List Mgmt. 2024 Trade & List Management Thread

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I’m sticking by split 2 for 6 and 11 so we can make some deals happen. F1 in play if we can somehow get an AA level player (Petracca, Houston etc)

Would do 2 for Cadman

Will Phillips is the bag of chips, a Zoomer Liam Anthony if you will

Parker, Fyfe, Cadman, Houston, Project Small Forward, Cat B who can run for centuries


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I’m sticking by split 2 for 6 and 11 so we can make some deals happen. F1 in play if we can somehow get an AA level player (Petracca, Houston etc)

Would do 2 for Cadman

Will Phillips is the bag of chips, a Zoomer Liam Anthony if you will

Parker, Fyfe, Cadman, Houston, Project Small Forward, Cat B who can run for centuries

You might. GWS won't.
This is how i see the list at the moment heading into 2025

Key Backs: Logue, Corr, KDawson, Pink, WDawson.

This is a concern. WDawson will likely end up the best of the lot, but its not good enough at the moment. Need to bring someone in.

Other backs: Mcdonald, Archer, Bergman, Goater, Fisher, George, Tucker, Hardeman

serious growth in Archer and potential in Bergman and Goater. Mckercher leaves this group in 2025. Hardeman round 1 please.

Wings: Scott, Mckercher, Stephenson, Stephens

Two guns and two cats.

Midfielders: LDU, Sheezel, Wardlaw, Powell, Phillips, Pick 2

Like it a lot. Good mix coming through together

Rucks: Xerri, Goad, CCJ

One superstar.

Tall Forwards: Larkey, Comben, Teakle

Needs more cover. Must recruit one if possible.

Other forwards: Zurhaar, Curtis, Duursma, Zurhaar, RHJ, Ford, Payne, Simpkin

Probably our best mix across the club. Need Duursma or Curtis to go 30+ next year.

Unknown: Maley, Harvey, Lazzaro, Nyoun, Drury

Retirements: Greenwood, Shiels

Definite delistings: Free, Thomas, Taylor, Sellers,
Small forwards?

On SM-S901E using mobile app
Cadman you would need 2 first rounders at least. Thats with 2 being one of them and Cadman asking for a trade.
Will Brodie, 25yo, 190cm midfielder.

Should be our number one target

The bloke hasn’t cut it at 2 clubs now. Let’s not continue loading our list with crabs who wouldn’t get a game anywhere else. He’s slow and lacks polish, huge pass.
What would your proposed trade be?
Super hard question as l definitely want North to have a many picks as possible and if Joe Berry is the only gettable small forward or Hotton with a questionable recovery from ACL, then l would offer 2+F2 for 4+27+Rachele plus hit 5 year contract at full.
This leaves us with 4, 22,27 and 40 as a draft hand, Adelaide get access to Draper and they could package up our F2 for a Lukosius bid. More importantly, we can cross off the need to draft then develop a small forward and if Rachele could just increase his defensive pressure intensity, we could have an elite small forward at the age of 21/22.

The key is for Rachele to go public to want to leave and nominate us first and for most....if he doesn't nominate us, we won't be able to compete in the free market.
Almost everyone in every club fanbase wants more personality amongst players, and then Adelaide react like this lol. Read the room campaigners
To a point, I see what Mathew Nicks is doing but to say he's reacted in a rash way is quite the understatement. Youngsters do need to be taught and shown things but there is a time and place for this and at least he showed some fight and had a red hot go, gave it to the port fans, which is part of our tradition, back the young man in for goodness sake, I've heard what Mathew has said and and this "Josh and I have had a few discussions and we've talked about a range of things, he knows where we're at", what a load of hogwash and all this is, is a storm in a teacup.

Totally overblown, in a very big way. he has hung him out to dry, like some coaches he has his favourites and if you've watched the crows you'll see certain players never get dropped but when an opportunity comes around like this after a loss, its a big song and dance about Josh Rachelle, I don't see some of the senior players copping this treatment and just maybe if some of those crows had a red hot go against port and they win, do you honestly think he would have been dropped?

