Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 17: Old Man Yells At Crowds

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Aug 12, 2012
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I’ve never really been interested in politricks but there’s something about the sheer repulsiveness of the worm and audacity of his grift that has me fearing for the future of the USA and the whole planet should he somehow get elected again.
Would be extremely surprised if he ever gets jail time but the American people need to ensure he is out of the presidential race ASAP then I’ll breathe easier.
It is because Trump is far from business as usual. He is spearhead of a fascist movement essentially. US would become like Hungary or Russia eventually if they had their way, with elections just for show, and media who disagreed with them outlawed, people locked up/killed etc.

Thing is and I have been thinking, the neo-cons and neo-libs need to understand it isn't going to go back to "normal" (e.g from Reagan to Obama years "normal"). Those years had numerous problems, and helped lead us to where we are now, where both parties are beholden to corporate donors.

So the situation has been allowed to fester, as dems since Clinton era have taken the corporate dollar and block any progressive who could run for president like Bernie Sanders.

So the dems are still better, but for those working class people who have seen wealth go to the top more and more for 40+ years, the difference is negligible and have made them vulnerable to a negative populist in Trump and the current iteration of the republican party. If dems want to win and smash this apart, run proper progressive candidates with policies which will make measurably more difference and push them like they push their corporate dems.

The democrats failure to do this is why the republicans in their current guise are still in the game.

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Great read. I liked these parts:

It was less town hall than a debate, Trump versus Collins, lies versus truth. Truth didn’t stand a chance. Trump, 76, was like a child with crumbs around his mouth repeatedly telling a parent (Collins, 31) that he didn’t take the last cookie.

It was a warning to potential 2024 Republican primary candidates who may have to face him on the debate stage: how do you take on a motormouth entirely unencumbered by factual reality?
Very difficult. How do you debate a person who refuses to follow debating etiquette….

Just once will his supporters ever look at his cry-baby language and go “you know what? Other public figures don’t talk like this do they?”
No, that won't happen, because they love that he talks like that, and no-one else does. Trump's their man, and they think he's rooting for them. But in reality, he despises them and would never spend much time with them. He just takes their money and their votes and carries on living in his gold palace.
I just watched parts of that, but it was enough for me to donate to the Biden campaign for the first time this election cycle.

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I just watched parts of that, but it was enough for me to donate to the Biden campaign for the first time this election cycle.

On SM-A135F using mobile app
You're spending the inheritance that you informally promised to your favourite BF poster (yours truly) so that you can donate it to one elderly alleged rapist so that he can take on another elderly alleged rapist?
He lost a civil case? Well it certainly feels like the beginning of the end here, the walls are closing in...

...nah sorry, I'm cracking up now m8 😅😅 The Trump obsessed here need a new hobby!

Haha. Wait till you hear about the guy that was literally begging to be let back into this thread!

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I just watched parts of that, but it was enough for me to donate to the Biden campaign for the first time this election cycle.

On SM-A135F using mobile app

Yep, just his repulsive presence on tv again will mobilise democrats, independents (and educated moderate Republicans) to get interested/involved and ready to turn out to vote against him again. Trump has zero chance of being elected; the GOP should cut their losses while they can but he has them by the balls and they are too piss weak to take the short term hit.
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Haha. Wait till you hear about the guy that was literally begging to be let back into this thread!
A ha, so you are to blame for letting the plagiarist back in;)? Glad he still has his medal for it.
Did by any chance read the comments section of that article?

Nearly all support him and are cheer leading that he is sticking it to the 'left'.

I am so over this left/right BS.
What really boggles me is that Trump and his followers bang on about how Biden and Democrats more generally are dividing the country. I know it always looks different from the other end of the political spectrum, but how on earth can people not consider how singularly divisive the former President is? The level of projection is unfathomable!

Very difficult. How do you debate a person who refuses to follow debating etiquette….

View attachment 1684297
I think whoever it is should just go out all guns blazing. Call him names, shout over him, point out his failures repeatedly and never let up. Essentially make it 100% clear that he doesn't have the interests of the country at heart, but cares only for the amassing of further wealth and inflating his already overblown ego. Drum that message home relentlessly and Intimidate him into silence. Righteous anger and all that.
I think whoever it is should just go out all guns blazing. Call him names, shout over him, point out his failures repeatedly and never let up. Essentially make it 100% clear that he doesn't have the interests of the country at heart, but cares only for the amassing of further wealth and inflating his already overblown ego. Drum that message home relentlessly and Intimidate him into silence. Righteous anger and all that.
Get in the gutter with him

How many women have you raped this week?
How many of your followers have you stolen - sorry grifted money from?
How did your daughter and son in law manage to get $2b of money from the same people who flew jets into US Buildings?
You say you are friend of Israel but allowed the Saudis to re-arm for attacks on Israel?
Why did you allow yourself to be blackmailed by Putin?

Just hammer all the talking points then finish with

And how many court cases have you lost? 100?
Feminist King Donald Trump

"I don't know her but for that time I met her and then told everyone I swooned her. But I wouldn't have, she's not my type except that I think she looks like my ex-wife."

Lawyer: "And your ex-wife is your type."

"Yes. And you're a disgrace."
Haha that woman is great, answer the question Donnie
For the uninitiated: Kaitlin Collins, 31, former employee of The Daily Caller. Reasonable political reporter for CNN. Graduated to reasonable morning anchor for CNN. Leopards can change spots. Leopards can grow up. And we know it's all performative. But...

Bit of history ...

13 Syrian Refugees We'd Take Immediately
What really boggles me is that Trump and his followers bang on about how Biden and Democrats more generally are dividing the country. I know it always looks different from the other end of the political spectrum, but how on earth can people not consider how singularly divisive the former President is? The level of projection is unfathomable!

I think whoever it is should just go out all guns blazing. Call him names, shout over him, point out his failures repeatedly and never let up. Essentially make it 100% clear that he doesn't have the interests of the country at heart, but cares only for the amassing of further wealth and inflating his already overblown ego. Drum that message home relentlessly and Intimidate him into silence. Righteous anger and all that.
I don’t think that will intimidate him. You’d get just an incoherent shouty mess and the trump cultists would frame it as a win “trump reduces opponent into incoherence”. Probably needs more stage invasion/ throwing paint on him/ dump a bucket of literal shit on him that type of stunt.

Or you know straight out killing.
Get in the gutter with him

How many women have you raped this week?
How many of your followers have you stolen - sorry grifted money from?
How did your daughter and son in law manage to get $2b of money from the same people who flew jets into US Buildings?
You say you are friend of Israel but allowed the Saudis to re-arm for attacks on Israel?
Why did you allow yourself to be blackmailed by Putin?

Just hammer all the talking points then finish with

And how many court cases have you lost? 100?
Accuse him of election fraud as the only way he had so many votes and how he studied how to fake vote which is why he knows what he claimed democrats did. Hammer the it’s all projection because that’s what babies do and trump is a big fat cry baby
For the uninitiated: Kaitlin Collins, 31, former employee of The Daily Caller. Reasonable political reporter for CNN. Graduated to reasonable morning anchor for CNN. Leopards can change spots. Leopards can grow up. And we know it's all performative. But...

Bit of history ...

13 Syrian Refugees We'd Take Immediately

And this matters why?

An hour of Trump lies and this is the best you can come up with?
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