A Section A Section Amateur Football

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Most of the students @ Haileybury have no connection with the school either. All bought from St Bedes or other southern suburbs schools to pump up their school sport. Hence no culture at the school and no culture at the old boys. Success maybe but I'm tipping not many reunions or social gatherings. Can't see nicho down at the school giving tips to young homegrown footballers down there!
You're presupposing that every club has a feeder school.

Uni Blues aren't like this at all, and the bulk of OH's better players in 2006 had no link with the school whatsoever didn't they? So what convinced them to join Old Haileybury?

Consider this, many of the Xavs' premiership and GF sides of the past decade were littered with non-Xavier players. Pretty sure none of the following were Xavier alumni (though I could be wrong about a couple):

Mollard, Ruyg, Beardsley, Lethlean, A. & P. Macdonald, McCarthy, Keyhoe, Tuddenham, Kelly, Graham, Blood, Wood, Cranage, J. Taylor, Hatfield, Donati,........etc....etc.....

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]CB – my point is that one key to success as a club, and as a team is creating an environment in which players are at a club for an extended period of time, and have come to the club for the right reason to begin with.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Not having a feeder school Uni Blues do this very well, but lets not forget the access they have to quite a large group of current and ex uni students. Your reference to OH's 2006 players is backing up my point. Why did they go to the club in the first place........and where are they now? Their school is a perfect example. They can barely win a game in years 7, 8, and 9. Throw 12 scholarship players into the mix and all of a sudden they are more than competitive. How many of these scholarship players end up at the old boys?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I did mention that successful clubs need to recruit players, but it should be a maximum of 2-3 per year. Any more and you risk messing with the culture of the club, and create issues with regular players missing out on games.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]As for Xavs, I'm no expert but I do know a bit about the club. Keyhoe, Tuddenham and Donati went to the school. Kelly was a long time sponsor before playing and all the rest except for Taylor and Hatfield (who was told he wasn't welcome) played multiple years. All those mentioned still playing will more than likely finish off their football at the club.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]A good indicator of these players as blokes, and as to why they go to a club in the first place, is to see how long they stay at the club and whether or not they leave to play for cash (and as some say, more cash) in another league.[/FONT]

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OK Paul Kaos,

At the risk of turning this thread into something closely approaching an intelligent debate about football and culture Ammo's style (a rare departure from the usual cheap shots and backhanders we get on Big Footy), I'm about to suggest we are actually approaching furious agreement.

My initial post about the coach/playing list being more of a drawcard than the off-field administration actually accords with your more recent comments.

A group of players will stick together if they enjoy each other's company, regardless of who is running the club off-field. You may be correct in some instances about 2 or 3 excellent players being the usual recruiting of most A section clubs each year, with the bulk being simple graduates from the school / U19 / reserves.

If you have an established link with the school and the Old Boys club, and the players see the coaching panel (certainly U19, but ideally senior as well) inviting them to join once they finish year 12, then you're likely to be able to continue the link.

If the players like the coach, its another very persuasive reason to start there, and stay there too.

Have a look at Scotch - many who have left simply didn't get on with Barry Price (rightly or wrongly). It may well be that Prickly Pete (as Hornet likes to call him) has had a similar effect on some of the Bloods players. I understand Dean Rice's methods didn't go down too well at OMs, and they're battling to get back up right now.

In any event, I seriously doubt that the personalities on the club's administrative committee will be the make or break when it comes to a player (be they a recruit or a school kid) deciding to play, and subsequently stay at a VAFA club for an extended period of time.

Club environment is created througha combination of factors, but I strongly believe the coaching staff have a very prominent role to play in that regard.
OK Paul Kaos,

At the risk of turning this thread into something closely approaching an intelligent debate about football and culture Ammo's style (a rare departure from the usual cheap shots and backhanders we get on Big Footy), I'm about to suggest we are actually approaching furious agreement.

My initial post about the coach/playing list being more of a drawcard than the off-field administration actually accords with your more recent comments.

A group of players will stick together if they enjoy each other's company, regardless of who is running the club off-field. You may be correct in some instances about 2 or 3 excellent players being the usual recruiting of most A section clubs each year, with the bulk being simple graduates from the school / U19 / reserves.

