USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Biden II

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Okay, we've had a good run. Some have had a good laugh and others have melted a little, but from this point we're improving the standard of discussion.

The rules for the SRP are thus:
... and I'd like you all to stick to them.

From the Trump threads:
Mod Notice
* Thread monitored actively. User who drag it down will be removed

Specifically: reference to TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and its counterpart 'Trumpanzee' or anything similar will no longer be allowed.

Personal attacks are also to be kept to a minimum.
Play nicely from here, please.
Trump: "This is what I'm going to do"
Trump supporter: "He didn't mean it that way."

Biden: " Im a black woman....... grapple ontario dosunit montyvideo black <Unintelligible dribble>..............we beat medicare!"

Biden supporter: " He's just having a bad day, he's as sharp as a tack"
This idea that everything should just be left to the individual States; how long before Texas and California decide 'you know what, we have nothing in common and we're going to go our own way'.
The cartels would take over Texas in a nano second if they secede… let alone go completely broke without federal aid they can keep whinging that they should be independent but it will never happen
My understanding is that RvW was overturned on some technical legal issue anyway.

From memory it was based on an interpretation of the constitution*, that is totally at odds with the interpretation used to determine the President is above the law.

Stacking the court with pretty hard-right conversatives has resulted in... hard-right conservative rulings happening. Keep in mind these are non-elected positions that are deeply impactful on the laws and lives of American citizens, which are life-long appointments. A number of the Justices (Clarence Thomas I'm looking at you) are openly taking 'gifts' and throwing out favourable rulings. There appears to be no legal consistency in how they're arriving at those rulings, which is deeply problematic.

Once again, Trump showed a total and utter contempt for how things have 'usually' been done in the American system and appointed his people.

Which is pretty much what he's told us he wants to do if he's back in power. Competence is far less relevant than loyalty.

* It's been a which since I read the ruling, could be confusing it with another one e.g. gun rights.

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Seems like you are projecting a persons views onto Trump and then trying to twist that onto this insane Project 2025 stuff.
A person Trump loves who was part of his administration previously and is widely tipped to be again.

More, direct from Trump and his campaign, here;
Trump would try to strip tens of thousands of career employees of their civil service protections. That way, they could be fired as he seeks to “totally obliterate the deep state.”

He would try to accomplish that by reissuing a 2020 executive order known as “Schedule F.” That would allow him to reclassify masses of employees, with a particular focus, he has said, on “corrupt bureaucrats who have weaponized our justice system” and “corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus.”
Beyond the firings, he wants to crack down on government officials who leak to reporters. He also wants to require that federal employees pass a new civil service test.
He would target people who are legally living in the United States but harbor “jihadist sympathies” and revoke the student visas of those who espouse anti-American and antisemitic views.

I'm sure the identification of "corrupt actors", “jihadist sympathies”, "anti-American" and "antisemitic views" would all be ship shape and accurate as presented by the flunkies he wants to stack the justice system with, no probs at all there lol

Good move avoiding responding to the dictator for 1 day stuff by the way, thats a bit harder to explain away isn't it. Be honest, you didn't know he said that until just now did you :tearsofjoy:
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From memory it was based on an interpretation of the constitution*, that is totally at odds with the interpretation used to determine the President is above the law.

Stacking the court with pretty hard-right conversatives has resulted in... hard-right conservative rulings happening. Keep in mind these are non-elected positions that are deeply impactful on the laws and lives of American citizens, which are life-long appointments.

Once again, Trump showed a total and utter contempt for how things have 'usually' been done in the American system and appointed his people.

Which is pretty much what he's told us he wants to do if he's back in power. Competence is far less relevant than loyalty.

* It's been a which since I read the ruling.
Again with this 'hard-right' business.
How are they 'hard-right' and what distinguishes them from run of the mill 'right-leaning' people?

And you are living in dream-land regarding SC appointees. They have always been appointed along party lines. I don't necessarily agree with it but understand why it happens as it is more and more being used to determine political issues.
A person Trump loves who was part of his administration previously and widely tipped to be again.

More, direct from Trump and his campaign, here;

I'm sure the identification of “jihadist sympathies”, "anti-American" and "antisemitic views" would all be ship shape and accurate as presented by the flunkies he wants to stack the justice system with, no probs at all there.

Good move avoiding responding to the dictator for 1 day stuff by the way, thats a bit harder to explain away isn't it. Be honest, you didn't know he said that until just now did you :tearsofjoy:
That is not direct from Trump and his campaign.
It is an opinion of the AP reporter who wrote it. She has taken a policy and then extrapolated it out to make it sound as scary as possible.
In order to make a diagnosis of dementia, ideally the person has a full mental health and neurocognitive assessment, a neuropsychological assessment and at least an MRI Brain.

The White House is emphatic that the Presidents medical team do not think he needs any of these assessments or basic cog screening.... (of course they would!).

So if we take their word (Which i don't think you should), he hasn't even had a basic screening MMSE/MOCA/RUDAS etc (Probably has but the results are not great).
The debate was a bad day. The 2 years prior are cheap fakes.

He did answer all the questions.
So he is now responsible for every decision the SC makes?
My understanding is that RvW was overturned on some technical legal issue anyway.
According to Trump himself he is, I just posted his fairly unambiguous quote lol. Is he only a "straight talker" when he's saying stuff you like?

