Norm Smith Medallist
It keeps getting better.
Below is an email sent from Keith Thomas to Port members, I believe earlier today (apologies if already posted):
"Dear Members and Supporters,
The world’s best golfer Jack Nicklaus once famously said…
“It takes great courage and skill, to play badly, well.”
In the context of what we as a club are experiencing at the moment, it’s a profound insight.
No athlete or sporting team is immune to difficult times. Losses are part of the package.
But it’s how you handle the tough times that define you as a club, as a team and as individuals.
When things aren’t going to plan, it’s not easy to pull yourself up to see what’s really going on.
Emotions run high, and distractions are everywhere!
But our focus this week has been crystal clear.
Brutal honesty.
Accept responsibility.
Do something about it. Action not words.
I thought Kenny nailed it on Saturday night when he said that ‘never giving in’ doesn’t just apply when you’re coming from behind and winning. In fact, the opposite is true.
The real test for our club is can we stay true to our beliefs when things aren’t going well?
Externally, our commitment is being questioned. Fair enough.
For Port Adelaide, ‘playing badly, well’ is all about sticking together and staying true to our values as a club, come hell or highwater!
Of course it’s about putting your head over the ball when it’s your turn to go.
But it’s also about knowing that no matter how dire the situation looks, our club won’t back off until we find a way to win again.
I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again…the Port Adelaide Football Club is full of people with character, and is supported by an army of members and supporters who care deeply about what happens to this place.
We will not rest until we’ve got it right. And we’ll do it together.
See you at the ‘G.’
"It's about actions not words, but since we haven't had any actions, here's some more words"