Live Event 2023 Brownlow medal live chat

Who wins the Brownlow

  • The Bont wins

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • Someone undeserving and not called "The Bont" wins

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters

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If he lost it to Daicos, or Butters - fair enough. But to lose to a bloke who gets 3 votes in a game where he didn’t receive a single coaches vote, and didn’t even make the AA team is ridiculous. Almost as bad as two years ago to Wines. Best player to ever play for our club and would be an absolute travesty if he doesn’t end up with one, or even probably the multiple Brownlow’s he deserves.

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Embarrassing result, but the AFL desperately want QLD so nothing surprises me and they'll probably make sure the scum get over the line Saturday as well.
You know those English murder mysteries where everyone is connected and are slowly murdered, one by one?

Need an Australian version. Maybe something like... a bunch of onfield adjudicators of a high profile sport die in ever more gruesome circumstances. And the cops are bamboozled... until they find the perpetrators are a bunch of anonymous posters on an internet forum who, while completely unknown to each other in real life, have managed to...

Nah, too far fetched.
Even with Neale getting KOTD the Tigers game killed Bont. Also if they just beat the Eagles by a point he gets the 3 there too.
Tigers game should have been an easy 3. He also came off 2nd best in every 50/50 getting 2s against Essendon, GWS and Sydney. I can understand the Sydney game but he was clearly best on v GWS and Essendon.

Combine that with Neale getting votes for average games and it’s hard to get your head around.
It’s frustrating, and Neale knows he was taken care of. I’m not sure what he and Cripps do to get umpire love in bog average games but if Bont did it he’d get 40 votes every year. It’s insane.

That said, the team cost him the medal. Again. Win any two of the games v Sydney, WC, Gold Coast and Port and he’d be a Brownlow winner right now.

Another reason to get pissed off at this abomination of a season. **** off.

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That really sums it up doesn't it? A world of differrence between them.

But the problem is when one side finishes 2nd, and they're very even, the votes have to go to someone. The Brownlow is deeply flawed because it only allows 3 players to receive votes. 5-4-3-2-1 from the coaches, who have a better view, are more knowledgable, have access to stats & replay vision, is far better.
Putting our Bont bias aside it is a joke Neale won ahead of Butters, Trac, Daicos, Gulden. Didn’t even make the All Australian team, nowhere near any of the other major awards.

Neale came fifth in the coaches votes. So he wasn't that far off. I would've had him on the bench for AA as well to be fair, but he was a level below his usual standard.

I have no idea how he got 17 votes in the first 10 rounds though. Bont was definitely robbed.

Would've been a tough watch for Daicos. Was leading comfortably before getting injured and then had to wait until the last round for someone to pip him.
Umpire votes are fine, just accept it for what it is and join the growing chorus who realise AFLPA and AFLCA awards mean much more. The AFLCA just needs to stop publishing the results weekly and it’ll become a bigger end of season award.
As they stand right now they are better, but any voting system will end up being corrupted if there's a lot riding on it. As soon as they become the most sought after gong (and bookies start betting on it) they'll be just as controversial.

Why not combine and average out all three - AFLPA, AFLCA and AFLMA? The larger the number of voters and the more diverse their perspective the more likely we'll get a fair result.
The man has too much integrity and class, but you wouldn't blame Bont if he said 'sod this, I'm off to a more consistent, reliable and better coached team, a team that'll allow me to win a medal and another flag'.
The man has too much integrity and class, but you wouldn't blame Bont if he said 'sod this, I'm off to a more consistent, reliable and better coached team, a team that'll allow me to win a medal and another flag'.

No. Please don’t say this. Don’t even think this. Just don’t.
I can’t be supporting the Pies in the GF any more than I am right now. I hope the Lions get absolutely smashed so he gets that known robbery grin right off his face.
Yeah it's pretty obvious parts of our game are rigged, many games where Naicos should have polled 3, he polled 2 and even though we won the game easily, the opposing team got the 3 votes, that happened many times across the night where a player should have polled 3, didn't and the losing team polled more votes, like, wtf.

Just look at the umpiring with us vs GWS, it was unreal, it's an umpires award and therefore, rigged to ensure the bookies don't lose.

The history of gang lords owning bookies and controlling horse races to ensure the bookies/gang lords don't lose, it's rife, so to us that live and breathe the game, we know who were the best and fairest players of a year, collectively, so when obvious bs votes don't get polled and obvious bs votes are polled, just remember, it's a rigged umpires award to ensure bookies/gang lords don't lose so, it's a meaningless award.

I had the Bont winning it easily and I watch every single AFL game every single round.

Also, the Bonts gf or wife, seriously, my eyes have never seen anything like it, she is unreal, who is she?
I don’t have anything against Neale, he’s a good player, seems a really good guy, he seems as surprised and bemused as everyone else is.

It‘s not his fault the umpires vote the way they do, so no point hating him on him.

Our disgraceful end to the season cost Bont big time, just like in 2021.

It‘s a shame, but I still think the great man will eventually win one.
Well said, Leon.

Nothing against Neale, but this is the final straw for me with the Brownlow.

I hope Bont realises that the MVP is a far more worthy award in today's game.