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  1. P

    Picola & District SE 2015

    I'm guessing by the way you talk SharpElbows you must be on a committee or pretty involved at one of these clubs to know what they actually spend, and have good contacts at the other 2 clubs to know their budgets as well? You really have no idea on either how the point system works or no idea on...
  2. P

    Picola & District NW 2014

    Not sure why would need to bring this up gorillaman from 6 years ago, yes there are worse sides then Mathoura but to bring 2 other Picola League sides into the conversation with false accusations (not the smartest thing you have said Roar) is probably not the way to go about it.. On the...
  3. P

    Picola & District FL SE 2013

    Has it been suggested that the 22nd player (if it is to change from 21 to 22) be an U17 player but not actually a sub player, if clubs choose not to play an U17 player they can only have 3 on the bench, it then is trying to help with Junior Development by playing at least 1 U17 but not sub out a...
  4. P

    Picola & District FL SE 2013

    Smooth, i meant Roar just running around in general, defiantly wasn't playing 3rds, could say more at end of carrier :eek: The Grand Finals should be played on Saturdays a week apart, much better then Sunday games. Great to see so much discussion on the topic with the sub, be interesting to...
  5. P

    Picola & District FL SE 2013

    No general bye or split round for SE, the only week off we have is when interleague is on.. With the NW comp do players seem more keen to play Interleage, with getting to have that week off mid season?? I think it should be put on the draws to make it more obvious, players will then see there is...
  6. P

    Picola & District FL SE 2013

    Think it is a great opportunity to bring u17 players into senior footy, the opinions of kids to play senior footy has changed to 10-12years ago, back then when playing 3rds (Roar, even u were still running around), we would jump at the chance to play seniors, whether you new you were in the top...
  7. P

    Picola & District FL SE 2013

    Have had a bit of a go at the side smooth, bit hard as haven't seen all sides play yet, but going from form for this year, last year and best on's out of paper had a bit of a crack. I would imagine all these players would be in the initial squad with another 10-15 that could take a few of their...
  8. P

    Picola & District FL SE 2012

    Peter Ralph is coaching Katandra for 2013, haven't heard of any other signings out that way yet but talking to plenty i would imagine? Any signings out at Dookie yet, Brownsnake any info?
  9. P

    Picola & District FL SE 2012

    smooth mover, yeah mate, found the power switch to the com and thought put up a post... hopefully wont be spending to much time on the sidelines and ready for Round 1, hopefully just a late pre-season start, see how we go.. What about you, any chance to pull the Shepp East jumper back on, has...
  10. P

    Picola & District FL SE 2012

    Shepp East Seniors: Winner - Roberts Osborne, R/U - Ricky Frappell Reserves: Winner - Dylan Sheppard, R/U - Luke Kenny Few old blokes retiring to join ramnuts on the hill ;)
  11. P

    Picola & District South East 2010 Thread

    Nutta wouldn't think your ready for clip board duties just yet, only 3 games to play for a milestone i heard (be your first milestone at any club?) , sure you could pass on your valuable knowledge & training methods while your still running around on the track... Ark, whats your plans for next...
  12. P

    Murray Football League - Season 2010

    Re: Murray Football League (Part 5)
  13. P

    Picola & District South East 2010 Thread

    See the "ol' timer" has been moved back this week to the backline after his over the top celebrations last week, rumour has it he may have been a little unhappy about losing his forward spot and left the clubrooms early last night, in doing so missed out on his ticket being drawn for the...
  14. P

    Picola & District South East 2010 Thread

    Dropped out to Central Park on Sat to watch Shep v Katy, from the sidelines jumpers seemed to clash and with both in dark shorts didn't help, would have thought away teams in white shorts as in previous years would be a better option!