If you have an established link with the school and the Old Boys club, and the players see the coaching panel (certainly U19, but ideally senior as well) inviting them to join once they finish year 12, then you're likely to be able to continue the link.

If the players like the coach, its another very persuasive reason to start there, and stay there too.

Have a look at Scotch - many who have left simply didn't get on with Barry Price (rightly or wrongly). It may well be that Prickly Pete (as Hornet likes to call him) has had a similar effect on some of the Bloods players. I understand Dean Rice's methods didn't go down too well at OMs, and they're battling to get back up right now.

In any event, I seriously doubt that the personalities on the club's administrative committee will be the make or break when it comes to a player (be they a recruit or a school kid) deciding to play, and subsequently stay at a VAFA club for an extended period of time.

Club environment is created througha combination of factors, but I strongly believe the coaching staff have a very prominent role to play in that regard.

In the transient world that is VAFA football, some degree of continuity is a must. Each club has its own culture and for a successful club, preserving and building on that culture is the secret to prolonged success.

The off-field leadership is integral to this and that extends beyond the coach. Every successful club has a successful administration. Only a successful and hardworking group at the top can attract the best coaches and players and hold on to them.
Most of the students @ Haileybury have no connection with the school either. All bought from St Bedes or other southern suburbs schools to pump up their school sport. Hence no culture at the school and no culture at the old boys. Success maybe but I'm tipping not many reunions or social gatherings. Can't see nicho down at the school giving tips to young homegrown footballers down there!
Most of Players are too good to be playing Amateur football they are playing VFL which is a lot higher level than VAFA or some have made it to a higher level AFL So you talk sh.t
I love this notion that bernards supporters are the worst coz they're from the "western suburbs". Its always 'so far to go' and 'they're a different breed out there'. I've played a lot of footy for teams in the west and east and EVERY club has its ferals. You cop abuse when u play footy and get on with it. Who gives a @#$!. Thats footy. Its about how hard the players play between the sirens and what kind of blokes they are after the game in the rooms for a beer. Everyone's just gotta get over the supporters and play the game.
Nuff said

I never mentioned anything about the Western Suburbs, do you have a complex or something? I've played a lot of football also and I don't mind the on field sledging, I have copped more than most and it just steels your resolve even more.

It is just a different story when your wife and kids are shown no respect by foul mouthed cretins on the sidelines who are not good enough to get a game thinking they are funny. My family does not need to hear the sort of prison talk that came out of St. Bernards supporters mouths. When they were asked to tone it down, a family member was abused and told to shut up because no one was getting hit. The players were not that bad but the supporters need to be pulled into line.

Official complaints have been sent to the VAFA and the goal and field umpires have supported those complaints. It will be interesting to see if anything is done about this or if it is just ignored because it is too hard to deal with. My bet is the ammos will do nothing as OH are a reasonable club and we will just cop the rough treatment and get on with it, whereas if any action is taken against St. Bernards they will definitely kick and scream big time and the danger is they might even do something a whole lot worse. So the ammos will play it safe and do nothing because they want this to go away quietly.
I never mentioned anything about the Western Suburbs, do you have a complex or something? I've played a lot of football also and I don't mind the on field sledging, I have copped more than most and it just steels your resolve even more.

It is just a different story when your wife and kids are shown no respect by foul mouthed cretins on the sidelines who are not good enough to get a game thinking they are funny. My family does not need to hear the sort of prison talk that came out of St. Bernards supporters mouths. When they were asked to tone it down, a family member was abused and told to shut up because no one was getting hit. The players were not that bad but the supporters need to be pulled into line.

Official complaints have been sent to the VAFA and the goal and field umpires have supported those complaints. It will be interesting to see if anything is done about this or if it is just ignored because it is too hard to deal with. My bet is the ammos will do nothing as OH are a reasonable club and we will just cop the rough treatment and get on with it, whereas if any action is taken against St. Bernards they will definitely kick and scream big time and the danger is they might even do something a whole lot worse. So the ammos will play it safe and do nothing because they want this to go away quietly.Yesterday 21:38

This same argument was covered yesterday, so get over it. Just because bernards actually get some support at games (home or away) don't get upset over a little banter.
Most of Players are too good to be playing Amateur football they are playing VFL which is a lot higher level than VAFA or some have made it to a higher level AFL So you talk sh.t

In part that is true, however they still have no connection with the school and would not play there anyway. Hail is a shocking school when it come to sports. Having a bunch of scholarship guys who arrive to finish there education is embarrassing rather than worth celebrating.
OK Paul Kaos,

At the risk of turning this thread into something closely approaching an intelligent debate about football and culture Ammo's style (a rare departure from the usual cheap shots and backhanders we get on Big Footy), I'm about to suggest we are actually approaching furious agreement.

