Training 2020 Training Blog - Training Reports only - *NO DISCUSSION*

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Apologies for the delay. Had a bit on. Not sure this is my best report as I just struggled to get as excited as I have in the past. Also felt performance anxiety after Arrow put pressure on me....

I need to begin by congratulating Sam Docherty on getting through his first full training session. It’s been a long long road back and I’m sure he feels amazing about it. More on him later.

The main thing I realise I’m focusing on is injuries and fitness. Both are massive predictors of performance. On the former (injuries) we are in great shape.

  • today Jack S went off after Walsh tried to take a screamer on him. Just sore I think.
  • Murph, as has been reported at length, injured his ankle. Seemed quite severe but I’m really not bothered at this stage of a veterans preseason
  • McKay did a stack of run throughs. Seemed to finish quite abruptly. Hopefully is fine. Ran well. He’s huge now. His legs have thickened up a lot over the last year. Will be a weapon when we get him back. Seems quite a way off still.
  • MCG did a lot more running and is nothing short of flying. Did a million 80m run throughs with Gibbo and kept up with him easily
  • Marchy still not training and still running a lot.
  • Macreadie did some training then back running and rehab group
  • Gibbo did a lot of running today.
  • Kemp started running today which is great. He’s a big unit for his age.
  • In some exciting news: chuckle c is out of the brace!!!

Overall I feel injuries are in a good spot. Just a little annoying that our key bigs are out.

Ok so what stood out? What was new that you don’t already know. See Ed still can’t kick. He’s still the best runner at the club. No point recapping that sort of stuff.

Willo, Cunners, LOB, Weiters, Setters and Doc are the ‘divergence from the mean’ players of the day.

I could be being sucked in by the aesthetics of the long white socks.....but Willo looks FANTASTIC. To top it off he came second in one of the 500’s today. Kicking great. Running really well. Gee it’s going to be hard to hold him out.

LOB was just terrific in match sim. Overlap run fantastic. He was the only one to challenge Ed in the running drills on the day. Btw they were doing around 1’25” for 500 for those interested. I am increasingly of the view he beats out Newnes for a spot on the wing. Newnes was ‘just’ for mine today. Fumbled a bit. Not fast. Not sure he can command a spot like I had previously thought.

Cunners repeatedly showed his talent. Roll on to his left, Bang. Clean hands at his feet....explode. Get outside and burst into space. His running seems at his best. They played him midfield today and he seemed more than at home. I’m reminded of George Clooney......David Cunningham, you fascinate me.

Weiters I continue to overlook as I have fast tracked him to ‘AA status’ in my mind yet have to remember he hasn’t done that yet. In other words I think “yeah that’s just Weiters being Weiters” as if he’s Cripps. He is totally bossing the back line every session now. Too good for everyone unless on a fast lead. And that doesn’t happen very often with zones etc. no one beats him one on one. His kicking and hands are terrific. Makes me feel ‘safe’. His pairing with Jones will be as good as any in the AfL this year.

Setters just picked up where he left off. Is a top 8 runner at the club. Great size. Quickish. Makes no mistakes by hand or foot. Love him.

But the guy, the player, the inspiration of the day is without any shadow of a doubt Sam Docherty. What a legend. Poor old Lukas Webb. Picture this: transition play on half back flank. Webb trying to cut off Doc and started 5m in front. Good luck champ. Doc went past him like he was standing still. Marked it. Played on and kicked it lace it 40maway. He’s actually better than I recall. He’s a transformational player for us this year. I’ve said it before: he’s AA this year for sure.

Other tid bits:

Plenty of running from McKay. He looks huge btw. Finished and walked off after a lot. Couldn’t work out whether he felt it and stopped or had just done his work.

Fisher lethal left is def back. I reckon he extra power is helping with punch in his kicks.

Cottrell nice on the left a couple of times.

Honey won the short shuttle (only time I noticed him sorry Harks).

In the 500’s:

Ed and LOB dominated.
Doc Cottrell Walsh Willo next Group regularly.
Setters Newnes Simmo

Crippa did well. Stocker and Dow struggled a bit, not too bad.

They do this a lot. Hard run then goal kick straight away.

In the game: Dow superb acceleration and goal. Jack again manning Cripps at stoppages.

