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  1. S

    Men and alcohol

    Yeah, I've that said that to me a lot mate... I just wanted to thank everyone from this forum who took the time to complete the questionnaire. Really had a great response from everyone. Cheers
  2. S

    How often do you get drunk?

    I don't drink but if anyone would like to contribute in a more substantial way to this discussion, see my post in the general discussion forum...
  3. S

    My Son Wants to be a Hermit

    Is this a serious post? If so, your son needs to see a psychologist and get some therapy for social phobia.
  4. S

    Men and alcohol

    Thanks deezer. If you want to just send me (email or PM) your email address I'll put in on the list and you'll be sent the results when they are finalised. Cheers.
  5. S

    Men and alcohol

    Thanks everyone for your feedback and participation in the research and the thread... it's been interesting to read people's statements with regard to their drinking and I've had a lot of interesting feedback so far, more so from members of this forum than anyone else who has participated. I've...
  6. S

    Men and alcohol

    If you indicate on the first question that you are female, you are immediately taken to the end of the survey... a number of people have indicated they are female (whether this is actual women mistakenly entering the survey or guys who are confused about their sex is unknown) and they are...
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    Men and alcohol

    Thanks for your feedback... I appreciate the fact that you felt strongly enough about the experience of completing the survey to reply on the board. I will reply to each of you by PM. Cheers
  8. S

    Men and alcohol

    thanks mate... have had a really good response from the members so far...
  9. S

    Men and alcohol

    ***NOTE: THIS POST HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CHIEF*** Greetings all, I am a Masters student in Clinical Psychology and am seeking participants to take part in online research. My research is looking at men's attitudes towards masculinity and alcohol consumption. If you are interested in...
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    Obama Gains 14 More Delegates

    Is KissStephanie actually Hillary Clinton or a Hillary Clinton staffer posting in disguise.... how does Hillary know about BigFooty? Obama to win and then get beaten by the old man Republican in the Election. Go old man Republican! It's about time someone carked it in office.
  11. S

    Does anyone know the symptoms when your

    Go easy on the coffee and the yeast.
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    Anyone want to work for an airline? (Melbourne location)

    Why aren't Lufthansa outsourcing their call centres to third world countries? Or are we a third world country now and I missed it?
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    Lost my TFN

    I thought you had to go somewhere in person to get your TFN... they are security Nazi's at the ATO (and probably justifiably).
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    Obama Gains 14 More Delegates

    If Clinton gets the nomination, I'll eat my laptop. Obama is kicking her *** all over the US.
  15. S

    Share Housing

    I've lived in dozens of sharehouses... it's a right of passage. Choose your flatmates carefully is my only advice.
  16. S

    Shortest Marriage

    I went to school with the guy... and I'm telling you it couldn't happen to someone more deserving... ha ha ha! He married someone else not long after... not sure how that went.
  17. S

    What do you think? Scam? Help required.

    If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. She probably work for the deposed president of Nigeria and has a million dollars waiting in a foreign a/c too! The facebook profile is probably dodge too.
  18. S

    Customer Complaint

    I used to work for an unnamed government department... a woman rang up one day to complain that she wasn't getting exactly the same amount of government payment as an acquaintance of hers... because they had exactly the same personal wealth and assets... EXACTLY the same, down to the cent!
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    What do you think? Scam? Help required.

    This woman sounds dodgy, dodgy, dodgy... if something seems to be good to be true, it generally is. Don't like being a pessimist, but come on!
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    Is Limewire Pro worth paying the extra for?

    Limewire rules the world... but hell no, don't go pro. Oh oh oh.
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    FTA-TV Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares

    Gordon comes across as a bit of a prick but he actually seems to care about these restaurants, which is why the show is so good. If he just swore and carried on, noone would watch. The guy is a legend.
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    Mikey Robins loses 60kgs!

    The problem with losing all that weight is you look about 60 years old after and you're carrying around a kilometre of extra skin.
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    FTA-TV **SPOILERS** Survivor 16: Fans v Favourites

    When are Channel 9 going to show this series? They are so useless with Survivor!
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    Lost - Season 4 (Spoilers)

    I'm having trouble remembering what's going on with whom because there are so many flash backs/forwards... like the guy Juliet was having the affair with... they introduced that like a year ago, so unless I'm some geeky Lost Fan, it doesn't occur to me until a couple of minutes in that they are...
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    Woman sat on toilet for 'two years'

    I have doubts about this story... but I suppose it's American and anything is possible... and they do love their toilets.
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    Things that shit me

    Smokers walking down the street smoking and blowing it all over anyone who happens to walk past. If you're reading this: **** you.
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    Heat wave

    Next Thursday it's gonna be 21 and raining. And soon winter will be here and we'll be bitching bout that.
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    Restaurant tactics

    All you can eat buffets = obesity
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    Weet-Bix vs Vita Brits

    I actually eat ALDI weetbix which are pretty close to the "real" thing... I'm such a cheap arse. But vitabrits suck... they are hard or something.
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    How many drunks per week?

    I have to be drunk to read this post... because it makes no sense to me any other way.