My initial post about the coach/playing list being more of a drawcard than the off-field administration actually accords with your more recent comments.

A group of players will stick together if they enjoy each other's company, regardless of who is running the club off-field. You may be correct in some instances about 2 or 3 excellent players being the usual recruiting of most A section clubs each year, with the bulk being simple graduates from the school / U19 / reserves.

If you have an established link with the school and the Old Boys club, and the players see the coaching panel (certainly U19, but ideally senior as well) inviting them to join once they finish year 12, then you're likely to be able to continue the link.

If the players like the coach, its another very persuasive reason to start there, and stay there too.

Have a look at Scotch - many who have left simply didn't get on with Barry Price (rightly or wrongly). It may well be that Prickly Pete (as Hornet likes to call him) has had a similar effect on some of the Bloods players. I understand Dean Rice's methods didn't go down too well at OMs, and they're battling to get back up right now.

In any event, I seriously doubt that the personalities on the club's administrative committee will be the make or break when it comes to a player (be they a recruit or a school kid) deciding to play, and subsequently stay at a VAFA club for an extended period of time.

Club environment is created througha combination of factors, but I strongly believe the coaching staff have a very prominent role to play in that regard.

Definitely is a combination of factors, of which one is the coaching staff, and I agree with you on most of your points. Many clubs have made the error of appointing coaches who don't fit in with the culture of the club, and have suffered because of it.

That's why selecting the senior coach is crucial, and let's not forget who is responsible for that selection!

Don't underestimate the value of a 'good' clubs administration. Coaches come and go, but the people behind the scenes who run the club, and have built the club, are there, and have been there for a long time. I know with our club the senior coach is not the driving force when it comes to recruiting. Rather than target every available player who would help us win games, we concentrate on those who would fit in at the club, want to play for the right reasons and for a number of years, and could potentially contribute to the club in other ways.
sorry to keep changing the topic, was looking for a definitive answer the other day and didn't get it... How good is 'The Champ' aka Lincoln Reynolds? Would you say he is one of the better full forwards/ centre half forwards outside of the AFL/VFL ranks? I haven't seen him in ages as i'm from the country, how tall and what weight would he be?

Shutup already. Finished 2 years ago, is a spanner of a bloke and made his teamates call him the champ. Enought said.

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Most of Players are too good to be playing Amateur football they are playing VFL which is a lot higher level than VAFA or some have made it to a higher level AFL So you talk sh.t

... suggest you look at the STBM list before throwing around comments about 'most of the players' from that bloody disgrace (pun intended) to tradition.
I never mentioned anything about the Western Suburbs, do you have a complex or something? I've played a lot of football also and I don't mind the on field sledging, I have copped more than most and it just steels your resolve even more.

It is just a different story when your wife and kids are shown no respect by foul mouthed cretins on the sidelines who are not good enough to get a game thinking they are funny. My family does not need to hear the sort of prison talk that came out of St. Bernards supporters mouths. When they were asked to tone it down, a family member was abused and told to shut up because no one was getting hit. The players were not that bad but the supporters need to be pulled into line.

Official complaints have been sent to the VAFA and the goal and field umpires have supported those complaints. It will be interesting to see if anything is done about this or if it is just ignored because it is too hard to deal with. My bet is the ammos will do nothing as OH are a reasonable club and we will just cop the rough treatment and get on with it, whereas if any action is taken against St. Bernards they will definitely kick and scream big time and the danger is they might even do something a whole lot worse. So the ammos will play it safe and do nothing because they want this to go away quietly.