Walsh is such a GuN. Won a contest then put ran everyone forward. Just amazing work rate. He’s always switched on. And as I typed - he flies for a huge mark (just missed). Crowd gasped. His hands below his knees superb.

I think Jack went off sore after that marking contest with Walsh.

Philp some nice stuff. Then he fumbled. Hate seeing that. Didn’t see much of note from the kids generally.

I felt Pittonet was too big and strong for Kreuzer in the ruck contests.

Interesting that the big guys never do the laps. They are clearly on largely a power training program.

Martin lovely left foot and terrific decision making. Eddie is very dangerous still btw.

Overall? Look it was an ok session. I didn’t feel like enough stood out to blow me away. First main session back I guess. We really miss our big forwards who I think add something special to the group. The main thing is fitness wise and injury wise things are pretty good.

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Went to training today with the intention of watching Finbar as I figured, correctly, that he would pass under the radar. I also thought it would be interesting to see what the session looked like through the eyes of a second year fringe player.

Finbar performed appallingly in all running, with his last 500 m run the worst (you can see him at the back of the field at the end of BlueAbroad's video at the start of that run). He was soon overtaken by the ass-coaches and finished last by a good 20 m behind second last. He might have had troublesome blisters (although a limping Ed Curnow after the training session did not seem troubled by what were obviously blisters as he was busy signing autographs and smiling in a most relaxed way).

In the match simuls he played defensively on Goddard, Weitering and Bsos. Obviously undersized for the task (though he is 192 cm and at least 5 kgs more than his listed 76 kgs) he looked okay against Goddard, outclassed by W for the short time they played on each other and Bsos just constantly moved around with surprising grace and subtlety.

Finbar does not talk much on the track but engaged in a good bit of niggle with his opponents and interacts with hand pats and the like. When he got the ball he seems to have clean hands and a reasonable L foot kick.

The big disappointment was his running. As a light 192 cm utility type player he should be up with the Cottrells not at the back of the pack. If he had an injury he received no treatment, if he had breathing problems or wasn't feeling too well I do not know why he was kept out on the track long after most others had finished and gone in.

Finally on Finbar, in one of the match simuls the ball was kicked in his direction for a masterful Doc to run past him, collect the ball like he was Bruce Doull and dispose of it like he was, well, like Bruce Doull. Can only agree with others that if everything holds Doc is a certainty for rnd 1 and looks faster and more assured than he did in his AA year.

There were two other players I couldn't help but be distracted by: Cunners and LOB. Cunners looked composed, quick and crafty every time he had the ball with one exception. Finbar had kicked the ball to Cunners on the wing. It was a good kick because, in a match it would have been incapable of interception, and required Cunners to run onto it towards the boundary. Unfortunately Cunners fumbled the mark over the boundary line.

The other player was LOB. You can tell he has completed his apprenticeship and is ready to take on the best. You can tell he feels very comfortable with his running in match simul. He was frequently presenting as the running option and on one occasion stab-kicked the ball to a teammate who fumbled the mark and it was LOB who had kept running who picked up the ball and passed again. His kicking, long or short, looked controlled, precise and imaginative.

Introductory Comments:
  • This is the most Thylacine list I’ve ever seen. DEPTH. It’s amazing. Just bow at the alter of SOS and pray.
  • The amount of ‘gee that was good’ moments I had today was simply off the charts.
  • The overall fitness of this group is just superb. An amazing improvement in 12 months. Fair play to Soapy- he called it a year ago.
  • The number of disappointments were, well it was probably only one and I don’t want to hammer him so I won’t feature it too much.
  • The balance is so good. Mature. Middle age. Developing youth. The brand new kids can just take their time.
  • They just really like each other this group. They have fun.

Let’s clear off the protocols. Injuries etc.
  • rehab group was SPS (who did no running at all), Kennedy (who did slow running and had a knee strap), Kemp, then 3 who did a fair bit. MCG, Jack and McKay. McKay is flying. And huge. Did more running today than last time. And kicking which is great to see for someone coming back from groin problems.
  • Jack is in great shape. He kept giving MCG a 10m head start in 150m runs and ran him down. Not that MCG looked bad either.
  • Macreadie and Marchy still in rehab. I timed Marchy at a 20 sec 150 which is the fastest I’ve clocked anyone this summer. In superb shape running wise. Must be close to rejoining. Macreadie also fit.
  • Ed C seemed to be there at the start of training then left and I don’t know at what stage (but def early) or why
  • Kreuzer, Murphy, Newman, Gibbo: all players with question marks from previous sessions all participated fully the whole day. No issues. Great to see. Kreuzer looking super lean and fit.

