No Oppo Supporters 2024 AFL General Discussion

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Maynard in the clear. The AFL is officially cooked.
an absolute ****ing joke.

4.3B Intent: Notwithstanding any other part of these Guidelines, the fact that an act of striking ... with a raised forearm or elbow is usually consistent with the strike being intentional.

It's right ****ing there in the rules that they fought so hard to ensure were followed two weeks ago.

Every single person should get on and absolutely torch the likes of John Ralph on social media for ignoring this. They are part of the problem with corruption within the league.
Just shows that the AFL can’t run the game effectively. They keep hiring from within and it just perpetuates the poor management.

NRL has comeback through hiring from the outside. AFL needs to cast the net wider.
The ultimate in house boys club model has severe limitations. Look at the way rugby as a code in Australia has self destructed over the past couple of decades - primarily driven by some form of idea that bashed up old rugby players always make great administrators.

AFL would be wise to recognise fresh, outside blood and new ideas is not necessarily a bad thing!

The league example is an interesting one - they have hired from the outside, but also hired someone that has great tentacles into every part of government, through relationships built in the dirty back worlds of racing. It has worked for NRL (after all - they got a brand new footy stadium which was an outrageously expensive luxury project, and keep getting money for ground upgrades that probably aren't justified), but I'm not 100% sold that it is a case of hiring from the outside being the driving force, more than the personality cult of Vlandys.
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an absolute ****ing joke.

4.3B Intent: Notwithstanding any other part of these Guidelines, the fact that an act of striking ... with a raised forearm or elbow is usually consistent with the strike being intentional.

It's right ****ing there in the rules that they fought so hard to ensure were followed two weeks ago.

Every single person should get on and absolutely torch the likes of John Ralph on social media for ignoring this. They are part of the problem with corruption within the league.
My understanding of the difference is that Heeney’s was determined to be behind the ball while Maynard’s was on the ball since he has possession.

I’m not defending that differentiation, just stating it. If you watch the two incidents, the high contact in one appeared totally accidental and in the other pretty much intentional. But I guess the closer comparison to Maynard’s action is the raised elbow from Chad a couple of months ago that drew no sanction.
My new least favourite umpire is 26 Craig Fleer. He was the goose who called play on after Blakey got tunnelled by Hipwood right in front if him. Living in Bne, I am surrounded by Lions (smug) supporters and not one has tried to even justify Hipwood's action. Absolute shocka from Hipwood and his new best mate Fleer.

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My new least favourite umpire is 26 Craig Fleer. He was the goose who called play on after Blakey got tunnelled by Hipwood right in front if him. Living in Bne, I am surrounded by Lions (smug) supporters and not one has tried to even justify Hipwood's action. Absolute shocka from Hipwood and his new best mate Fleer.

The way he shrugged in the replay was just bizarre.
The way he shrugged in the replay was just bizarre.
The lack of accountability for such shockers is horrendous. Also not one of the other 3 umps saying anything. Mistakes - OK - but that is far beyond. They need to be held accountable.
The problem is that the VFL etc are separate comps so there's nowhere to drop them to. 🤯
The lack of accountability for such shockers is horrendous. Also not one of the other 3 umps saying anything. Mistakes - OK - but that is far beyond. They need to be held accountable.
The problem is that the VFL etc are separate comps so there's nowhere to drop them to. 🤯
I just looked him up and he has been around for a while. Umpired the 2020 GF so is not a novice.
It wasn't a shrug but a play on call but made with very little conviction. Perhaps he was thinking oh it's not a marking contest so I can't penalise him for that, so what do you want me to do about it?!
It wasn't a shrug but a play on call but made with very little conviction. Perhaps he was thinking oh it's not a marking contest so I can't penalise him for that, so what do you want me to do about it?!

Yeah I should have phrased it differently, it's that it came off as a shrug because he was sort of saying "Play on I guess". Which is why the play on gesture doubling as a shrug seems so appropriate. You're spot on with the train of thought as that's how it came across to me too, but surely that's still a FK?
It wasn't a shrug but a play on call but made with very little conviction. Perhaps he was thinking oh it's not a marking contest so I can't penalise him for that, so what do you want me to do about it?!
After watching the replay again I wonder if he missed from his angle that Hipwood backed under Blakey and thought that Blakey jumped on him. If so, one of the other umps should have spotted it. So obvious.

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No Oppo Supporters 2024 AFL General Discussion

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