Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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Aug 12, 2012
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thanks to one man who has undermined the rule of law.

Things became arguably more serious, even sinister, with the US Supreme Court’s latest astonishing ruling. Since the entrenchment of the Conservative majority, the Court has busily attended to restricting access to abortion, liberalising gun laws, restricting voting rights, striking out Government regulatory powers, criminalising homelessness, narrowing statutes to assist January 6 insurrectionists and diminishing the authority of experts and power of government agencies. They have now contorted the court and the Constitution to find the President above the law.

I understand what u are saying… however I think it’s a mistake underestimating all trump voters as ‘dumb’. It also reeks of left elitism.
Nope you don't understand what is being said at all.

Trump supporters want to re-elect a proven criminal as leader. A self-obsessed egomaniac with a narcissistic personality disorder who brags about grabbing women on the pussy and the ring leader of the most violent attack on the American capitol in history.

Calling his supporters 'dumb' is far too kind.

Pig ignorant and downright dangerous would be better descriptors.
This whole trope of 'inner city elites' being tied to left-wing values is bizarre.

The conservatives are the party of the wealthy. Who are the inner-city elites if not the wealthy?

What are some of Trump's policies that would actually help 'normal' people?
Achy Breaky has no idea I am sure, or is in denial or …is just parroting RW propaganda.
I mean multi billionaires Thiel, Leonard Leo, the Mercers, the most elite of the elite, are all bankrolling the RW push and the captured SCOTUS but I doubt ABH would admit that. Of course Trump’s golden palace at MAL doesn’t exude man of the people either does it?

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Many are normal people who have different values to the inner city elites that align more closely with the republicans. That’s just normal democracy.

But I dare say you won’t accept that because it makes those on the dems and left side of things feel superior to belittle right wing voters. It’s a toxic trait but it is what it is.

I agree that people have a range of reasons they believe why they are better served by Republicans or Trump. Though it's harder to be charitable given Trump's actions after losing the election.

However, I think you're generalising yourself here. You say "inner city elites", despite a) this not really being backed up, and b) US conservatives banging on for decades about crime, poverty etc in the "inner cities". Are you saying US conservatives are full of it and unjustifiably fearmongering people into voting for them?
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This whole trope of 'inner city elites' being tied to left-wing values is bizarre.

The conservatives are the party of the wealthy. Who are the inner-city elites if not the wealthy?

What are some of Trump's policies that would actually help 'normal' people?
I have asked this so many times online, to my friends back in the States, even family members. Cannot get a straight answer out of them. The usual is stock market, then maybe some Fox chyron regurgitation about US in the world, jobs in Ohio (shown to never happened) or biggest economy. Nothing concrete, nothing about their own lives (most of them don't have stocks or an IRA).
These are the sort of everyday Americans that the Dems have to reach. These are the casual Fox viewers who could be swayed if the got more real news.
I have asked this so many times online, to my friends back in the States, even family members. Cannot get a straight answer out of them. The usual is stock market, then maybe some Fox chyron regurgitation about US in the world, jobs in Ohio (shown to never happened) or biggest economy. Nothing concrete, nothing about their own lives (most of them don't have stocks or an IRA).
These are the sort of everyday Americans that the Dems have to reach. These are the casual Fox viewers who could be swayed if the got more real news.

The biggest trick the wealthy have managed is the idea that trickle down economics is not only a thing, but that its a thing that benefits not wealthy folk.

We saw during Covid what happens if you give more money to poorer people instead of rich ones; they spend it and the economy grows. They go out and buy school books or shoes or clothes. They go and spend it at small business and big businesses. They don’t shove it in a bank account never to be seen again or in the stock market.

The best thing you can do for the economy is put more cash in the hands of people who’ll actually spend it, not tax cuts for the rich under some kind of nebulous trickle down economic arrangement.

/end rant
GOP has finally come up with a Republican Party Platform, for their convention - spokesman said it was “not to write a statement of Republican Party values, but to create a pledge of allegiance to Mr Trump.”

