Opinion 2024 Player X vs Y vs Z

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Hinge (less flexibility)
Traded him in 2 weeks ago and haven’t regretted it.
Runs super hard to present as an option.
It’s amazing when you have a player and you watch him so close like never before you can discover there flaws.
Holmes flaw doesn’t go in super hard but his running ability makes up for this.
Just my 2 cents.
Dylan Moore :moustache:

But Curnow has an easy run home look at what he did to the Tigers yesterday...

Despicable Me Lol GIF

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Ryan vs Rankine.
Fisher fwd or back depending on trade.
Last trade to complete my side.
Currently sitting on 7 trades.
Got a few spuds still, like most though.
I'm looking at you Rowell, Greene and Fisher.
Ryan (by a fair bit) IMO.
Evans vs Schoenmakers for D7

Trading out T. Brown
Both seem to be well rated by their respective fans - but who knows whether that translates to continue getting games and scoring OK. I only saw Schoenmakers first game and he looked good.

I thought I'd be grappling with this decision too, but have decided to keep TBrown at D7 for the season and conserve my three trades

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