Old Haileybury charged with conduct unbecoming during their senior match against Collegians on Saturday May 26, 2007 at McKinnon.
The specific charges are as follows:
1. That during the first half of the match abuse was allegedly directed towards the umpires from a spectator on the far wing.
2. That players no. 17 (Kynan Ford) and no. 9 (Matthew Brewer) allegedly told the umpires in no uncertain terms that they were not welcome in the social rooms.
Charges proven. Club fined $100. Players Ford and Brewer placed on $100 bond on the condition they do not offend again.
Old Haileybury apologised to umpires.

all i want is a simple yes or no answer to this, would lincoln reynolds have been as good as dan jordan?


Wacked blokes behind play on a regular basis when they weren't watching. Ran away like a little girl when people started working him out and dishing him back some of his own medicine. OT's and the VAFA are better for his absence

Wacked blokes behind play on a regular basis when they weren't watching. Ran away like a little girl when people started working him out and dishing him back some of his own medicine. OT's and the VAFA are better for his absence

Gee that hurts! Such a scathing report on you Don't Argue... looks like no body is missing you.
thanks for proving my point

What point is that? What happened during the OH game against Collegians was very minor compared with the constant filth from the St Bernard's crowd. If anything the action taken by the ammos against OH shows that they are aware that we are reasonable people and will cop it on the chin even if it is pretty ridiculous whereas St. Bernards people are a little more unpredictable and could do anything if the ammos take action. For that reason I would be very suprised if the VAFA take any action against the Bernies.

Mind you I have played against them for a long time and I must say that the players at St Bernards are fine and I always have a beer in the rooms afterwards, it is just the spectators that need some work.

Abusing umpires happens everywhere to some extent, maybe it was a bit much that day against OC but still it certainly is nowhere near as bad as calling opposition players "Black c*#!'s" and telling them to "F*%@ off you terrorist"

I think if you all take a deep breath and think about it you might just agree with me. If not, that's fine, we are all entitled to our own opinions.
What point is that? What happened during the OH game against Collegians was very minor compared with the constant filth from the St Bernard's crowd. If anything the action taken by the ammos against OH shows that they are aware that we are reasonable people and will cop it on the chin even if it is pretty ridiculous whereas St. Bernards people are a little more unpredictable and could do anything if the ammos take action. For that reason I would be very suprised if the VAFA take any action against the Bernies.

Mind you I have played against them for a long time and I must say that the players at St Bernards are fine and I always have a beer in the rooms afterwards, it is just the spectators that need some work.

Abusing umpires happens everywhere to some extent, maybe it was a bit much that day against OC but still it certainly is nowhere near as bad as calling opposition players "Black c*#!'s" and telling them to "F*%@ off you terrorist"

I think if you all take a deep breath and think about it you might just agree with me. If not, that's fine, we are all entitled to our own opinions.

Please explain? Id love to know what this means...
What point is that? What happened during the OH game against Collegians was very minor compared with the constant filth from the St Bernard's crowd. If anything the action taken by the ammos against OH shows that they are aware that we are reasonable people and will cop it on the chin even if it is pretty ridiculous whereas St. Bernards people are a little more unpredictable and could do anything if the ammos take action. For that reason I would be very suprised if the VAFA take any action against the Bernies.

Mind you I have played against them for a long time and I must say that the players at St Bernards are fine and I always have a beer in the rooms afterwards, it is just the spectators that need some work.

Abusing umpires happens everywhere to some extent, maybe it was a bit much that day against OC but still it certainly is nowhere near as bad as calling opposition players "Black c*#!'s" and telling them to "F*%@ off you terrorist"

I think if you all take a deep breath and think about it you might just agree with me. If not, that's fine, we are all entitled to our own opinions.

What happened is exactly the sort of thing that the Ammos can do without. Certainly not everything that happened has been reported here and i am not going to dredge up every detail, but don't paint it like it was nothing serious if we are to promote ourselves as a family comp. It was a disgraceful performance plain and simple. I just hope that OH are reasonable enough to realise that it cannot continue like that!

I've copped it out at the Snake Pit as well i must say, but more from on the field than off it.

And your comment on umpire abuse happening everywhere. If it was, we would be having weekly investigations i'm sure, but it doesn't seem like that is the case, so i dont know how widespread you think it is. (and yelling out "awww c'mon ump he's been doing it all day" isn't exactly umpire abuse, and that is about the worst I have heard all year until OH)
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