Bollocks. You just refuse to concede that they have done anything right at all. I can't be bothered trawling back through posts but I am fairly certain we spent a number of weeks this year with about 14 players on the injury/suspension list, mostly mids and forwards. We also had the shittiest fixture imaginable for the first 6 to 8 rounds, to the point that the coaches were worried ahead of the Bulldogs game, given the loading on the players. There's an awful lot that has gone against us this year.Anything that isn't fellating the club is potting it according to some of you.
Could we have done better? Undoubtedly, but it also hasn't been a complete cluster ****.....there are green shoots.
But some people just want to piss and moan because they can't go to school on Mondays and brag about their footy team being the best.........