MRP / Trib. 2017 MRP/ Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

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that's the first time ever I've thought waleed should be ashamed of himself - another commercial media star loses his integrity

Oh man, to think how you could have responded to Waleed using your alternative avatar last week.... :)

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If this had happened to the star of the game and not a fringe 22 best player at Carlton Houli would have gotten 4-5 weeks. In all the matches I've seen Houli play he seems to be a clean player and I'm happy for that to be taken into account. 2-3 week discount seems incredibly generous to me. Disappointing to see some Carlton supporters bring his religion into the argument in a negative light regardless of what Houli has said or done, pull your ahead in.
Pretty sure he brought it up as a cornerstone of his defence/plea for leniency.

As I said earlier, judge the act not the person, religion should be irrelevant. If Houli uses it, seems harsh to say it cannot be commented on by others.
Pretty sure he brought it up as a cornerstone of his defence/plea for leniency.

As I said earlier, judge the act not the person, religion should be irrelevant. If Houli uses it, seems harsh to say it cannot be commented on by others.

Make up your mind. Do you want to judge the act or the person? Your second sentence completely contradicts the first. There is a difference between saying "I don't think that Houli should have used his religion as part of his character reference" and "something disparaging about Islam".
Oh man, to think how you could have responded to Waleed using your alternative avatar last week.... :)
**** went a few days too soon.....
And don't text message an apology. Bloody well call Lamb and speak to him if you are sincere. Rubbish outcome.
I hope the AFL appeal it.
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From twitter:-

'The tribunal has handed Houli a TWO-WEEK penalty. Says it is rare they come across someone of such character'.

Why should we have any faith in the AFL tribunal? They were the ones that exonerated the Essendope 34.

Once again the AFL demonstrate that they are out of touch with community expectations. This was a coward punch. He commits such an offence anywhere else except the football field & he does time in jail.

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Make up your mind. Do you want to judge the act or the person? Your second sentence completely contradicts the first. There is a difference between saying "I don't think that Houli should have used his religion as part of his character reference" and "something disparaging about Islam".
My mind is clear. He should be judged on his act, not his religion, race etc. as they are irrelevant in my opinion.

Having said that, others should be allowed to comment on his defence of the charge and plea for leniency, in which he used his religion to mitigate his guilt. He raised it, why should it not be discussed?

No contradiction in that at all.
Cannot believe where this country is heading- nobody takes any responsibility for their own actions and everyone has an excuse for everything. The AFL should hang their head in shame tonight.

Its the way society is heading and has been for the better part of 20 years. Kids get medals now just for participation in things. Everyone is full of self entitlement. When things don't go the planned way ... an excuse or something else is sought out to blame for the initial issue.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction has gone out the door. So much for science. Maybe Newton was a numpty after all ......
'The tribunal has handed Houli a TWO-WEEK penalty. Says it is rare they come across someone of such character'.

This is a farce. Political overtones instead of looking at the facts. It was intentional. He hit him. 4-6 weeks. Maybe knock off 1 week for no prìors. That is 4-5 weeks.

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MRP / Trib. 2017 MRP/ Carlton Tribunal News & Reports

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