Champ I don’t know if your dumb or just plain stupid. You’ve been told multiple times the following -The VFL side has been canned to pay for the W team.
Literally your evidence for this is Essendon nuffs on the main board.
1. No one has sought out or spoken to a journalist to bag the club. He contacted one person on here and a few of us were asked if we would talk to him. However if there was no story as there appears to be then no one needed to speak to him.
2. There are many many people affected by this change and the more responses people receive DIRECT from the club the more obvious it becomes they are bending the truth.
3. It’s none of your damn business if myself or anyone else affected takes this up with the club (it’s not sooking as you so stupidly put it). I pay thousands for 11 memberships so don’t start telling me what I can and can’t do.
4. You still don’t understand things like commercial in confidence and not divulging sources. We don’t come on here with made up stories if you did that you’d last 5 minutes and probably end up being sued that’s why we never give out exactly where info comes from unless that person wants their name published - any info I post will be from a reputable source irrespective of your stupid rantings on the issue.
5. You seem to have some sort of complex that says the club is always right. Take your blinkers off.
Lastly just go take a chill pill and let people have their say.