2011 NMFC Membership Tally

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An innocuous post, which was an endeavour to help you guage your membership renewal efforts, seems to have evoked an unusual amount of negative emotion.

An innocuous post, which was an endeavour to help you guage your membership renewal efforts, seems to have evoked an unusual amount of negative emotion.


Such a flog.

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1 x tru roo membership to add, plus 1 x ($200) scratch & win ticket purchased to give the club some extra $$. can't wait for 2011 to start.
Dees - 14,292 as at 23 Nov.

Just in case you're interested in comparisons.

I run comparisons across melbourne based clubs as from mid January. There is a significant difference in the level of automatic sign ups which distorts the early figures.

From memory Melb had around 5k more members than us in 2010 (27k v 32k). Hoping to significantly close this gap in 2011.
Dees last flag = 1964.

North victorious last four years in every game against the Dees.

Just in case you're interested in comparisons.
So anybody who is 46 years old or less and supports Melbourne has never experienced the joy of winning a Premiership. That is Sad. :(:(:(

That is why the snow is so appealing during the middle of winter. :thumbsu:
So anybody who is 46 years old or less and supports Melbourne has never experienced the joy of winning a Premiership. That is Sad. :(:(:(

Don't be. While somewhat touching, it doesn't make much sense to be invested in someone elses journey.
Don't be. While somewhat touching, it doesn't make much sense to be invested in someone elses journey.

Don't be what? I think you have comprehension issues. I am very doubtful any North supporter cares if Melbourne supporters never see another flag.

I do like how you class your club with other clubs that haven't won a flag in forever. Guess mediocrity sticks together.
I do like how you class your club with other clubs that haven't won a flag in forever. Guess mediocrity sticks together.

It's what you fall back on when can't actually do what footy clubs strive to do in the modern era. Win a flag, remain relevant as a playing team, etc.....

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Can anyone tell me if we're actually going to get 30K members in 2011? It's looking pretty average right now. We don't even seem to be able to crack 10K.
Can anyone tell me if we're actually going to get 30K members in 2011? It's looking pretty average right now. We don't even seem to be able to crack 10K.

Is it June or November?
Point taken but it's slow going and we're behind other clubs (as usual). Doesn't feel like we're making strides to getting past last year's tally.

He's spot on, the season finished about 7 weeks ago FFS.
In every league in the world there is a club with the least amount of supporters.

In the AFL that club is us and it's just the way it is.

People have to get over it. We will never have as much support as a majority of the teams in the AFL.

I think we are doing very well compared to the years we saw pre 2008. People have to stop having unrealistic expectations and shouldn't be disappointed that we are behind other clubs in terms of membership. We are still doing very well for our standards.
Can anyone tell me if we're actually going to get 30K members in 2011? It's looking pretty average right now. We don't even seem to be able to crack 10K.

Historically we don't sign up early plus our automatic sign ups are low compared to other Clubs. The first major assessment point for me will be 22 Dec 10. On 22 Dec 09 (2010 memberships) we had 10,009.

We sold almost 5,000 memberships in Dec 09 to the 22nd. Given we appear to have increased our Roo for Life numbers by over 2,000 this year, we could/should sell around 3,000 (now to 22/12) and so reach 11,400. 11k+ on 22/12 will see us exceed 30k.

The wild card factor is the Tassie/Ballarat issue.
In every league in the world there is a club with the least amount of supporters.

In the AFL that club is us and it's just the way it is.

People have to get over it. We will never have as much support as a majority of the teams in the AFL.

I think we are doing very well compared to the years we saw pre 2008. People have to stop having unrealistic expectations and shouldn't be disappointed that we are behind other clubs in terms of membership. We are still doing very well for our standards.
I hear where you're coming from and unfortunately I think membership numbers, compared to other clubs, and attendances, compared to other clubs, is what the media explicitly or implicitly use when talking about our 'poor attendances' and 'struggling membership'. This is particularly so when the journalist or commentator has a bias against us.

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