Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 9 - The Shi'ites Hit The Fan (Cont. in Part 10, see OP)

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I made no comment on Sondland or Bill Taylor. What I did comment on was about Hill and Bolten who have been described as deep state operatives working on a coup for quite some time now.
And I see issues with how Trump operates, so your second point is just a poor attempt by you to argue a narrative of your invention, not what I posted.
Only in the fantasy world of the never Trumper would you believe it appropriate to call the man who actually won the Presidential election a loser.
I think they like to believe that they are better than him. It's the Tall Poppy Syndrome. They feel powerful when they pretend that they could do a better job.
Welcome to the Fantasy world of Never Trumpland, please empty your brain of all logic at the gates prior to entry.

“who have been described as deep state operatives working on a coup for quite some time now”




Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrhhahahahahahahagagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahaaaa ha ha ha


Ha. Oh

Oh. Ha. Haha. Oh ah oh. Ha. God.

STOP IT. Please you gotta stop it.

You’re killing me mate!!
By all means could you compile a list of the casualties of the kkk and blm.
They are not ‘just as bad as each other.’
I said in recent history. Unfortunately this is an undeniable fact m8.

Hours after Bathwater Barry made a speech about how racess all police are, a BLM sniper murdered 5 cops in cold blood. There was another rally where BLM protested the death of a black victim, who was killed by a black police officer, and a black protestor fatally shot a fellow black protestor.

In that time span, the non-existent kkk have killed zero. I'm sorry that the facts don't align with your feelings!

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I said in recent history. Unfortunately this is an undeniable fact m8.

Hours after Bathwater Barry made a speech about how racess all police are, a BLM sniper murdered 5 cops in cold blood. There was another rally where BLM protested the death of a black victim, who was killed by a black police officer, and a black protestor fatally shot a fellow black protestor.

In that time span, the non-existent kkk have killed zero. I'm sorry that the facts don't align with your feelings!
You're kind of gross.

You're not dumb enough to actually believe that. Which means you're spreading it deliberately.

You know you've embellished almost every aspect of that to try and rewrite history.
Each embellishment on its own isn't a huge deal, but combined you've made a new story, to defend KKK as better than BLM...

Again... You're kind of gross...
You're kind of gross.

You're not dumb enough to actually believe that. Which means you're spreading it deliberately.

You know you've embellished almost every aspect of that to try and rewrite history.
Each embellishment on its own isn't a huge deal, but combined you've made a new story, to defend KKK as better than BLM...

Again... You're kind of gross...
The KKK are despicable scum. Fortunately they are largely defeated and irrelevant now. In the last decade, BLM have conducted and inspired many murders. If I am incorrect, then please educate me.
What murders did BLM conduct??...
I already mentioned 6 deaths. Please read the rest of this page. They have also indirectly caused many police deaths.

It's very upsetting, but fortunately they have lately become inactive since Obama left office and racial relations started improving.
I already mentioned 6 deaths. Please read the rest of this page. They have also indirectly caused many police deaths.

It's very upsetting, but fortunately they have lately become inactive since Obama left office and racial relations started improving.
So you're claiming that BLM conducted 6 murders...

You know that isn't true. And you know you can't prove it.

So why post it?
I said in recent history. Unfortunately this is an undeniable fact m8.

Hours after Bathwater Barry made a speech about how racess all police are, a BLM sniper murdered 5 cops in cold blood. There was another rally where BLM protested the death of a black victim, who was killed by a black police officer, and a black protestor fatally shot a fellow black protestor.

In that time span, the non-existent kkk have killed zero. I'm sorry that the facts don't align with your feelings!
A BLM sniper.

Pray tell, what position did this person hold within the BLM organisation? How much were they paid for the sniping?
Who is this everyone and where on earth were they marching us to?

By 2016, the entire western world was awash with refugees from Middle Eastern Countries. The one constant in each and every one of these countries was US skulduggery. There is nothing more clear or undeniable. During the Bush/Obama years US foreign policy created over 10 Million refugees within the Middle East. This doesn't begin to count the suffering caused to many other millions, the loss of life and limbs, the mental trauma and the destruction of cities.

Turkey has accepted and housed the largest number of these. Jordan the next. These countries didn't cart them off to a nearby island prison. Nor, like throughout west, did they bitch and moan about the refugee crisis - the west actually caused.

If there was anyone marching out of step with the world - it was US foreign policy. And these US failings are hardly limited to foreign policy. But that is out of the scope of this post.

