orton and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jim Ross: The Hurricane goes for a powerbomb, but Randy Orton manages to slip out!
Jerry Lawler: Road Warrior Animal hits Randy Orton with the Bulldog
Jim Ross: Triple H with the Neckbreaker on Randy Orton
Jerry Lawler: Triple H kicks Randy Orton and then suplexes Randy Orton out of the ring and to the floor! Randy Orton Eliminated
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock sends Stone Cold Steve Austin into the ropes and hits Stone Cold Steve Austin with a jumpkick!
Jim Ross: The Undertaker suplexes Stone Cold Steve Austin off the turnbuckle
Jonathan Coachman: The Hurricane has just hit Stone Cold Steve Austin where the sun doesn't shine! That would have hurt
Jonathan Coachman: Billy Gunn picks up Stone Cold Steve Austin and suplexes him!
Jerry Lawler: Stone Cold Steve Austin is slowly getting up... looks like he's hurt.
Jim Ross: Road Warrior Animal dropkicks Stone Cold Steve Austin in the face with ease! Stone Cold Steve Austin is out on his feet!
Jerry Lawler: The Rock hits Stone Cold Steve Austin with a devastating kick to the gut!
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! Billy Gunn tried to kick Stone Cold Steve Austin but Stone Cold Steve Austin reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jerry Lawler: Triple H hits Stone Cold Steve Austin with the Bulldog
Jerry Lawler: Triple H kicks Stone Cold Steve Austin and then suplexes Stone Cold Steve Austin out of the ring and to the floor! Stone Cold Eliminated
Jim Ross: Road Warrior Animal dropkicks Billy Gunn in the face with ease! Billy Gunn is out on his feet!
Jim Ross: The Undertaker winds back and releases a wicked punch on Billy Gunn!!!
Jim Ross: Billy Gunn jumps back up to his feet!
Jerry Lawler: The Hurricane hits Billy Gunn with a devastating kick to the gut!
Jim Ross: Triple H grabs Billy Gunn and slams him to the mat with a wicked suplex!!
Jim Ross: Billy Gunn jumps back up to his feet!
Jim Ross: Triple H locks Billy Gunn in an abdominal stretch!
Jonathan Coachman: Triple H dropkicks Billy Gunn and sends him flying!
Jim Ross: Billy Gunn gets back up to his feet.
Jerry Lawler: Road Warrior Animal kicks Billy Gunn and then suplexes Billy Gunn out of the ring and onto the floor! Billy Gunn Eliminated
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock pokes Triple H in the eye.
Jim Ross: Rob Van Dam locks Triple H in an abdominal stretch!
Jerry Lawler: Road Warrior Animal hits Triple H with a punch and Triple H looks a little dazed!
Jerry Lawler: Rob Van Dam hits Triple H with a devastating kick to the gut!
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock locks the Sharpshooter on Triple H
Jonathan Coachman: Rob Van Dam clotheslines Triple H, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jonathan Coachman: The Undertaker sends Triple H into the ropes and trips him. That's what I like to see in a match!
Jim Ross: Road Warrior Animal suplexes Triple H off the turnbuckle
Jonathan Coachman: The Undertaker picks up Triple H and slams him down with a powerbomb!
Jerry Lawler: The Undertaker picks up Triple H from the floor and throws Triple H onto the floor! Triple H Eliminated
Jim Ross: The Hurricane jumps back up to his feet!
Jonathan Coachman: The Undertaker locks the Sharpshooter on The Hurricane
Jim Ross: Rob Van Dam picks up The Hurricane from the mat.
Jonathan Coachman: HA HA! The Undertaker tried to kick The Hurricane but The Hurricane reversed it into a Sleeper Holder!!
Jim Ross: Rob Van Dam winds back and releases a wicked punch on The Hurricane!!!
Jim Ross: The Hurricane gets back up to his feet.
Jerry Lawler: Road Warrior Animal hits The Hurricane with a punch and The Hurricane looks a little dazed!
Jim Ross: The Undertaker grabs The Hurricane by the arm, pulls him down, and puts on an armbar!
