Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 19: Law and Odour

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a small cut to the helix.
he was not shot.
there was no deviation of that bullett as it wizzed passed, as indicated in the vision captured.

On Sunday, he had no dressing to said ear.

Mid week, he swapped ears being bandaged on numerous live vision from rnc.

He is a marketer, he saw an opportunity.He took it.

Enough of this poor poor injured Donny.
Hitting the ear at that velocity would make no discernible difference to the bullet’s trajectory. It went straight through.

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What is it with "centrists" like you who are just asking questions

All you "centrists" are the same

The calling card of the "centrist" : "All politicians are the same"

Yet if you go back over your post history it is all conservative.

Just own up to it, you're a conservative.

There's nothing wrong with being a conservative, but there is something wrong with being in the MAGA cult
He’s not conservative. True conservatives like to, you know, ‘conserve’ things like democratic principles, the environment, etc.
So what is the point of a conservative

What do they offer
I’m not a conservative, but a true conservative wants to protect what they think is a good society, protect institutions that have lasted hundred of years. Of course, that makes them slow to adapt to change, and on social issues, that can leave them well out of step with the rest of a society. But I guess a true conservative would argue they are protecting valuable institutions and values being torn too hastily by the latest trend.

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I’m not a conservative, but a true conservative wants to protect what they think is a good society, protect institutions that have lasted hundred of years. Of course, that makes them slow to adapt to change, and on social issues, that can leave them well out of step with the rest of a society. But I guess a true conservative would argue they are protecting valuable institutions and values being torn too hastily by the latest trend.

Indeed. It’s not a fit description for MAGAS and the general angry, anti-woke, climate change denial, antivax etc online mob.
Certainly not a fit description for whatever it is the GOP has become.

Conservatives used to value education, culture, the arts, science etc.

They certainly wouldn’t have seen a thrice married adulterer with a coarse, ignorant, vainglorious, bullying manner & seemingly no ethical principles beyond greed & self aggrandizement as a suitable candidate to represent the party at any level let alone lead it.
For all those saying Trump is at least honest or that he stands up for the little guy, that he’s not for the elites🤣

Substitute Clinton/Dole for Trump/Biden 🤣

"Hi, I'm full of shit and how do you like that?"
"You know something, at least he's honest."

Because if he's not lying when he says he's not associated with Project 2025, they're completely right about the lefty hysteria around a second term. Trump goes on and is a wacky, self interested liar who doesn't do irreparable damage to the fabric of democracy in that country with a second term. He continues using government as a tool of self remuneration, but falls well short of making the permanent changes that would result in the government there becoming more fascist.

If they think he's lying - because all politicians lie and he's one of the most transparent liars ever - then the question changes: are they completely copacetic with everything Project 2025 wants for American society?

Even an 'it's complicated' is an interesting idea, because it'd involve a deeper exploration.
Your last line saves the day. Because people aren't rational actors, they can find peace with all manner of contradictions as they make their way though life.

But I don't think your typical Trump supporter believes the narrative around Project 2025 because why would they? They don't believe the Democrats on anything else. For them there's no neutral arbiter of objective fact that exists to put their trust in. Walter Cronkite is dead and in his place are 50,000 halfwits and ****wits on Twitter to tell them what's what.

If they cared to look into it further they'd see the Heritage Foundation has existed for 50 years, that it played a significant role in setting Reagan's agenda and he's their God, and they claim credit for two-thirds of Trump's agenda the first time around and he's their God on Earth. So for them..... big deal?
So vote trump?

Just admit you are a conservative, why are you ashamed and play this both sidesism game?

Vote how you wish.

There are elements of my value system that are probably more conservative and also elements that are more progressive. This idea that you must be wholly one or the other in every issue is just rubbish. We are people and much more complex than that.
So wind can change the trajectory, but an ear can't?

We can be guaranteed that both can and did change the trajectory.

The question is “By how much did it change the trajectory?” ie: are we talking nanometers, microns, meters, etc?

And what is the material impact of that deviation?

And would that deviation be observable in any way? (My vote is ‘no way’)
So you think Nate Silver wants Biden out cos why?

Thiel would want Biden to stay in, that’s better for the GOP.
Nope. Division in the Dem ranks is better for the GOP, which is why Thiel etc involved.

The GOP are all united behind a rapist fraudster megalomaniac as they are easily bought and zero moral compass..
From the doctor that handed out drugs like Candy at the white house Ronnie Johnson
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