Agenda 47 includes: "President Trump's Plan to Protect Children From Left-Wing Gender Insanity”. Trump promises to ban transgender athletes from competing in sport - claiming transgender was "invented" by the "radical left” and their “programs that promote the concept of … gender transition.”

Along similar lines is the program; “Reversing Biden’s EO Embedding Marxism in the Federal Govt.” that “impose(s) racist and woke sexual ideology.”, and vowing to “cut federal funding for any school … pushing critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children."
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The biggest trick the wealthy have managed is the idea that trickle down economics is not only a thing, but that its a thing that benefits not wealthy folk.

We saw during Covid what happens if you give more money to poorer people instead of rich ones; they spend it and the economy grows. They go out and buy school books or shoes or clothes. They go and spend it at small business and big businesses. They don’t shove it in a bank account never to be seen again or in the stock market.

The best thing you can do for the economy is put more cash in the hands of people who’ll actually spend it, not tax cuts for the rich under some kind of nebulous trickle down economic arrangement.

/end rant
Back in the early 80s, I had an basic econ class at uni. We discussed Reagan's policy and this were our conclusions as well.
Unfortunately in this day and age, much of that money is spent at place like Walmart so its going to the mega-wealthy as well.

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Project 2025 have sought to clear the air over some of the outlandish claims about their agenda.

As you can see, “ending civil rights” is “mostly false”, something which should be reassuring to us all.

Only have to go back a few years when 3 supreme court judges when asked about roe vs wade in front of congress , saying its untouchable ruling
Back in the early 80s, I had an basic econ class at uni. We discussed Reagan's policy and this were our conclusions as well.
Unfortunately in this day and age, much of that money is spent at place like Walmart so its going to the mega-wealthy as well.

Would people spend so much at giant discount stores like Walmart if they had more money? Maybe, I’m not sure. It’s hard to justify supporting small business who can’t compete on a cost basis if you don’t have the money to make it an option though.
GOP has finally come up with a Republican Party Platform, for their convention - spokesman said it was “not to write a statement of Republican Party values, but to create a pledge of allegiance to Mr Trump.”

Agenda 47 includes: "President Trump's Plan to Protect Children From Left-Wing Gender Insanity”. Trump promises to ban transgender athletes from competing in sport - claiming transgender was "invented" by the "radical left” and their “programs that promote the concept of … gender transition.”

Along similar lines is the program; “Reversing Biden’s EO Embedding Marxism in the Federal Govt.” that “impose(s) racist and woke sexual ideology.”, and vowing to “cut federal funding for any school … pushing critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children."
A bit rich for a party to brag about wanting to protect kids. When they are regularly seeing their own get done for sexual offenses. Lets not forget their favorites in Trump and Musk being close as to the Epsteins, but heaps of silence on that. But keep riding hard that fake Epstein list that ironically only had people the Republicans dislike. I still remember right wingers here defending Pell to death. Often those who preach they are all for protecting kids, ended up being busted themselves for something, or silent when its one of them.

The only threat to kids, is the Republican Party. The only party who wants to force any ideologies onto kids, are the Republicans themselves. They have made ZERO effort to curb mass shootings in school. Money from their donors is more important to them. They want to force underage rape victims to carry babies to terms, some sickeningly saying that rapist has rights because he is the Dad, etc.

They talk of banning any discussion of black history. Or want to rewrite history in classes, so that it makes your typical white American look godly. The want to force religion to be taught in schools. (I thought they were against indoctrination?) Drive up suicide rates amongst gay and transgender youth by pushing them back into the closet. Apparently gay pride marches are disgusting, but child beauty pageants that are popular amongst the reds, are fine?

