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  1. M

    Eagles trained at my school

    omg, you're so LUCKY. im so jealous. i can't wait till i meet him.
  2. M

    Kerr vs Judd...Origin

    JUDD all the way...his HOT wooo......
  3. M

    Favourite Eagle?

    Oh my god i adore Chris Judd. His such a gentlmen, SEXY, and last but not least a FANTASTIC player.
  4. M


    Oh my God! You people are so annoying. Haven't you people heard of using "text speak" as MR. EAGLE stated. Oh, and by the way I'm getting A's for my School Assessed Work, so there's no need for you to feel sorry for my examiners. When I do meet Chris Judd, I will in fact get his autograph...
  5. M


    Ummm excuse me, I was just being polite and asking you "kind" people. You don't have to be so rude, it's called a spelling mistake (oh I'm sincerely sorry I meant meet) and if you're going to be rude to me, then you aren't true WEST COAST supporters. <edited for clarity, damn pre-teen speak - GB>
  6. M


    hey guys well i really am in love(well not really) with chris judd and i would like to really meet him and since im going to the game when they play essendon (i live in melbourne) i was wondering if i could in any way meet him, oh and btw im not a member..just too busy with VCE right now but i...
  7. M

    Daniel Kerr - more exciting to watch than Judd.

    i have to sya that kerr is a great player, but better than my 'hubby' lol judd, i dont think so. Judd has it all, the looks the brains(92.6 for his ENTER, hopegfully ill get that) and the skills. oh and a question does anyone know what subjects he did in school.
  8. M

    2005 goal of the year

    hey guys i was just trying to look for the 2005 goal of the year footage and i couldnt find it. can someone help me find it please love you
  9. M

    Ben Cousins

    yeah cousins is an excellent player but im sorry to break it to you people but CHRIS JUDD is just wayyyyyyyy to good. he is like in his own league. so yeah Chris JUDD IS JUST THE BEST!!! love ya
  10. M

    Congratulations Cuz, Juddy, Glassy, Coxy

    omg go judd go judd go judd. i saw him today on tv and he looked reallllllyy GOOD. im really happy his in the all- australian team.:)
  11. M

    Votes for Eagles vs Sydney

    hey guys its mrz.judd again. i watched the footy on saturday and my hubby judd was just a champion, he was unstoppable. he was just soooooooooooo HOT. im so proud proud of my hubby and i am looking forward to the brownlow night. :) ;) :) love you, maria aka mrz judd
  12. M

    Best players in Country Vic

    i love saad saad.
  13. M

    Official GVFL thread (part 1)

    Re: Official GVFL thread saad saad is my cousin and he is a champion. he is going to be the next chris judd.
  14. M

    Round 20 votes - Brisbane vs West Coast

    how come chris judd didnt play that well??? :(
  15. M

    we should have grabbed fev last year

    yer i know i said west coast for club, but i only wrote that becuase i realllllllllly like chris judd. anyways before we get into a argumnet, fevola is going to stay at carlton end of story. oh, i got 83% on my legal test (highest mark in class)
  16. M

    we should have grabbed fev last year

    fevola is going to stay at CARLTON which is where he is supposed to stay. he is not going to west coast or any other team. fevola is like our almost number 1 player in carlton.oh, and just so you guys are wondering, i really am a fan of carlton, but i only like west coast becuase of judd. but...
  17. M

    Votes Round 19 Vs Kangaroos

    5-judd 4-kerr 3-cousins 2-glass 1-chick
  18. M

    Your favourite Eagles moment of the year so far

    i love watching west coast play. the best moment was when chris kicked it to the forward line and like no is kicking a goal and then he came out of no where and kicked a goal. i got so excited that i went crazy. it was amzing. god i love him lol
  19. M

    Your favourite Eagles moment of the year so far

    i enjoy it when west coast are playing becuase the always get you excited. everytime they kick a goal i go crazy but i go a little more crazy when judd kicks a goal. there was this goal he kicked a few months ago i cant remember which game but it was an excellent play. i love it when they are...
  20. M

    Kerr - Brownlow?

    i want chris judd to win it again... and i really want them to win the premiership this year
  21. M

    Your favourite Eagles moment of the year so far

    eh, i really dont have a good moment. i just love it when i see chris judd play;)
  22. M


    oh thank you so much guys. oh and larrikin, whatever!!!
  23. M


    hey guys, well i was wondering if there is any chris judd pictures of him shirtless. my brother told me that he saw a picture of judd and reiwaldt in front of a car shirtless. if anyone knows where i can get that pictures can you please tell me.;)
  24. M

    Victorian Gala/Banquet Auction - Who's Going to be There?

    for the people who were there can you tell me how it was????
  25. M

    Sunday training

    yeah, im a vic supporter, not a member. my friend told me that you can't go into those after match functions if you not a member, but a girl told me that i can but have to pay which i dont mind. so like im so confused. is it possible to go to his training sessions in melbourne??
  26. M

    Sunday training

    EH you are like so lucky. if only i could meet him. that would be good. well as you can see my friends call me mrs judd :D becuase im am so inlove with him lol..
  27. M

    Sunday training

    awww im so jealous now :( what do you mean by jumping the fence? when he takes pictures does he put his arms around the person??? does he like start conversations with the person??? i so want to meet him :mad:. well when i meet him i'll post it here. he is just SOOOOOOOOOO hot hot HOT!!!!
  28. M

    Sunday training

    oh you guys are so lucky. just wondering, have any of you guys actually met chris judd? how is he?
  29. M

    Our Top 10

    This is my top ten important players: 1.Judd 2.Cox 3.Cousins 4.Kerr 5.Hunter 6.Stenglein 7.fletcher 8.wirrapanda 9.embley 10.Nicoski [1. Judd 2-10. Daylight] how funny about judd being the only important player but as much as i love judd he is not the team. if WC didn't...
  30. M

    Just wondering...

    what do you mean by wasnt thinking of playing at west coast??