Idolises . Takes advice from. Legally takes the surname from the p.o.s below. Not very bright is Simple Jase and a sneaky coward too.Own it, love it, kid will be an absolute gun.
He's in rightful place at Port Power.
Later in 2009, he was officially charged with the following crimes: three charges of threatening life, eight counts of common assault, six counts of aggravated assault, six counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and two counts of threatening to cause harm. Fabian pleaded not guilty to all charges; however, it was announced on 26 January 2012 that Francis was found guilty and was subsequently sentenced to 15 months in jail over the charges. The judge described Francis as "domineering, threatening, verbally vicious and at times physically quite violent ... undeterred by the presence of others - by the presence of [their] children, her parents or by work colleagues", noting "Francis had bashed Ms Buckskin in the face, threatened to stab her and threatened to injure her to such an extent that she would have to drink through a straw."