The main group had a number of players I don’t know attend. Johnson from the Northern Blues was def one so I gather the others are also from there. Maybe 5? Making up numbers for the game simulation.

They started drills in three groups. Agility drills.

One on one marking drills. Tackling and evasion drills. Not much to report here. Quite liked the first drill: lead and mark, then leading player push back and defend on a lead back to goal square. Newman way too good for Honey was about all that stood out.


Then the real excitement began. 3 x 15 mins of match play. I’d say they went at 90 percent. No bone jarring hits etc but pretty full on.

It was simply outstanding play. Keep in mind no McKay, CC or MCG. Yet some of the play was breathtaking. Elite.

The first quarter was largely Possibles Vs Probables. Dow and LOB were in the Possibles which was interesting. And for my only real negative of the day: LOB showed why. He was fumbly, his body was a bit weak in the tackle, and his kicking was average. I’m going to pass it off as rust, but it was a shame as he’s had such a good preseason. The other two quarters the teams were thrown around.

Positionally the players were as expected: Weiters, Newman, Jones, Plow, Simmo and Doc the backline. Crippa only played mid. Ed started mid then I lost him. Eddie and Martin forward with Levi. Murph a bit forward and mid. Dow the same. Cunners Mid in the ‘Probables’ and that will never happen again....more on him later. Setters and Lob on a wing. Walsh played mid, wing and forward. Newnes wing and half back. Kreuzer Pittonet and TDk all shares the ruck. Casboult no ruck time.

Just a quick notes dump for you...

1st quarter quick thoughts:
Backline looked immense. Walsh and Cripps amazing. Hard to see how they can keep Cunners out of the side. A long way in front of Dow this quarter.
Q2: Walsh to a wing. Super Impressive Fisher, Murphy, Cripps, Casboult chain.

Play of the day Cunners break tackle and 50m goal. He’s on FIRE. Fisher terrific. Hands. Standing up in tackles. Skills. Pressure

Newnes solid. Martin solid. Cunners. Amazing. Honey showed up well! Walsh strength in a tackle terrific. Overall just amazing.

Like this is the single best session I’ve ever seen. SO much to like. Especially Harry McKay running so powerfully.

Kennedy sore knee not at full pace. Macreadie who must be 37 years old now.

LOB disappointing so far.

Third quarter

Willo on wing now. Cunners showing same again. Dow a nice burst. LOB fumbled. Honey lots of power.

Stocker looks fit. Really nice centre clearance by stocker. Walsh looks super. Stronger. TDK actually looking good in ruck. Winning Hitouts. Lang moving the best he has at he club.

Philp showing nice signs. Nice size. Good pace. Stocker showing great signs.Weitering too good for Levi.

Dow showing good signs. Kicking is fine. Maybe needs more of it. Stocker good hands in close. Martin nice mark.

Newman continually running off half back. Fantastic Paddy Wow moment. Crumbed. Burst from a pack. Snap goal.

Dow burst. Gosh Finbar hasn’t been.....too bad???

In case you’re wondering...Eddie is stilll afreak. He kicked 3?

Setters just consistently good. Keeps getting the ball. Using it well.


After the game play finished they did more work.

5 min 3/4 field work x 3 I think? Transition practice. Some random guy showed a bit. Number 7. NFI who he is.

Cripps fitness is sensational. What stood out for me in the game and in general was that his running to contest has gone up a level. He’s SO fit now.

Philp really showed somehting then stuffed his kicks. Weitering looks sensational. Everything about Dow kicking is better. Refusing to be rushed. No more exaggerated ball drop. Neat low and punch.
Then they finished off with running of course. The painful 2 min, 90 sec, 30 sec and repeat drill they do.

Walsh and Cottrell killed it.

That’s a notes dump. Now a collection of my general thoughts. I may do a Player By Player Year on Year review later.