You take the young man aside after the game and teach him about a thing or two, you tell him if your going to say things like that, that the media will feast on you if you get it wrong, you tell him he played an average game and played in spurts but that next time he'll be better, let the hurt sink in, and trust me he would be hurting, but you build him up for the next time you play against them and say "I've got your back, but remember this game and remember it good"!

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Copilot, write a convincing and entertaining dialogue between two fictitious members of the north Melbourne Bigfooty community who are arguing whether the club should use its 2024 draft picks on the best available talent or for specific list needs


Sure, here's a lively dialogue between two fictitious members of the North Melbourne Bigfooty community:


JackoRoo: Mate, I'm telling you, we need to go for the best available talent in the draft. You can't pass up on a potential superstar just because we have a gap in our list.

RoosFanatic: I get where you're coming from, Jacko, but look at our midfield. It's like Swiss cheese out there! We need to draft for specific needs, especially in the midfield and defense.

JackoRoo: But think about it, RoosFanatic. If we draft the best available talent, we can trade them later if needed. Talent is currency in the AFL. You don't want to miss out on the next Dustin Martin just because we need a defender right now.

RoosFanatic: True, but what if that "next Dustin Martin" ends up being a bust? We've seen it happen before. We need players who can fill our gaps and make an immediate impact. Our defense is leaking goals like a sieve!

JackoRoo: Fair point, but drafting for needs can be risky too. Remember when we picked up that key defender a few years back, and he barely played a game? If we go for the best talent, we have a better chance of finding a long-term star.

RoosFanatic: Yeah, but we can't afford to wait for a star to develop. We need players who can step in and perform now. Our fans are getting restless, and we need to show some progress.

JackoRoo: Progress is important, but so is building a team that can compete for years to come. If we focus too much on immediate needs, we might miss out on building a strong foundation for the future.

RoosFanatic: I hear you, but balance is key. Maybe we can find a middle ground—draft a mix of best available talent and players who can fill our immediate needs. That way, we cover our bases and keep the fans happy.

JackoRoo: Now you're talking! A balanced approach could work. Let's hope the recruiters have their thinking caps on this draft season.

RoosFanatic: Agreed. Here's to a successful draft and a bright future for the Roos!


do you think roosfanatic or Jackoroo has made a more convincing case and why


Both JackoRoo and RoosFanatic present valid points, but it ultimately depends on the club's current situation and long-term strategy.

JackoRoo argues for drafting the best available talent, emphasizing the potential to secure future superstars and the flexibility to trade for specific needs later. This approach can build a strong foundation for sustained success and ensures that the club doesn't miss out on exceptional talent.

RoosFanatic, on the other hand, focuses on immediate needs, particularly in the midfield and defense. This strategy aims to address current weaknesses and improve the team's performance in the short term, which can be crucial for maintaining fan support and showing progress.

If I had to choose, RoosFanatic might have a slightly more convincing case given the urgency of addressing specific gaps in the team's lineup. Immediate improvements can boost morale and performance, which is essential for a team looking to climb the ladder quickly. However, a balanced approach that incorporates both strategies could be the most effective solution.


Case closed folks.
Close, needs to be nastier. Personal snipes. No ground given.
Spare me the holier than thou bullshit Nicks.

You know what undermines a culture and values? A senior coach and a senior player hanging a kid out to dry in the ****ing media.

Over what? Some mild ****ing banter.
There's players bashing team mates. Players with drug addictions and bikie debts. There's players leaking the slimey shit they do in off-season Vegas trips. This is what you hang the kid out for?

This screams a senior coach wishing he could have a problem player so that he can pretend to be a good coach in front of the media.

Get ****ed. Come home Josh
Nicks has got Rachelle’s back and is behind him. Unfortunately he has a knife in his hand.
Rachelle just has to come to North. It means we can play Port twice, once in Melbourne and then again in Adelaide. The Melbourne game will give the North supporters the opportunity to unleash on Judas whilst the Adelaide game will give that toothless rabble the all clear to go after Rachelle. I'm sure the AFL will support this as it demonstrates just how the AFL's equalisation policy is meant to work. We're all winners!
Sonya can then land big sponsorship deals with Colgate and other high profile Dental 🦷 Implant companies. Has to be a win-win for the club.
Teeth Missing Tooth GIF
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