USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
I don’t get the obsession with Hungary. What has Orban done there that is so terrible?

See this is the thing, it’s not overt, more creeping authoritarianism.

So if you think that is fine, you’re likely to think a 2nd trump term is fine.

Not all wannabe authoritarians and dictators are these obvious moustache twirling villains , most get it into power by using the democratic system at the time.
See this is the thing, it’s not overt, more creeping authoritarianism.

So if you think that is fine, you’re likely to think a 2nd trump term is fine.

Not all wannabe authoritarians and dictators are these obvious moustache twirling villains , most get it into power by using the democratic system at the time.
Trump loves Orban because Orban is anti-diversity and loves banning elections.
That's something that is dear to old Donald's heart.

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MPMonkeys thinks what’s the big deal about that, we should all just calm down.
Orban promotes the Great Replacement conspiracy theory.
Despite the population of Hungary consisting of 87% natural born Hungarians, and over 40% stating that they are Catholic, he still promotes this belief that they are being replaced by outsiders, most typically Muslims.
What's Trump saying?
They are being overrun by people south of the border.
I don't think we'll see a dictatorship under Trump - heck, there's a chance he'll die in office - but the fear is, his 2nd term administration, along with SCOTUS, will set the groundwork for a future dictatorship.

At some stage in the future, someone younger, more ruthless and better planned will come along and use all the changed laws and resources to their advantage and create an actual dictatorship.
And pr0n.


They want to explicitly ban pr0n.
They already have in Texas somehow they don’t know about VPN

Along with a abortion ban there’s been a huge increase in rapes and unwanted births…got to love how backwards the republicans are but they want to keep people poor and have more workers so it works to their agenda.
Fair bit of bed wetting in here.
Most likely outcome if Trump gets in is not that much changes, he sees out his term and he’s gone again. The guy also doesn’t look that healthy so could drop off the perch during his term.
Talk of US turning into Hungary is right out there.
I reckon the Republicans will win the Whitehouse, senate and congress which will hand Trump enormous power. He can also go harder knowing he's only got four years. Could be a very consequential term.
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I reckon the Republicans will win the Whitehouse, senate and congress which will hand Trump enormous power. He can also go harder knowing he's only got four years. Could be a very consequential term.
and leave it to one of his acolytes ( his vp would just be a lapdog)
I don't think we'll see a dictatorship under Trump - heck, there's a chance he'll die in office - but the fear is, his 2nd term administration, along with SCOTUS, will set the groundwork for a future dictatorship.

At some stage in the future, someone younger, more ruthless and better planned will come along and use all the changed laws and resources to their advantage and create an actual dictatorship.

Sounds like nation just meh to the sort of stuff which went on on Jan 6. No that’s not really that bad

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Which nobody can provide links to or any evidence that it happened.
Hint: Just because something is trending on X, doesn't mean it happened.

Hannity: "I want to go back to this one issue though because the media has been focused on this and attacking you. Under no circumstances you're promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?"

"Except for Day 1."

Trump, referring to Hannity: "We love this guy. He says, ‘You are not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said, ‘No, no, no, other than Day 1.’ We are closing the border and we are drilling, drilling, drilling. After that I am not a dictator, OK?"

I mean sure, I guess if he promises he'll only be a dictator abusing power and going after his political enemies, the media, local prosecutors for one day, what could go wrong. It's not at all concerning that SCOTUS have ruled that the President can simply ignore criminal laws so long as it's 'official' business.

Nothing to see here. Just the usual Trump 'exaggeration' right?
I want links to where Biden has dementia

In order to make a diagnosis of dementia, ideally the person has a full mental health and neurocognitive assessment, a neuropsychological assessment and at least an MRI Brain.

The White House is emphatic that the Presidents medical team do not think he needs any of these assessments or basic cog screening.... (of course they would!).

So if we take their word (Which i don't think you should), he hasn't even had a basic screening MMSE/MOCA/RUDAS etc (Probably has but the results are not great).
Biden’s made his first appearance since the debate.

Biden appears to mix up his gender and race during radio interview​

This is just going to keep happening with more people paying attention. Drop out you stupid old fool!

Be fair...he is just having a bad day.
Biden’s made his first appearance since the debate.

Biden appears to mix up his gender and race during radio interview​

This is just going to keep happening with more people paying attention. Drop out you stupid old fool!
'By the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman... to serve with a black president. Proud to be involved of the first black woman on the Supreme Court. There's so much that we can do because, look... we're the United States of America.'

Lets hope he doesn't mix up Iran and Israel.
I think Trump will make life very difficult for certain groups. You'll likely see
1. Mass deportation - these people aren't American citizens, so they have no basis on an American's decision for president, or shouldn't do unless you are literally a treasonist globalist.
2. More states with stricter abortion laws - Trump has said he will leave it to the States, I.e there will be no change in abortion laws as a result of Trump, if the states want to they will.
3. Less restrictions on gun ownership and therefore a few more mass shootings - mass shootings are a result of decreased societal trust, lessening standards of personal responsibility, increased prevalence of mental illness not the number or access to guns, a republican presidency won't solve all of the US's issues but I hope it turns the tide slightly on some of these issues.
4. Complete disregard for climate change. - a complete disregard of climate change scams funneling taxpayer dollars into greenwashed businesses to implement projects that are ineffective and often generate more carbon than they save, yes.
5. Increased wealth inequality - Democrat rampant spending has created the greatest wealth transfer from the lower to middle class in History, i hope with hundreds of billions less to Ukraine and other foreign sources that inflation will reduce in the US and help those in need of it.

But any talk of him extending his stay beyond 4 years, or becoming a Putin esque dictator I think is overdone. There are too many safeguards in the constitution and their democratic systems to allow for that. Not to mention that at any given point in time, over half the country ****ing hate the guy and can't stand him. Full takeovers of a nation only occur when you have significant support across both sides.

He will do damage to that country, but not civil war level irreparable damage.
Few thoughts on your predictions above.

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