Generally we are SO impressive now. Here’s why:
  • Fisher, Walsh and Cunners can all stand up in tackles now. Especially the second two.
  • The balance of the midfield group is outstanding. Want a bit of grunt? No problem. Cripps and Ed can get in there and get it. Stocker a watch here too! A few times in the midfield today he showed clean hands, a strong body and an ability to make sharp decisions.
  • Want inside / outside? No drama. Cunners (I’m coming to him), Walsh, Setters can all do it.
  • I love our link up play. It started to show up last year and I really see it being a strength this year. These guys are all great in a chain: Martin, Gibbo, Simmo, Doc, Walsh, Fish, Cunners, Setters, Crippa. Just super decision makers in close. Great users. They will string the ball together brilliantly as a group this year.
  • Weitering and Jones in tandem is a sight to behold. Casboult destroyed Goddard in Q1 of the match play. But in Q3 they put Weiters on him and he was simply too good. I feel so safe with him on anyone now. Fantastic.
  • We feel so much stronger all over the ground. Add the big three into the forward line and I feel we have no material weaknesses.

Some player thoughts. In order of ‘blew me away’.....Ok fine, it’s not a Sam Walsh moment....but Jesus H Christ Cunners is impressive. It’s not just his burst. Please I beg you to watch the hands. It happens WAY too often. He has the best hands at the club. Single best. No doubt. His reflexes are freakish. His hands at his feet are sublime. Then after the gather he can side step a small cargo ship. Then straight speed forward. He’s unstoppable. Then what? Lace put delivery that’s what. He’s strong in a tackle. Let’s stop kicking around here. **** the forward pocket shit. Screw the high half forward rubbish. Put the kid in the guts and get the **** out of his way. This is breakout city here. Like there is too much data on his positive attributes now. He has one residual weakness: he gets lost. Stanton called out at one point “what are you thinking Cunners?” A telltale sign of what they discuss and what he is still working on. He was just ‘watching’ the game at the time. Doesn’t worry me at all. I’ve said it before: Kouta had the same problem and it’s overcome by taking thinking out of it.

Go get it son!!!!!! Off my head excited at what he showed me today. And has all summer. Massive fan. Massive fan.

Crippa. He’s number two on the Windows Hall of Holy Shit. He’s......better. Yep. He’s better. His running and agility are 10 percent up. He’s overlap running- never seen that before. Numbers to the contest stuff. Getting on the outside. Pushing back hard to defence. He’s not Walsh like but shittttt.

Jacob Weitering is the AA CHB Locked in. Just forget it. He’s bigger. He’s stronger. He doesn’t look slow. His kicking, marking, general footy play is all off the leash. I can’t think of a defender I’d prefer. If the ball comes slow into our backline this year just forget it. He will halve it or win it back. He was too strong for LEVI today. Read that again. He was too strong for LEVI.

Sam Walsh comes in at number 4 on Windows’ Why We Can Make the Top 4 List. He’s got the body strength of a 25 year old now. You can’t bring him to ground. I thought his running had dropped off a tad. Nope. He pushed Cottrell ALL the way in the runs today. His kicking is better. His contested ball is better. This off his outstanding year last year. I wouldn’t swap him for any player under 25 in the game. Please don’t think of him as a ‘good young player’. He’s just a ****en gun NOW. He’s elite NOW. He just makes me smile repeatedly. He does everything so so well. Clean hands. Smart decisions. Of course my fave is the slalom runs. At one point today he literally ran around in a circle inside 4 opponents and then mysteriously popped out on his own. Calm in the moment.

Think about this centre square setup and tell me you’re not excited: Kreuzer, Crippa, Walsh and Cunners. I’d back that group against ANY four in the Comp.

Like Zaccy Fisher is standing up in tackles. He’s getting to the outside. He is hitting up targets. And I’m not sure how to fit him in! Murph is Murph. Simmo is Simmo. Kreuzer is Kreuzer. Jones is (the new) Jones.

Newman just dispelled any rubbish thoughts I had about him not being best 22 today. Forget that shit. Laser left leg. Good one on one. Ran hard and created. Forget it. He’s a lock. Willo was good but has a bit to go. Btw willo murdered Kreuzer in their 150s.

I will do a player by player later but I’ve never been happier with our list. Sorry I just have too much to say. I have a lot on today so it’s hard to make this concise and I’ll add more later.

Only got to stay for an hour so.

Arrived around 10 and saw the second quarter of match sim, Jack Martin and Cunningham in the middle looked a dynamic duo. Martin laid a belter of a tackle and took an excellent intercept mark across half back.