They want people to report to higher ups when girls have their periods (that pervert DeSantis in Florida). Oh also still in Florida, sacking heaps of school boards that are doing well academically, and installing Christian hardliners to enforce religious ideology, especially at a school that was well known for its high number of gay and trans youth, because they felt safe there. Banning books that have been read in classes for decades, yet where were the so called issues from reading them all this time that Republicans claim for, as a reason to ban them?

Simple! They have created a fake and made up culture war that never existed. This is part of the new age GOP, that has been taken over by Pseudo conspiracy nut jobs, and Christian nationalists. So much, that 99% of former Republican Party senators have distanced themselves from, or called out their own party.

Acknowledging black, Indian and migrant history. Acknowledging gay people that they do exist, and modernizing sex ed. None of these are forcing any so called woke ideologies. The Republican Party and its supporters are obsessed as f**k with using children politically. Love self projecting and calling anyone they dislike perverts.

The only creeps are them. More of them should do what that Nationals senator did in the Vic election, if they were serious protecting women and children. If any right wingers here are offended, I don't give a s**t.

If I had to raise my kids if I ever have any. I would rather raise them in a world where they do not judge other people of race, sexuality or gender. Give them the freedom of self expression and the freedom to read that they like. Not have false history and religion forced on them, And not have them be told what they must learn and say, because some old blokes stuck living 200 years ago said so. Christian Nazis, oops sorry Nationalists (same s**t) are the ones who need to go back into the closet.

"The GOP should be worried about their own pedophile problems. For a party that includes Rep. Matt Gaetz (who is being investigated for sex trafficking a minor), Rep. John Rose (who literally “groomed” his eventual wife from the age of 17 while he was 41), and former Speaker Dennis Hastert (a convicted child molester), Republicans sure do seem uninterested in cleaning their own house. Instead, they tried to make it easier to marry kids in Tennessee and continue their unwavering support for Donald Trump, who has his own bonkers history of comments about attraction to children"
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Would people spend so much at giant discount stores like Walmart if they had more money? Maybe, I’m not sure. It’s hard to justify supporting small business who can’t compete on a cost basis if you don’t have the money to make it an option though.
The big stores are the devil's work. Too easy, too cheap, everything is there. Hard to compete, I agree with that completely.
I'm actually back in the States on a trip. My old college town's downtown is pretty moribund especially during summer. They rely on tourists then, and there ain't many during the week. I walked around there the other day. Some nice places but I can see they are having a hard time of it.
The big mall, and other large store complexes out by the freeway suck in most consumers. But I have noticed that malls are not as vibrant anymore, either. Lots of unleased spaces.
I have friends that are well off. They often go to Walmart simply because it is there well outside the city where they live and convenient.
I have asked this so many times online, to my friends back in the States, even family members. Cannot get a straight answer out of them. The usual is stock market, then maybe some Fox chyron regurgitation about US in the world, jobs in Ohio (shown to never happened) or biggest economy. Nothing concrete, nothing about their own lives (most of them don't have stocks or an IRA).
These are the sort of everyday Americans that the Dems have to reach. These are the casual Fox viewers who could be swayed if the got more real news.
Getting real or truthful news is difficult when in the main the Right own the media there, including X.
Dems have a lot of work to do.

I haven’t heard any valid arguments whatsoever from Trumpers even on here about what things a Trump administration will actually do for the average person there. He will line his own pockets and those of his family and loyalists though.

Hearing now of SCOTUS Thomas connection with Putin is unsurprising.
It’s clear the actual elite in the US covet a Kleptocracy similar to the one in Russia, where the President allows them to line their own pockets with impunity, totally ripping off the working / peasant class, as long as their financial dues are also paid to the President.
There is no doubt taht Thomas and Trump covet Putin’s palace.

It’s pretty scary how conned the average person is who will gain nothing and lose everything.

Also, on Trump rallies…Having being involved in the Pentecostal movement in my own youth and attending high energy revival meetings it is clear how Trump uses that technique to control and engage his cult, and if there is any culture in the world that is susceptible to that type of mind control it is Americans.

Of course Project 25 destroying education there will only further add to the ability to control the masses.

