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  1. M


    ... I like him.. he says what he feels....
  2. M


    I'd love to be able to meet my pen pals, altho a lot of us have lost touch so I've lost my penpals :( grrh! Still tho, it's great that you're able to meet yours and keep in touch. I wish I could do that.
  3. M

    Lots of questions about this mob

    haha, jumping the gun a bit there aren't we banger?? I'll leave you to dream.....
  4. M


    I draw and scribble a lot 2. Art and Cartoons and anything to do with graphics is all i'm really good at other than sports.. so i love doing it....
  5. M

    buttercup chickenchunks

    "Snotty RhinoTush" -What tha....?
  6. M

    Ghosts - Fact or Fiction?

    It doesn't sound like much, but just about everyone that stays over my house at one time or another, has told me that in my sleep I've opened my eyes and asked them "who is that little girl" and in the morning I haven't remembered it. It didn't seem like anything to me at the time I thought I...
  7. M


    Lioness, I have heapsa pen pals from mostly Japan and other parts of Australia, it's a great way to keep in touch with other parts of the World. As for hobbies.... Basketball is my main one, I'm losing track of all the teams I play for.. hehe.. Footy is a big one too (so much for that, damn...
  8. M

    happy birthday daicos4ever

    I was trying to think of something original to say but.. i just cant Hope ya have a good one anyway.. Happy Birthday Daics.
  9. M

    do you have any Brothers or Sisters?

    An older brother. Altho' with his disabilities it seems like I have a younger brother.. He turned 20 in July.
  10. M

    Who DO u want to meet from bigfooty

    All the Collingwood people I haven't already met. Ant Mr. Ripper.. (altho i haven't talked to him on here, his posts make me smile) Fat Red (not sure why.. but I got a mention :D) Walshy1993 Olmy (dunno why..) Sabre_ac (cause he mentioned me, hehe, nar) TheMase (happy??:)) Stegelator...
  11. M

    Who DO u want to meet from bigfooty

    Hehe, I'll think about it ;)
  12. M

    Which name should I use?

    X_box_X I reckon...
  13. M

    NBL this week. Please help me!

    Agreed!!:D GO TIGES!!
  14. M

    Who DO u want to meet from bigfooty

  15. M

    2001..The new beginning? By Miss Magpie

    It's not.. I've thrown in the towel... ehe
  16. M

    Hi bigfooty Posters. I am a new member!

    Welcome to Bigfooty... enjoy ya stay.... unless you're a geelong supporter coz then it's a whole different story... ehe J/K :D
  17. M

    Bumper Stickers...

    IF YOU WANNA GET LAID crawl up a chickens ass and wait
  18. M

    Name Generators

    o...kay Pokemon-Nidoeon.Your natural enemy is Eenerd Hawaiian-Iekika Anakelikonu Wuname-Master Commander Hip Hop-Panty Rade MGS-Mace Flamingo Pirate-Mad Bess Roberts... Strange!
  19. M

    Tommorrow Night's Meet Up Reminder

    --up we go
  20. M

    What's your Smurf Name?

    ehe, my mum got The real Slim Smurfy and my bro got You go Smurfy.. These are so cute!
  21. M

    Whats your Prison Name?

    "The crack killer" :confused: :rolleyes: :eek:
  22. M

    What's your Smurf Name?

    "Chicken-Fried Smurf".....What tha??
  23. M

    LeGaLlY bLoNdE!!!

    ...theres one i won't be rushing out to see too soon..
  24. M

    When was the last time you were scared?

    umm it's definately the strangest, people might not believe me but it was as though time slowed down and everythin went blurry, we were only rolling for split seconds but it seemed as though it was for hours. I'll never forget it. I have too many scary things similar to that, that have...
  25. M

    When was the last time you were scared?

    Umm march 97 sometime i think it was, it's not really too scary, but i thought i would die so it counts. My family and I were driving back from a friend of the familys little girls 6th birthday party, it was the middle of the day and we were going down Yan Yean road.. if anyone knows where...
  26. M


    Never have and never will, i've recently been cheated on and it makes ya feel like ****, so to whoever cheats... shame..
  27. M

    Who is your favourite Bomber Heat 1

    Gotta go with Walshy.. Hard to pick from him and Sandie tho she's a gun
  28. M


    umm.. i spose the colour of my eyes..thats 'bout it
  29. M

    Good Luck To All Tomorrow

    Gotta say im barracking for the bombers.. it'll probably never happen again and i can't say i'll like seeing black and red for another few months on the run but i can't drag myself to support a non-vic team, especially one Mal Michael plays for...
  30. M

    In addition to Mags' thread - WHo on Bigfooty would you WANT to meet?

    Oh and i forgot.. mandy5! (hehe.. )