The freak election of Trump in 2016, occurred precisely because enough thinking US citizens were exasperated and acknowledged that their own country had become a dangerous catastrophe - rogue political state and a threat to all mankind.

Trump is hardly the best solution to this existential threat, he is not prepared or trained for any of what is required. The difficultly is that it appears that no one else is either. As the Democratic Primaries most clearly prove, they can't find a single candidate who can confidently defeat Trump - unless of course they can persuade someone like Oprah to run. Which tells you exactly how hopelessly screwed up this crazy Super Power has become.

In this moral and intellectual vacuum - enter from left stage China with Russia and a little timid India.


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I said in recent history. Unfortunately this is an undeniable fact m8.

Hours after Bathwater Barry made a speech about how racess all police are, a BLM sniper murdered 5 cops in cold blood. There was another rally where BLM protested the death of a black victim, who was killed by a black police officer, and a black protestor fatally shot a fellow black protestor.

In that time span, the non-existent kkk have killed zero. I'm sorry that the facts don't align with your feelings!
The American left must now surely figure high on the list of human histories stupidest ever people, yeah?

Topic for our next Mensa meet.
Yeah pretty much it's on another level of stupid it's quite impressive.

Ben Shapiro

Oct 31

So, WaPo asked my business partner,
, about our Medal of Honor dog meme. His glorious response is screencapped below. Their report then suggested Jeremy refused to answer questions about the picture. Um, no. We just think you’re being f***ing insane.
EILdq1FX0AcFQxA.jpeg.jpg EILdq1IWwAAfkBg.jpeg.jpg
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OK, your tune has changed, apparently weaponizing the Government and spying against the incoming opposition is now just oppo research.

I seem to remember it never happened a while ago, just more lies from the Trump team that they were spied on.

WE all know it was a setup/coup against a legitimate President and it hasn't stopped.

AFTER DONALD TRUMP was elected forty-fifth president of the United States, the operation designed to undermine his campaign transformed. It became an instrument to bring down the commander in chief. The coup started almost immediately after the polls closed.

Hillary Clinton’s communications team decided within twenty-four hours of her concession speech to message that the election was illegitimate, that Russia had interfered to help Trump.

It might help you work out why the Russian Collusion hoax investigation didn't include anyone else except for people associated with Trump's campaign, not designed at all to really investigate the true extent of Russian collusion.

Funny that!

There will be no impeachment

Joe Biden’s son Hunter was paid $60,000 a month by Burisma, Ukraine’s largest natural gas producer, as an entirely absent non-executive director, when he had no relevant experience in Ukraine or gas, and very little business experience, having just been dis-honourably discharged from the Navy Reserve for use of cocaine. In 2014-15 Hunter Biden also received US $850,000 from an intermediary Burisma company.

The transcript between the President's proves that Trump was asking Zelensky primarily about – Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike are the Clinton linked “cyber-security” company which provided the “forensic data” to the FBI on the alleged Russian hack of the DNC servers. Data which has been analysed showing speeds of transfer impossible via the internet and indicating a download to an attached drive. The FBI concedes it has never had access to the actual DNC server – taking the DNC’s consultants word for the contents. And the entire Russia collusion hangs on this.

Crowdstrike also made the claim that the same Russia hackers – “Fancy Bear” – who hacked the DNC, hacked Ukrainian artillery software causing devastating losses of Ukrainian artillery. This made large headlines at the time. However, this proved to have never happened and was pure fiction - there were no artillery losses! Importantly, Crowdstrike had claimed that it was the use of this coding in the (non-existent) Ukraine artillery hack, was used in the DNC hack that proved Russia hacked the DNC!!!!

This impeachment process is going to end very badly - if it publicly starts at all.
Wow. Nah, your reading of the situation is completely flawed.

I don’t suppose you have any evidence at all to support your version of the story?
Trumps fault.

I am leaving because of a Misogynistic culture - she says as she strokes her interns hair naked.

Hill acknowledged that she had done the wrong thing, she did have an inappropriate relationship with an intern on her election campaign, and has resigned. She made that clear in her resignation letter.

That sounds like personal accountability to me. She didn't have to resign. The relationship was prior to her time as a Congreswoman. There are plenty of men on both sides of the political divide who have done more or less the same (or indeed worse, at least this relationship was consensual) and are still in their job. I wonder when Duncan Hunter will resign?

I think it is incredibly poor form of you to continue to spread that picture, which is basically a piece of revenge pr0n.
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