As I have said, I have yet to hear a valid argument even on here about how a Trump authoritarian Predisency will be good for anyone except the elite.
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The big stores are the devil's work. Too easy, too cheap, everything is there. Hard to compete, I agree with that completely.
I'm actually back in the States on a trip. My old college town's downtown is pretty moribund especially during summer. They rely on tourists then, and there ain't many during the week. I walked around there the other day. Some nice places but I can see they are having a hard time of it.
The big mall, and other large store complexes out by the freeway suck in most consumers. But I have noticed that malls are not as vibrant anymore, either. Lots of unleased spaces.
I have friends that are well off. They often go to Walmart simply because it is there well outside the city where they live and convenient.
Same thing has happened to the High Street in the UK with the trading estates.
A bit rich for a party to brag about wanting to protect kids. When they are regularly seeing their own get done for sexual offenses. Lets not forget their favorites in Trump and Musk being close as to the Epsteins, but heaps of silence on that. But keep riding hard that fake Epstein list that ironically only had people the Republicans dislike. I still remember right wingers here defending Pell to death. Often those who preach they are all for protecting kids, ended up being busted themselves for something, or silent when its one of them.

The only threat to kids, is the Republican Party. The only party who wants to force any ideologies onto kids, are the Republicans themselves. They have made ZERO effort to curb mass shootings in school. Money from their donors is more important to them. They want to force underage rape victims to carry babies to terms, some sickeningly saying that rapist has rights because he is the Dad, etc.

They talk of banning any discussion of black history. Or want to rewrite history in classes, so that it makes your typical white American look godly. The want to force religion to be taught in schools. (I thought they were against indoctrination?) Drive up suicide rates amongst gay and transgender youth by pushing them back into the closet. Apparently gay pride marches are disgusting, but child beauty pageants that are popular amongst the reds, are fine?

They want people to report to higher ups when girls have their periods (that pervert DeSantis in Florida). Oh also still in Florida, sacking heaps of school boards that are doing well academically, and installing Christian hardliners to enforce religious ideology, especially at a school that was well known for its high number of gay and trans youth, because they felt safe there. Banning books that have been read in classes for decades, yet where were the so called issues from reading them all this time that Republicans claim for, as a reason to ban them?

Simple! They have created a fake and made up culture war that never existed. This is part of the new age GOP, that has been taken over by Pseudo conspiracy nut jobs, and Christian nationalists. So much, that 99% of former Republican Party senators have distanced themselves from, or called out their own party.

Acknowledging black, Indian and migrant history. Acknowledging gay people that they do exist, and modernizing sex ed. None of these are forcing any so called woke ideologies. The Republican Party and its supporters are obsessed as f**k with using children politically. Love self projecting and calling anyone they dislike perverts.

The only creeps are them. More of them should do what that Nationals senator did in the Vic election, if they were serious protecting women and children. If any right wingers here are offended, I don't give a s**t.

If I had to raise my kids if I ever have any. I would rather raise them in a world where they do not judge other people of race, sexuality or gender. Give them the freedom of self expression and the freedom to read that they like. Not have false history and religion forced on them, And not have them be told what they must learn and say, because some old blokes stuck living 200 years ago said so. Christian Nazis, oops sorry Nationalists (same s**t) are the ones who need to go back into the closet.

"The GOP should be worried about their own pedophile problems. For a party that includes Rep. Matt Gaetz (who is being investigated for sex trafficking a minor), Rep. John Rose (who literally “groomed” his eventual wife from the age of 17 while he was 41), and former Speaker Dennis Hastert (a convicted child molester), Republicans sure do seem uninterested in cleaning their own house. Instead, they tried to make it easier to marry kids in Tennessee and continue their unwavering support for Donald Trump, who has his own bonkers history of comments about attraction to children"
Agenda47 also to "outlaw birth tourism," cut welfare programs, and end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which delays deportation for children of undocumented immigrants.

Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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