Eddie Betts was absolutely on song and everything he touched turned to gold, brushed his man off easily in a one on one marking contest and went back and dobbed it, also crumbed a goal nicely at the other end and made a really impressive smother. Was a real stand out.

Paddy Dows sideways movement through traffic was exceptional today he kicked a beauty where he gathered the loose ball right near the forward 50 boundary and somehow managed to weave his way through numerous defenders and slot it home, he also kicked another goal from 40 out and hit Finbar on the chest after winning the centre clearance (training drill) and steaming away. Brilliant from what I saw today.

Thought Darcy Lang deserves a mention did some nice things he also kicked a nice crumbing goal where he won the ball and beat several players before kicking the goal, not quite as good as Dows but still a great contested get goal.

Finbar dunno if he has the wrangers curse and is the target of bullying or the players have a genuine affection towards him. Whenever he does something good it’s “Finbaaaaah”.
Just little things like like when Walsh was asked who he’s hero is he said Finbar. Charlie Curnow said something similar last year.

Anyway he made a nice smother on the mark against BSOS ( livid with himself afterwards) kicked a goal and crashed into the goal post going for a grab. He seems quite unselfish looking to give it to the better option.

Docs going to slice open some structures like watermelons with his kicking back into the corridor this season, should see plenty of it with Teagues philosophy.


Good old Lace_out

Doesn’t feel right giving heaps of info about drills and so on as it technically wasn’t an open session. There were a few there though. And I established a covert hiding place (right in front of the doors to the cafe...).

so I didn’t really take notes. And I wont say who missed training or what drills they did.

just some impressions:

- NO ONE can beat LOB in endurance speed. A quality poor old Philp found out in some game play and everyone found out in the running.
- Walsh and Cripps (this is breaking news) are truly Batman and Robin.
- Casboult Jones and Weiters are beasts
- Willo is also a beast
- Jack isn’t far from full training
- SPs ran a bit (which was good as he missed the last session)
- Cunners endurance has lifted A LOT
- Eddie is scary good and anyone doubting he will impact this year has NFI
- no one got injured today but there seemed to be plenty of ‘load mgt’ and it was def a lighter day. NO I’m not saying who was on load Mgt. Club seems relaxed about letting people watch and call me paranoid but I’m not giving up shit that makes them lock it all down.
- TDk isn’t bad in the ruck
- Fisher is best 22 (have said it all summer)
- so is Gibbo so shut up about that. Just shut up. He’s way more clever than you think, hands are great, speed endurance combo terrific. Just be quiet. Don’t want to read about it again.
- note to Windows: pls forget Newman doubts. Just forget them.
- Setters is a lovely player. Does all things lovely. I heart him.
- but he’s no Sam Walsh. My son makes himself coffees when he gets the ball. Just sits down. Watches fools fall over around him. Makes space. Moves on.
- Kennedy looks really good coming out from FF. I like the move. I think that’s the focus for him now.
- Ben S is as slow as a wet week. Sorry but he just is. Concerning. I’ve previously been more bullish. I’m not so much now.
- back on LOB: at more than one point this year you’ll find yourself going PHOAAAR. After 5m of winding up he’s phenomenal. I’m not sure there’s a player in the game who could match him running one end to the other, turn around and run back again. Amazing.
- Dow? Another ‘dunno’ day for me.

That’ll do ya.

John Farnham

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OK all, photos on delay. Laptop being temperamental. Might be a bit ordinary, longer range, as had to stay in shade, been bloody crook and both lots of medication stress no direct sunlight. Have a few beefcake shots of boys walking laps barefoot and topless from close range (felt a tad weird taking them). All very lean.

Just to confirm Weitering, supreme. Levi very frustrated with match up. Going to give plenty of key forwards nightmares for next decade.

LOB displayed plenty of skills, but just looked at a different level athletically. Can't see him being left out on that display. Yet as stated earlier, the composure and positioning of Newnes also offers a compelling case.

Teaguey gave the group a dressing down during an impromptu time out. Stressing strongly the need to apply as much effort defensively as offensively. Addressing the midfield

Strong emphasis on moving the ball to central position for shots on goal. We had plenty of shots from acute angles last year. Certainly a focus. Wondering if applies to Eddie.

