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  1. C

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    I've back your back comrade
  2. C

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Am I allowed to post links to the Gateway Pundit, Infowars or other news sites. I don't want to break site rules so would rather hold back because the links between this attempted shooter, Crooks and other CIA personnel are scary
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    Jacinta Allan - Leading a zombie government

    That's ok Debt debt debt Double land tax JA. In fact, just add a death duties tax at this point. You will own nothing but we very happy in Victoria under Labor, or you will own something but be very unhappy with being taxed out of the eyeball.
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    Vic Daniel Andrews Retires, Undefeated

    Not when his in jail
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    You see how people deny to obvious link this assassin had to the CIA. The deep state want Trump killed because his the sole threat to their agenda. It's obvious It's ok Kamala can joke about Trump being murdered on the Ellen Show that's ok. It's ok for Hillary and others to speak about how...
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    Speculation Jack Martin

    Fake news Zero percent truth to it
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    Speculation Zach Merrett

    Fake news. Told this isn’t true at all
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The deep state trying their best to avoid the inevitable Trump win. Two assassination attempts now. Will they kick off WW3 in Russia to avoid an election. Makes sense. Trumps about to end the military industrial complexes racket in Ukraine and turn off the tap there. If you look who this...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    I don’t see Trump posturing for foreign wars. I don’t see him doing what Obama and Biden did and antagonising Russia into launching war. Ukraine is on the democrat party, there would be no war under Trump. Trump is the peace candidate. The first president where no new wars were launched and...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Makes sense now doesn’t it. Trumps deranged but Kamala is the good guy you say. She’s worse and more dangerous then Biden
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Lindsay Graham is nothing then a war mongering, career politician fool. Graham talks about incinerating Russia to the ground, well if that’s what you want why don’t you go over there and fight weak boy. Don’t send young boys to the slaughter house for your war machine. Why should Trump debate...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    So Trump may be right about Springfield and pets being eaten after all . But hang on ABC news reached out to the mayor. Fact checked and said it didn’t exist. Whilst it isn’t dogs, it has happened to cats and geese. That’s not fake news, but this stuff is really really happening.
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    Society/Culture Why Australia needs to lower its immigration intake

    I've benefitted greatly from it but I would happily take house prices dropping and it all bursting for the greater good of society. Until you cut the demand of housing it will always continue to rise in price. Especially when there is an unequal market. Right now we are bringing in people with...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    What about the 325,000 children under 18 missing - immigrant children missing. Last 3 years. Thanks Joe and Kamala. Trump's COVID response, i see. He should've locked down like Dan did and destroy the economy
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    Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

    So go protest at the US consulate on that logic.
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    Speculation James Peatling

    Banned from it ...
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    Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

    At the expo. So what. They're not convening to find ways to blow people up. No weapons directly get sent from Aus to Israel. The lot protesting were as ill informed as the people who camped at Monash. That ended well, the other students thought so little of them, they left out of embarrassment.
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    Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

    VAR and proof of this happening. No company in Australia sells bombs to Israel directly, that is a big lie.
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    How many votes did Kamala get in the primaries. Biden got 14 million. Nobody wanted her there. She was the joke of the dems. Biden has 14 million votes now sits on a beach. Yet the person with no votes is a better leader for America and the World then Trump. Kamala 2IC'd rampant border...
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    Society/Culture Why Australia needs to lower its immigration intake

    The ponzi needs to be burst. I'm all for refugees coming to Australia and giving them an opportunity to build a life for themselves. But we bring in economic migrants instead all cashed up from China, India (thats where they are coming from) who buy our properties up. There's too much demand...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Speaker Johnson is a disgrace, as are half the republican party who support that idiot. Hows her stance on fracking, flip flop, flip flop. Pennsylvania will vote replublican because they see through her rubbish. Isn't it funny how the left cry that democracy is at threat when election...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    They won't answer the question at all. Instead they'll label Trump a misogynist, a rapist, a pedofile - depsite none of that having any substance and evidence. Trump has said he will end the war in Ukraine which is a good thing. If you support countless dollars being blown on war, good for you...
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    What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

    Dutton's coworkers in the police force put shit on his desk when he announced he was leaving the cop shop. Tells you all you need to know about this fraud. How he is allowed to lead the right wing in this country is disgrace, his an embarrassment for us. Funny that people say Albo has been doom...
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    Speculation James Peatling

    Smith hasn't nominated Geelong or a club to you guys yet, I can't even reply on that thread anyways. Destination wrong, yet he never has nominated Geelong. Hmmm Peatling 1/1, Trac i told you before it dropped the news and mind you that hasn't finished he still wants out, Viney will go its when...
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    Speculation James Peatling

    Oh look I mention this and an hour later look what drops. His staying. Hmmm. Celebrity 101 scientifically proven. Trust in greatness
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Remind me what earrings was Kamala wearing. They almost look identical to the NovaH1 audio earbuds. So Kamala needed the tag team 3 v 1 with moderators to debate Trump but also potentially being fed a script of how to debate Trump. It’s why I say potentially, there’s no true way of us...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Putin never invaded Ukraine under Trump. Hamas never parachuted into Israel. North Korea calmed down its missiles The Taliban didn’t seize control under Trump. All under the watchful eye of the Democrat party. Formally the party of peace, now more pro war then traditionalist republicans who...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Kamala doesn’t lie, she tells the truth every time. She’s a rolemodel citizen. Didn’t see the moderators fact check her on Projecf 2025, which Trump disavowed. Didn’t see the moderators fact check her on falsely insinuating that the 2017 tax cuts approved by the Trump administration...
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Production increase and Chinese demand weakening. They don’t get credit for other nations pumping more oil out
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    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Joe and Kamala shut down refineries, aka cut the supply of oil and gas because of the Green New Deal. Cut the supply, Inelastic demand - basic economics. COVID was the excuse.