In any case, he's responsible for appointing the SC judges who overturned it. Here are some of them literally lying about it in their confirmation hearings :drunk:

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According to Trump himself he is, I just posted his fairly unambiguous quote lol. Is he only a "straight talker" when he's saying stuff you like?

In any case, he's responsible for appointing the SC judges who overturned it. Here they are literally lying about it in their confirmation hearings :drunk:

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That is just overly simplistic. If someone filed an objection to RvW based on a technicality then the SC judges are obliged to look at that motion on its merits.

I'm not sure why people are so hung up on RvW. Abortion is still legal in the US and they just had an increase in the number of abortions up 11% from 2020.

So the ruling has had no effect. In fact, you could argue its done the opposite.
Again with this 'hard-right' business.
How are they 'hard-right' and what distinguishes them from run of the mill 'right-leaning' people?

And you are living in dream-land regarding SC appointees. They have always been appointed along party lines. I don't necessarily agree with it but understand why it happens as it is more and more being used to determine political issues.

Most of US politics is 'right' by Australian standards, which is already 'right' compared to a lot of Scandinavia (for example).

When you're talking about people arguing for the removal of reproductive choices, removal of same-sex marriage, and access to contraception - for example - I'd say by the standards of Australians discussing their views, they're hard-right. They're much further to the right than a Peter Dutton would be.

I'm not sure why people are so hung up on RvW. Abortion is still legal in the US and they just had an increase in the number of abortions up 11% from 2020.

So the ruling has had no effect. In fact, you could argue its done the opposite.

Didn't we address this the other day? That stat is incredibly misleading, and misses out on a whole heap of other problems being caused.

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Again with this 'hard-right' business.
How are they 'hard-right' and what distinguishes them from run of the mill 'right-leaning' people?

You are now attempting to debate with a straight face whether or not people like Thomas and Alito are in fact "hard right". Mind boggling.

Musing about banning contraception? Nah all good, just your run of the mill vaguely right-leaning stuff :drunk:

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Just to tug on a few threads in this majestic tapestry of bullshit :tearsofjoy:

Riiiiiight. There will be no change, indeed there has been no change, in the US on abortion laws as a result of Trump, nice one lol :drunk:

Mass shootings not due to access to guns, gotcha. Just mental health issues, wow I didn't actually realise mental illness only exists in the US, the more you know! :tearsofjoy:

Never mind the fact that Republicans have no interest in addressing mental illness issues anyway

The republican's position on immigration, child exploitation and indoctrination, the economy and really all policies will have a positive impact on mental health issues in the long run :)
According to Trump himself he is, I just posted his fairly unambiguous quote lol. Is he only a "straight talker" when he's saying stuff you like?

In any case, he's responsible for appointing the SC judges who overturned it. Here they are literally lying about it in their confirmation hearings :drunk:

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You sadly are wasting your time trying to educate the uninformed.
Surely I don't need to step you through the mechanics of SC appointments? Surely!??

The man himself disagrees with you and FlowersByIrene on this one in any case

I support the ending of Roe V Wade, but that's already happened. By saying it will "get worse" do you believe the Republicans will try and set federal laws on Abortion? Because I thought Trump said pretty clearly in the Debate they won't be touching it.
That is not direct from Trump and his campaign.
It is an opinion of the AP reporter who wrote it. She has taken a policy and then extrapolated it out to make it sound as scary as possible.
False. Its referencing a list of proposals he released back in March 2023.

Last month, Trump released a list of proposals to take down what many conservatives believe is a secret cabal of government workers who wield enormous power and work against Republicans. Many seemed personal, tied to Trump investigations past and present. They included cracking down on government whistleblowers, making troves of documents public and creating independent auditors to monitor U.S. intelligence agencies.

But it’s the lead proposal that concerns civil servants and excites conservative activists. And it’s something Trump implemented briefly as president.

At the top of Trump’s list is reinstituting an executive order known as “Schedule F,” which would reclassify tens of thousands of federal employees involved in policy decisions as at-will employees. In other words, they would lose their employment protections, and it would be much easier for a president to fire them.

And to give a taste of how the policy might be used, the line immediately following Schedule F is a pledge to “overhaul federal departments and agencies, firing all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.”

The policy was instituted in the final weeks of the Trump administration but was not fully implemented. This time around, should Trump return to the White House, there would be little delay.

He literally already tried to do it last time. But sure, he won't try again, despite specifically releasing comms that he will :drunk:

Still no comment on the dictator for a day stuff? Too funny, facts do not exist in this dojo :tearsofjoy:
The republican's position on immigration, child exploitation and indoctrination, the economy and really all policies will have a positive impact on mental health issues in the long run :)
Thats just magnificent :tearsofjoy:

I really shouldn't be surprised that was the best response you could manage, but here we are. Absolutely incredible, Ted Cruz level avoidance and deflection here :tearsofjoy:
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I support the ending of Roe V Wade, but that's already happened. By saying it will "get worse" do you believe the Republicans will try and set federal laws on Abortion? Because I thought Trump said pretty clearly in the Debate they won't be touching it.
He said he'd lock Hillary up, build the wall and drain the swamp too ;)

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