Just a thought, didn't see Ed Curnow today, either.

For what appeared the B team attack. JSOS and Owies were impressive. Jack moved up to what appeared to be a wing later in proceedings.

Lukas Webb in sim in number 30. Didn't notice much, but moving OK.

Bloke I had been talking to quizzed Newman on tomorrow's schedule. Wasn't sure if at ground or alternate venue, but confirmed would be a light day. Reckon gym and beach work more likely.

A few training reports hitting the board. I'll copy them over here, unless the original authors want to paste in (and I'll delete).

Some of MY observations from this mornings session. I'm hardly a training guru, so these are just a few things that caught my eye.

Wet and windy so just happy to be there.

Marchy, Plow, SPS, Fish, Kruz, McKay & Cunners on light duties. No Dow (although he did come out at the end) or Macreadie (overheard someone say that he was ill). Fish involved in some early drills and looked very good – didn't let anything past him – ball or man. McKay had some set shots which were all on target – kicking action looks solid.

Walsh is VERY intense and serious – not afraid to speak out - young Nathan Buckley. Works very hard, but from what I seen today he tried to do too much. Either got caught or burnt options trying to evade. Threw a pill into Willo’s back after getting tackled. Got a knock (from King) and went off – never came back. Before then his best work was his effort to work and find space outside or pushing forward.

Full ground drill starting from a backline (free) kick. Not a spectacle at all. Lots of kicking down the line. Only worked when they used some run and handball, otherwise it was broken up very quickly. The following drill was forward entries and this was no better. They found it very hard to find (let alone hit) a target. Perhaps this says more about the defence structure as there were no easy options.

DeKoning is a unit and has a serious leap and no fear. Looking forward to see what he can do with another year or two under his belt.

Simmo and Doc are just pros. Get to the right spot and find the right man. Eddie in this category as well.

Newnes moves very well. Polson seemed to be playing defensive.

Ramsay the pick of the newbies. Looked the most likely of any to get a game this year.

Gibbons was very relaxed, constantly laughing, joking and annoying. Good hands and gets to the right spots. I suspect that he’ll surprise anyone that thinks we’ve seen his ceiling.

Lang looked to be moving quite well, particularly in the forward drills. Noticed Stocker quite a bit as well – nothing special, just seemed to have time when he had it. Didn’t mind the body contact at all.

Kennedy was the one that I kept noticing though. Played mostly forward and worked hard to be a target against bigger bodies. Kept his feet, great balance and really good hands in slippery / windy conditions.

Midfield drills were away from my vantage point so I missed some the other household names. Cripps, Murph, Setters, etc.

Good moment at the end of the session. Newman took a ball to the boundary on the 50 and tried a check side dribbler and made an absolute mess of it. Murphy come from 20 meters away, grabbed a pill and went to the same spot. It snaked in 3 directions, but never looked out of control and bounced straight through the middle. He walked away and never said a word to Nic.

Was up at Maroochydore this morning, not much to say on the drills part as I was mostly looking out for particular players.
One thing I noticed is how trimmed down alot of the boys are now. Gov almost looks half the size that he was last year. Crippa has slimmed down too, still stands in tackles though.

Charlie Curnow is nowhere near ready, not a lot of bending going on in the knee but good to see him out there. Also very excited to see Willow and Doc back, I cringed everytime Docherty moved laterally, but he looks like he might be our best new recruit (wink wink) looks confident and has no strapping. Reckons he will play round 1.

Marc Pittonett is a very lovely guy, hung around afterwards to make sure he saw everyone.

Can confirm Eddie Betts is back in the big shorts. He says they're gangsta (yes he actually said that) very happy and has slotted back into the playing group really well. Almost like he never left.

Russell was happy for a chat, said the group dynamic is very good.

Harry and Gov spent most of the morning working with Rocco on goal kicking and away from the rest of the playing group.

Walshy took a hard knock to the head from TDK's knee. Only saw glimpses of him before then but didn't return afterwards. Had a nasty cut on his head.

Owies actually looks quite impressive as a rookie, don't think he will get a game this year but he has a decent kick on him.

Cunners and Kemp did one on ones on another ground, not much to say on that part. Didn't spend to much time in the main drills.

Overall the wind was a bit bitey, I'm happy with how the team is looking body wise. Pretty much everybody on the team does laps. Good to see the likes of Doc, Willow and Marchy training and back in with the group.