Jerry Lawler: The Rock picks up The Hurricane and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jerry Lawler: The Rock kicks The Hurricane and then suplexes The Hurricane out of the ring and to the floor! The Hurricane Eliminated
Jim Ross: The Rock goes for a powerbomb, but Road Warrior Animal manages to slip out!
Jim Ross: The Undertaker picks up Road Warrior Animal and piledrives Road Warrior Animal's head into the mat!
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock clotheslines Road Warrior Animal, covers him.............1,2, kickout
Jonathan Coachman: The Undertaker atomic drops Road Warrior Animal!!
Jim Ross: Road Warrior Animal gets back up to his feet.
Jonathan Coachman: Rob Van Dam dropkicks Road Warrior Animal and sends him flying!
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock picks up Road Warrior Animal and suplexes him!
Jonathan Coachman: The Undertaker kicks Road Warrior Animal and picks him up for more punishment.
Jonathan Coachman: Rob Van Dam atomic drops Road Warrior Animal!!
Jerry Lawler: Rob Van Dam picks up Road Warrior Animal from the floor and throws Road Warrior Animal onto the floor! Road Warrior Animal Eliminated
Jim Ross: The Undertaker suplexes Rob Van Dam off the turnbuckle
Jonathan Coachman: The Undertaker locks the Sharpshooter on Rob Van Dam
Jim Ross: The Rock suplexes Rob Van Dam off the turnbuckle
Jerry Lawler: The Rock perfectly executes a suplex on Rob Van Dam!
Jerry Lawler: The Undertaker picks up Rob Van Dam and hits him with three German Suplexes
Jim Ross: The Rock goes for a powerbomb, but Rob Van Dam manages to slip out!
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock sends Rob Van Dam into the ropes and hits Rob Van Dam with a jumpkick!
Jim Ross: Rob Van Dam gets back up to his feet.
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock picks up Rob Van Dam and slams him down with a powerbomb!
Jerry Lawler: The Rock picks up Rob Van Dam from the floor and throws Rob Van Dam onto the floor! RVD Eliminated
Jim Ross: There are only two wrestlers left! Who will win?
Jerry Lawler: The Rock punches The Undertaker.
Jim Ross: The Undertaker misses a punch and The Rock kicks him in the gut!
Jim Ross: The Rock picks up The Undertaker and slams him back down to the mat!
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock runs into the ropes and elbow drops The Undertaker.
Jim Ross: The Undertaker looks pretty worn out.
Jim Ross: The Undertaker is slowly getting up, but The Rock runs into the ropes and slide kicks him!
Jerry Lawler: This is it! It's over!
Jonathan Coachman: The Rock picks up The Undertaker and sets him on the ropes!
Jerry Lawler: The Rock dropkicks The Undertaker to the floor! We have a winner!!!

Winner: The Rock

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hbk said:
can i join in the second roud as hulk hogan! hulkamania is running wild! i am a real america!

yeh okay but can i have his details please?

Skylark you are in it but i will decide who later :p

BRE/\|< i will decide someone for you too later :p ;)
is this the info that you wantedSignature Maneuvers: Big Boot to the Face and Leg Drop
Trade mark : Wears red and yellow into the ring. Always tears his T-shirt off his body.
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 275 lbs
Biceps: 24"
Neck: 21"
Chest: 58"
Forarm: 18"
Wrist: 9"
Calves: 20"
Thighs: 30 & 1/2
Hands: 13 & 1/2
hbk said:
is this the info that you wantedSignature Maneuvers: Big Boot to the Face and Leg Drop
Trade mark : Wears red and yellow into the ring. Always tears his T-shirt off his body.
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 275 lbs
Biceps: 24"
Neck: 21"
Chest: 58"
Forarm: 18"
Wrist: 9"
Calves: 20"
Thighs: 30 & 1/2
Hands: 13 & 1/2

I need


Thanx mate
hometown: Born in Augusta, Georgia.
theme song: i am a real american
heel/face: what do you think the crowd love hulkamamia!

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Wrestling Tournament

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