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Harry, Gov and later Martin goalkicking drills. Harry new improved STRAIGHT run.
Webb moving well, thinking it will happen.

Lang super sharp in drills today. HHF?

Kennedy matched on Weiters and Jones in forward drills. Competed well, but physically monstered. Bit ginger on that troublesome knee. Did continue though.

Interestingly, a couple of the better performers from Monday were scrappy today. Left foot snap goalkicking exercise, LOB couldn't hit side of barn.

I agree now about Webb, he was up and about and looked smooth today.. I kinda love Tom Dekoning and how he looks in general play, his leap etc is very nice. No idea about the ruck option yet, but I can see him playing roles in the forward line this year, he just looks like a guy who will get games to me...
Polson seems to be tried as a backman only this week, doing ok from what i saw.
Kennedy as a fulltime forward this week also..
Is it just me or is Levi frustrated and kinda missing the mark with follow up play etc.. He just seems like hes going through the motions a little to me.

One last thing i would add...Im a little underwhelmed with our kicking this week. Far to many missing the body passes, especially going into 50. At times in Maroochydore the wind is tricky though so Im hoping that was the main reason but for a fl professional team id hoped for better.
Weitering is either upsetting everyone or hes asked for more physicality as I noticed alot of banging into others as or off ball.
Jones is a freak, just uncanny to get back or spoil etc.
Honey is a goer. Good pressure up forward when he was there.
Phillips extremely raw, as expected. No where near in body or play but that is expected.
Gibbons was always around it and was involved most days i saw.
Lang bobbed up a fair bit in the right spot at the right time on that hff also.
Simpson looks 26 not 35 or 36 or whatever..
Betts will be such a good addition for us this year. Always found crumbs off big guys.


Video hosted by Steve from Carlton Supporters Group QLD. Free plug, they're running a social event before the GC match.

My notes from the video

Lots of one-on one. Lots of match simulation
Weiters is HUGE
Walsh is a unit
Samo, Cunners and Kemp running laps (nothing serious, just precautionary?)
Dow left early, didn't come back to the track
McGov and Krooz kick to kick (don't think they're injured, just getting touch back?)

An observation on Marchbank;

The boys not in the main drills did a couple of things off to the side which were good to watch. The first (Plow, Marchy & SPS) involved the 1st giving a handball to the 2nd, while the 3rd gave the 2nd a decent clip on the arms or shoulders (or head) with a padded 'bat'. Pretty funny when the 'clipped' became the 'clipper'.

The second was standing in a line (Plow, Marchy, SPS, Martin & Fish) with a ball coming in from short range at a good speed and they were trying to take it one hand.

Nothing against Caleb, but a majority of the balls that hit the deck (and there weren't many) were last touched by him. Perhaps touch and confidence aren't quite there yet?



Made the venture to the ground and had a look at the boys live for the first time since home and away finished up last year.
Like harks has stated, I also thought the skills were really good considering how wet it was!
All the guys look so different now compared to last year, all look fitter and more like grown men a lot better strength wise as well.

Was honey no.36. Harker?
He was outstanding in my eyes really stood out looks strong, confident and explosive!! Definitely looking forward to what he produces in the praccy games!
Thought tdk looked really good in the Ruck moved well.
Cunners looks so good!! Fit, strong with his trademark moving!
All the usuals stood out and where fantastic Cripps, setters, Murphy,Ed,Walsh,doc ect!! All look in great nic! Gee Eddie is going to cause havoc in our forward line lol
Spoken briefly to the following on fence line:
McGovern said he’s ready to go.
Williamson said he’s really excited to play Thursday.
Mackay said he’s traveling fine and on track(for round one I’m presuming)

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We made the practice match against Collingwood look like a training I guess these count as training reports....

Plenty of good signs in the 3.75 quarter I saw
TDK looked good in the ruck jumpng over grundy and followed up well on the ground
Philp has something we missed. Apparently he is the worst kick in his draft( according to the Tiger nuff nuff on the draft board).His goal and a couple of spearing passes must have been flukes.
Eddies still got it. The assist to LOB was amazing and made something out of nothing
Sier might need to have a think about how to plays Cripps. All he could do was give away a free.
Pittonet competed well against Grundy.
Willo is a lock. Has Newman well and truly covered.
Settlerfield showed his class.


Edit: Everyone please click the little up arrow at top of quotes and give thumbs ups / hearts to the original authors (if you are that way inclined and haven't done so already).
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My observations from today:

1. Tom Williamson: Had a very good game. An excellent start to the game racking up the ball. Neat disposal. Had some massive moments. One in defense where he gave his opponent the Dusty Don't Argue and dropped him like a sack of potatoes. The other where he kicked a booming goal from outside 50. He's going to be hard to keep out of the starting 22. Don't worry about bringing him back through the VFL if he brings that form to the other two practice games.

2. Sam Walsh: Very solid performer throughout the day. Took a really good overhead mark at one stage where it looked like his opponent had the better position. I think the thing with Walsh is we know what we're going to get. He's going to have a very good season, but temper expectations if you think he's going to take a quantum leap in his game. Expect much the same as last year.

3. Jack Newnes: Was prolific but his disposal let him down. If he can tidy up his disposal before round 1, he's definitely starting 22, however, some of his missed kicks made me think of other options for the wing. Definitely looks like the wing is his best position and has the tools to work with, but must tidy up his kicking.

4. Sam Docherty: He looked really good. It's easy to forget just how crucial he was to our backline. We looked really structured today, despite missing a few starting defenders. His kicking at times was a little rusty, however, his intercept and defensive work was first rate. He will be a big factor in us moving forward this year. He definitely appears to be over his knee problems. Did a fancy spin move on one of his opponents. Got the crowd going.

5. Patrick Cripps: I'll keep this short and simple. He looks really good.

6. Nic Newman: Don't think it was his best game. There were a couple of times where he was exposed defensively, however, he still looked solid. Didn't rack up huge numbers. Probably one of his quieter performances to be honest, but he's moving alright and his disposal was tidy when he did have it. Williamson definitely out performed him today. Lets see how he responds next week.

7. Levi Casboult: Absolutely dominated Collingwood in the match simulation. Not sure he had Darcy Moore and Roughhead wasn't playing either. Despite that, he just looked so dangerous when the ball was in the air. He's making it hard for selectors to keep him out of the side. If he's not in your starting 22 for round 1, you're not doing it right. His kicking was excelling today. Think he nailed all his opportunities from memory. Looked as safe as houses. Oh, and probably his best moment for the day was laying a massive bump on Grundy. Hope it makes the highlights real from CFC.

8. Marc Murphy & Kade Simpson: Will do these two together as my thoughts on them were the same. They played ok games without being great. Some iffy decision making and disposal at times, but I'll put that down to the game being our first competitive hitout for the season.

9. Eddie Betts: Was electric when on the ground. Anyone who thinks he won't play good football for us this year because he's too old and past his prime are kidding themselves. Looked dangerous around goals. His tackle pressure was up and kicked a goal from a holding the ball decision. It's clear we've missed this ground level presence in the forward 50 over the past couple of years.

10. Marc Pittonet: Held his own against Grundy and halved the contests. As the match progressed, he started to get a bit more involved in general play. Definitely a viable option in the absence of Kreuzer. I'll note that it looked like Grundy won most, if not all the ruck contests against Pittonet, however, they didn't gain any noticeable advantage from it. Or at least that's how it looked from my viewpoint.

11. Tom De Koning: Had great moments. Wouldn't be out of place if he got the call up. Was extremely impressed. His output was not something I was expecting today. He was always in the game when rucking and following up on his work. I'm confident we've found our Kreuzer replacement. TDK looks to be a beauty.

More reviews to come. Will detail it in a second post after dinner :)

Moore and Cunico only played in the 10 minute quarters where we played our VFL side + Cunners and LOB.

Moore played as the deepest forward and couldn’t get near it. Inside 50s were limited and delivery inside 50 was deplorable.

Cunico played wing and didn’t do much to stand out. Sturgess clearly best of the potential recruits.

Of the auditioning group:
Webb did a couple of ok things then appeared to hurt a hammy?
Sturgess the pick of the bunch, strong in the air BUT disposal was suspect and his position is one where we have the least need
Moore was largely innefective although the delivery was not great either
Cunico might not have even touched it

Overall Sturgess had the best day but also makes the least sense to me list wise. Of the others provided his injury wasn’t serious I’d favour Webb


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